
73 lines
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// contracts/FastTransfer.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0;
import "./libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "./interfaces/ITokenBridge.sol";
import "./FastTransferMessages.sol";
import "./FastTransferSetters.sol";
contract FastTransfer is FastTransferMessages, FastTransferSetters {
function wrapAndTransferETH(
uint16 recipientChain,
bytes32 recipient,
uint256 arbiterFee,
uint32 nonce
) public payable returns (uint64 fastSequence, uint64 portalSequence) {
// cache Wormhole and Portal instance
IWormhole wormhole = wormhole();
ITokenBridge portal = portal();
// Portal accounts for 1 fee, but we must account for 2
uint wormholeFee = wormhole.messageFee();
require(wormholeFee * 2 < msg.value, "value is smaller than wormhole fees");
// compute amound less fees
uint amount = msg.value - wormholeFee * 2;
// normalize amount the same way that Portal does
uint normalizedAmount = normalizeAmount(amount, 18);
// create fast transfer message and publish it
ITokenBridge.Transfer memory fastTransfer = ITokenBridge.Transfer({
payloadID: 1,
amount: normalizedAmount,
tokenAddress: bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(portal.WETH())))),
tokenChain: portal.chainId(),
to: recipient,
toChain: recipientChain,
fee: 0
fastSequence = wormhole.publishMessage{
value : wormholeFee
// Forward the remaining value sans the first fee
portalSequence = portal.wrapAndTransferETH{
value: msg.value - wormholeFee
recipient, // TODO: receiving chain pool
function normalizeAmount(uint256 amount, uint8 decimals) internal pure returns(uint256){
if (decimals > 8) {
amount /= 10 ** (decimals - 8);
return amount;