commitSai 05cadc23a8 Adding chain-id in genesis.json 2019-07-29 17:12:54 +05:30
gentxs Adding chain-id in genesis.json 2019-07-29 17:12:54 +05:30
peers Adding gentxs and peers. 2019-07-29 17:09:06 +05:30 Adding gentxs and peers. 2019-07-29 17:09:06 +05:30

Crust-1 : Setup of the CommitBlockchain

Golang : Installation

Minumum Configuration Requirement
  • Cores : 4
  • RAM : 8-16GB
  • Storage Space : 50GB
  • Storage Type : SSD or HDD

Install Golang

Add the Golang PPA repository to get the latest version of Golang.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports

After adding the PPA, update packages list using the below command.

sudo apt-get update

Install the latest version of Golang and other required packages

sudo apt-get install -y git golang-go make

Setup Environment Variables

export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go

export GOPATH=$HOME/go

export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin


You can also append the above lines to $HOME/.bashrc file and run the following command to reflect in current Terminal session

source $HOME/.bashrc

go env

CommitBlockchain : Installation

  1. Install commit-blockchain from the official commitHub repository

    go get -u

  2. Navigate to the commit-blockchain folder

    cd $GOPATH/src/

  3. Run following command to install the commitBlockchain

  4. git checkout version0

    make all

  5. Check the version

    maind version & maincli version

Commit-Blockchain : Validator at Genesis

  1. After the installation of commitBlockchain

    maind init --name [moniker]

  2. you get genesis.json intialized in $HOME/.maind/config/

Finding peer Id and IP address

  1. To know the peer Id run the following command

    maind tendermint show-node-id

  1. To know IP address


Pull request to Commit Testnet repo

  1. Fork the official CommitHub genesisTransactions repository.

  2. Clone the the repo form your github repository

    git clone<your_git_user_name>/genesisTransactions.git

  3. Navigate to the folder by using the below command

    cd genesisTransactions

  4. Checkout to crust-1

    git checkout crust-1

  5. Copy the genesis.json file from $HOME/.maind/config

    cp $HOME/.maind/config/genesis.json genesis.json

  6. Create a file name peers.json and add the peerId and ip address from above > Finding peerId and IP address section

    touch peers.json

    nano peers.json

copy the node-id and ip address in following format



Note: Node-id and ip-address are need to mentioned given format in peers.json file

  1. pull request to repo git status contains two files genesis.json, peers.json

    git add .

    git commit -m {moniker} as validator

    git push origin crust-1

    Create the pull request to CommitHub genesisTransactions repository repo

After submitting the PR, the repository maintainers will merge in case of no issues. If not, issues will be commented upon.

Commit-Blockchain : Validator post genesis

  1. before testnet start master will have genesis.json and peers.json file

    wget \ crust-1/genesis.json

  2. Copy the genesis

    cp genesis.json $HOME/.maind/config/genesis.json

  1. Add the peers in $HOME/.maind/config/config.toml
  • Open file $HOME/.maind/config/config.toml
  • in persistent_peers = "" line no: 93
  • copy the peer from peers.json // located in repo
  • save the file

Example Image to adding peers

  1. Start the chain

    maind start