Richard Patel dd5fa9a000 compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00
BUILD compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00
README.md compactindex: document file format in README.md 2022-11-13 20:38:18 +01:00
build.go compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00
build_test.go compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00
compactindex.go compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00
query.go compactindex: simplify header, fix queries 2022-11-13 22:37:58 +01:00


a fast flat-file index for constant datasets

This package specifies a file format and Go implementation for indexing constant datasets.


  • is an immutable file format;
  • maps arbitrary keys into offsets in an external flat file;
  • consumes a constant amount of space per entry
    • ~6-8 bytes, regardless of key size
    • 3 bytes per enty
  • O(1) complexity queries, with 2 + log2(10000) lookups worst- & average-case (binary search);
  • during construction, requires near-constant memory space and O(n) scratch space with regard to entries per file;
  • during construction, features a constant >500k entry/s per-core write rate (2.5 GHz Intel laptop);
  • works on any storage supporting random reads (regular files, HTTP range requests, on-chain, ...);
  • is based on the "FKS method" which uses perfect (collision-free) hash functions in a two-level hashtable; 1
  • is inspired by D. J. Bernstein's "constant database"; 2
  • uses the xxHash64 non-cryptographic hash-function; 3

Refer to the Go documentation for the algorithms used and implementation details.

Go Reference


In programming terms:

fn lookup(key: &[byte]) -> Option<u64>

Given an arbitrary key, the index

  • states whether the key exists in the index
  • if it exists, maps the key to an integer (usually an offset into a file)


Here are some example scenarios where compactindex is useful:

  • When working with immutable data structures
    • Example: Indexing IPLD CAR files carrying Merkle-DAGs of content-addressable data
  • When working with archived/constant data
    • Example: Indexing files in .tar archives
  • When dealing with immutable remote storage such as S3-like object storage
    • Example: Storing the index and target file in S3, then using HTTP range requests to efficiently query data

Here are some things compactindex cannot do:

  • Cannot add more entries to an existing index
    • Reason 1: indexes are tightly packed, so there is no space to insert new entries (though fallocate(2) with FALLOC_FL_INSERT_RANGE would technically work)
    • Reason 2: the second-level hashtable uses a perfect hash function ensuring collision-free indexing of a subset of entries; inserting new entries might cause a collision requiring
    • Reason 3: adding too many entries will eventually create an imbalance in the first-level hashtable; fixing this imbalance effectively requires re-constructing the file from scratch
  • Cannot iterate over keys
    • Reason: compactindex stores hashes, not the entries themselves. This saves space but also allows for efficient random reads used during binary search

File Format (v0)


The file format contains binary packed structures with byte alignment.

Integers are encoded as little endian.

File Header

The file beings with a 32 byte file header.

struct FileHeader {
    magic: [u8; 8],       // 0x00
    max_value: u64,       // 0x08
    num_buckets: u32,     // 0x10
    padding_14: [u8; 12], // 0x14
  • magic is set to the UTF-8 string "rdcecidx". The reader should reject files that don't start with this string.
  • num_buckets is set to the number of hashtable buckets.
  • max_value indicates the integer width of index values.
  • padding_14 must be zero. (reserved for future use)

Bucket Header Table

The file header is followed by a vector of bucket headers. The number of is set by num_buckets in the file header.

Each bucket header is 16 bytes long.

struct BucketHeader {
    hash_domain: u32, // 0x00
    num_entries: u32, // 0x04
    hash_len: u8,     // 0x08
    padding_09: u8,   // 0x09
    file_offset: u48, // 0x10
  • hash_domain is a "salt" to the per-bucket hash function.
  • num_entries is set to the number of records in the bucket.
  • hash_len is the size of the per-record hash in bytes and currently hardcoded to 3.
  • padding_09 must be zero.
  • file_offset is an offset from the beginning of the file header to the start of the bucket entries.

Bucket Entry Table

Each bucket has a vector of entries with length num_entries. This structure makes up the vast majority of the index.

struct Entry {
    hash: u??,
    value: u??,

The size of entry is static within a bucket. It is determined by its components:

  • The size of hash in bytes equals hash_len
  • The size of value in bytes equals the byte aligned integer width that is minimally required to represent max_value

  1. Fredman, M. L., Komlós, J., & Szemerédi, E. (1984). Storing a Sparse Table with 0 (1) Worst Case Access Time. Journal of the ACM, 31(3), 538544. https://doi.org/10.1145/828.1884 ↩︎

  2. cdb by D. J. Bernstein https://cr.yp.to/cdb.html ↩︎

  3. Go implementation of xxHash by @cespare: https://github.com/cespare/xxhash/ ↩︎