
544 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2021
// This file has been modified by
// Copyright 2020 dfuse Platform Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package solana
import (
bin ""
type Transaction struct {
// A list of base-58 encoded signatures applied to the transaction.
// The list is always of length `message.header.numRequiredSignatures` and not empty.
// The signature at index `i` corresponds to the public key at index
// `i` in `message.account_keys`. The first one is used as the transaction id.
Signatures []Signature `json:"signatures"`
// Defines the content of the transaction.
Message Message `json:"message"`
var _ bin.EncoderDecoder = &Transaction{}
func (t *Transaction) HasAccount(account PublicKey) bool { return t.Message.HasAccount(account) }
func (t *Transaction) IsSigner(account PublicKey) bool { return t.Message.IsSigner(account) }
func (t *Transaction) IsWritable(account PublicKey) bool { return t.Message.IsWritable(account) }
func (t *Transaction) AccountMetaList() (out []*AccountMeta) { return t.Message.AccountMetaList() }
func (t *Transaction) ResolveProgramIDIndex(programIDIndex uint16) (PublicKey, error) {
return t.Message.ResolveProgramIDIndex(programIDIndex)
func TransactionFromDecoder(decoder *bin.Decoder) (*Transaction, error) {
var out *Transaction
err := decoder.Decode(&out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
func MustTransactionFromDecoder(decoder *bin.Decoder) *Transaction {
out, err := TransactionFromDecoder(decoder)
if err != nil {
return out
type CompiledInstruction struct {
// Index into the message.accountKeys array indicating the program account that executes this instruction.
// NOTE: it is actually a uint8, but using a uint16 because uint8 is treated as a byte everywhere,
// and that can be an issue.
ProgramIDIndex uint16 `json:"programIdIndex"`
// List of ordered indices into the message.accountKeys array indicating which accounts to pass to the program.
// NOTE: it is actually a []uint8, but using a uint16 because []uint8 is treated as a []byte everywhere,
// and that can be an issue.
Accounts []uint16 `json:"accounts"`
// The program input data encoded in a base-58 string.
Data Base58 `json:"data"`
func (ci *CompiledInstruction) ResolveInstructionAccounts(message *Message) []*AccountMeta {
out := make([]*AccountMeta, len(ci.Accounts), len(ci.Accounts))
metas := message.AccountMetaList()
for i, acct := range ci.Accounts {
out[i] = metas[acct]
return out
type Instruction interface {
ProgramID() PublicKey // the programID the instruction acts on
Accounts() []*AccountMeta // returns the list of accounts the instructions requires
Data() ([]byte, error) // the binary encoded instructions
type TransactionOption interface {
apply(opts *transactionOptions)
type transactionOptions struct {
payer PublicKey
type transactionOptionFunc func(opts *transactionOptions)
func (f transactionOptionFunc) apply(opts *transactionOptions) {
func TransactionPayer(payer PublicKey) TransactionOption {
return transactionOptionFunc(func(opts *transactionOptions) { opts.payer = payer })
var debugNewTransaction = false
type TransactionBuilder struct {
instructions []Instruction
recentBlockHash Hash
opts []TransactionOption
// NewTransactionBuilder creates a new instruction builder.
func NewTransactionBuilder() *TransactionBuilder {
return &TransactionBuilder{}
// AddInstruction adds the provided instruction to the builder.
func (builder *TransactionBuilder) AddInstruction(instruction Instruction) *TransactionBuilder {
builder.instructions = append(builder.instructions, instruction)
return builder
// SetRecentBlockHash sets the recent blockhash for the instruction builder.
func (builder *TransactionBuilder) SetRecentBlockHash(recentBlockHash Hash) *TransactionBuilder {
builder.recentBlockHash = recentBlockHash
return builder
// WithOpt adds a TransactionOption.
func (builder *TransactionBuilder) WithOpt(opt TransactionOption) *TransactionBuilder {
builder.opts = append(builder.opts, opt)
return builder
// Set transaction fee payer.
// If not set, defaults to first signer account of the first instruction.
func (builder *TransactionBuilder) SetFeePayer(feePayer PublicKey) *TransactionBuilder {
builder.opts = append(builder.opts, TransactionPayer(feePayer))
return builder
// Build builds and returns a *Transaction.
func (builder *TransactionBuilder) Build() (*Transaction, error) {
return NewTransaction(
func NewTransaction(instructions []Instruction, recentBlockHash Hash, opts ...TransactionOption) (*Transaction, error) {
if len(instructions) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("requires at-least one instruction to create a transaction")
options := transactionOptions{}
for _, opt := range opts {
feePayer := options.payer
if feePayer.IsZero() {
found := false
for _, act := range instructions[0].Accounts() {
if act.IsSigner {
feePayer = act.PublicKey
found = true
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine fee payer. You can ether pass the fee payer via the 'TransactionWithInstructions' option parameter or it falls back to the first instruction's first signer")
programIDs := make(PublicKeySlice, 0)
accounts := []*AccountMeta{}
for _, instruction := range instructions {
for _, key := range instruction.Accounts() {
accounts = append(accounts, key)
// Add programID to the account list
for _, programID := range programIDs {
accounts = append(accounts, &AccountMeta{
PublicKey: programID,
IsSigner: false,
IsWritable: false,
// Sort. Prioritizing first by signer, then by writable
sort.SliceStable(accounts, func(i, j int) bool {
return accounts[i].less(accounts[j])
uniqAccountsMap := map[PublicKey]uint64{}
uniqAccounts := []*AccountMeta{}
for _, acc := range accounts {
if index, found := uniqAccountsMap[acc.PublicKey]; found {
uniqAccounts[index].IsWritable = uniqAccounts[index].IsWritable || acc.IsWritable
uniqAccounts = append(uniqAccounts, acc)
uniqAccountsMap[acc.PublicKey] = uint64(len(uniqAccounts) - 1)
if debugNewTransaction {
zlog.Debug("unique account sorted", zap.Int("account_count", len(uniqAccounts)))
// Move fee payer to the front
feePayerIndex := -1
for idx, acc := range uniqAccounts {
if acc.PublicKey.Equals(feePayer) {
feePayerIndex = idx
if debugNewTransaction {
zlog.Debug("current fee payer index", zap.Int("fee_payer_index", feePayerIndex))
accountCount := len(uniqAccounts)
if feePayerIndex < 0 {
// fee payer is not part of accounts we want to add it
finalAccounts := make([]*AccountMeta, accountCount)
itr := 1
for idx, uniqAccount := range uniqAccounts {
if idx == feePayerIndex {
uniqAccount.IsSigner = true
uniqAccount.IsWritable = true
finalAccounts[0] = uniqAccount
finalAccounts[itr] = uniqAccount
if feePayerIndex < 0 {
// fee payer is not part of accounts we want to add it
feePayerAccount := &AccountMeta{
PublicKey: feePayer,
IsSigner: true,
IsWritable: true,
finalAccounts[0] = feePayerAccount
message := Message{
RecentBlockhash: recentBlockHash,
accountKeyIndex := map[string]uint16{}
for idx, acc := range finalAccounts {
if debugNewTransaction {
zlog.Debug("transaction account",
zap.Int("account_index", idx),
zap.Stringer("account_pub_key", acc.PublicKey),
message.AccountKeys = append(message.AccountKeys, acc.PublicKey)
accountKeyIndex[acc.PublicKey.String()] = uint16(idx)
if acc.IsSigner {
if !acc.IsWritable {
if !acc.IsWritable {
if debugNewTransaction {
zlog.Debug("message header compiled",
zap.Uint8("num_required_signatures", message.Header.NumRequiredSignatures),
zap.Uint8("num_readonly_signed_accounts", message.Header.NumReadonlySignedAccounts),
zap.Uint8("num_readonly_unsigned_accounts", message.Header.NumReadonlyUnsignedAccounts),
for txIdx, instruction := range instructions {
accounts = instruction.Accounts()
accountIndex := make([]uint16, len(accounts))
for idx, acc := range accounts {
accountIndex[idx] = accountKeyIndex[acc.PublicKey.String()]
data, err := instruction.Data()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode instructions [%d]: %w", txIdx, err)
message.Instructions = append(message.Instructions, CompiledInstruction{
ProgramIDIndex: accountKeyIndex[instruction.ProgramID().String()],
Accounts: accountIndex,
Data: data,
return &Transaction{
Message: message,
}, nil
type privateKeyGetter func(key PublicKey) *PrivateKey
func (tx *Transaction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
if len(tx.Signatures) == 0 || len(tx.Signatures) != int(tx.Message.Header.NumRequiredSignatures) {
return nil, errors.New("signature verification failed")
messageContent, err := tx.Message.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode tx.Message to binary: %w", err)
var signatureCount []byte
bin.EncodeCompactU16Length(&signatureCount, len(tx.Signatures))
output := make([]byte, 0, len(signatureCount)+len(signatureCount)*64+len(messageContent))
output = append(output, signatureCount...)
for _, sig := range tx.Signatures {
output = append(output, sig[:]...)
output = append(output, messageContent...)
return output, nil
func (tx Transaction) MarshalWithEncoder(encoder *bin.Encoder) error {
out, err := tx.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
return encoder.WriteBytes(out, false)
func (tx *Transaction) UnmarshalWithDecoder(decoder *bin.Decoder) (err error) {
numSignatures, err := bin.DecodeCompactU16LengthFromByteReader(decoder)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < numSignatures; i++ {
sigBytes, err := decoder.ReadNBytes(64)
if err != nil {
return err
var sig Signature
copy(sig[:], sigBytes)
tx.Signatures = append(tx.Signatures, sig)
err := tx.Message.UnmarshalWithDecoder(decoder)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(getter privateKeyGetter) (out []Signature, err error) {
messageContent, err := tx.Message.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to encode message for signing: %w", err)
signerKeys := tx.Message.signerKeys()
for _, key := range signerKeys {
privateKey := getter(key)
if privateKey == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signer key %q not found. Ensure all the signer keys are in the vault", key.String())
s, err := privateKey.Sign(messageContent)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to signed with key %q: %w", key.String(), err)
tx.Signatures = append(tx.Signatures, s)
return tx.Signatures, nil
func (tx *Transaction) EncodeTree(encoder *text.TreeEncoder) (int, error) {
return encoder.WriteString(encoder.Tree.String())
// String returns a human-readable string representation of the transaction data.
// To disable colors, set "".DisableColors = true
func (tx *Transaction) String() string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
_, err := tx.EncodeTree(text.NewTreeEncoder(buf, ""))
if err != nil {
return buf.String()
func (tx Transaction) ToBase64() (string, error) {
out, err := tx.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(out), nil
func (tx Transaction) MustToBase64() string {
out, err := tx.ToBase64()
if err != nil {
return out
func (tx *Transaction) EncodeToTree(parent treeout.Branches) {
parent.ParentFunc(func(txTree treeout.Branches) {
txTree.Child(fmt.Sprintf("Signatures[len=%v]", len(tx.Signatures))).ParentFunc(func(signaturesBranch treeout.Branches) {
for _, sig := range tx.Signatures {
txTree.Child("Message").ParentFunc(func(messageBranch treeout.Branches) {
parent.Child(fmt.Sprintf("Instructions[len=%v]", len(tx.Message.Instructions))).ParentFunc(func(message treeout.Branches) {
for _, inst := range tx.Message.Instructions {
progKey, err := tx.ResolveProgramIDIndex(inst.ProgramIDIndex)
if err == nil {
accounts := inst.ResolveInstructionAccounts(&tx.Message)
decodedInstruction, err := DecodeInstruction(progKey, accounts, inst.Data)
if err == nil {
if enToTree, ok := decodedInstruction.(text.EncodableToTree); ok {
} else {
} else {
// TODO: log error?
message.Child(fmt.Sprintf(text.RedBG("cannot decode instruction for %s program: %s"), progKey, err)).
Child(text.IndigoBG("Program") + ": " + text.Bold("<unknown>") + " " + text.ColorizeBG(progKey.String())).
ParentFunc(func(programBranch treeout.Branches) {
programBranch.Child(text.Purple(text.Bold("Instruction")) + ": " + text.Bold("<unknown>")).
ParentFunc(func(instructionBranch treeout.Branches) {
// Data of the instruction call:
instructionBranch.Child(text.Sf("data[len=%v bytes]", len(inst.Data))).ParentFunc(func(paramsBranch treeout.Branches) {
// Accounts of the instruction call:
instructionBranch.Child(text.Sf("accounts[len=%v]", len(accounts))).ParentFunc(func(accountsBranch treeout.Branches) {
for i := range accounts {
accountsBranch.Child(formatMeta(text.Sf("accounts[%v]", i), accounts[i]))
} else {
message.Child(fmt.Sprintf(text.RedBG("cannot ResolveProgramIDIndex: %s"), err))
func formatMeta(name string, meta *AccountMeta) string {
if meta == nil {
return text.Shakespeare(name) + ": " + "<nil>"
out := text.Shakespeare(name) + ": " + text.ColorizeBG(meta.PublicKey.String())
out += " ["
if meta.IsWritable {
out += "WRITE"
if meta.IsSigner {
if meta.IsWritable {
out += ", "
out += "SIGN"
out += "] "
return out
// VerifySignatures verifies all the signatures in the transaction
// against the pubkeys of the signers.
func (tx *Transaction) VerifySignatures() error {
msg, err := tx.Message.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
signers := tx.Message.Signers()
if len(signers) != len(tx.Signatures) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"got %v signers, but %v signatures",
for i, sig := range tx.Signatures {
if !sig.Verify(signers[i], msg) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid signature by %s", signers[i].String())
return nil