# radiance ☀️ Highly experimental Solana Go playground monorepo. ⚠️ **No guarantees, no support, quite possibly no documentation either. Ignore this repo unless you're ready to read and understand the code.** ⚠️ ## Available tooling - [solrays](cmd/solrays), an RPC proxy that exports call latency of a Solana RPC node. ## Building In order to build the available tooling, the following is required: - Go 1.18+ - Run ``` ./generate.sh ``` Building all the tools _should_ be as easy as: ``` :; go build -o _bin/ github.com/certusone/radiance/cmd/... ``` All binaries will be placed in `_bin/` folder. Or if you're just looking for a single tool, say `solrays`: ``` :; go build -o _bin/ github.com/certusone/radiance/cmd/solrays ``` **NOTE:** Mind yourself, some of the tools here tools may depend on C code (and CGO), and other shenanigans, so you may have to adapt accordingly.