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2022-09-02 23:49:13 -07:00
package sbf
2022-09-03 00:32:15 -07:00
import (
// Interpreter implements the SBF core in pure Go.
type Interpreter struct {
text []byte
ro []byte
stack []byte
heap []byte
input []byte
entry uint64
cuMax uint64
cuLeft uint64
syscalls map[uint32]Syscall
vmContext any
// NewInterpreter creates a new interpreter instance for a program execution.
// The caller must create a new interpreter object for every new execution.
// In other words, Run may only be called once per interpreter.
func NewInterpreter(p *Program, opts *VMOpts) *Interpreter {
return &Interpreter{
text: p.Text,
ro: p.RO,
stack: make([]byte, opts.StackSize),
heap: make([]byte, opts.HeapSize),
input: opts.Input,
entry: p.Entrypoint,
cuMax: opts.MaxCU,
cuLeft: opts.MaxCU,
syscalls: opts.Syscalls,
vmContext: opts.Context,
// Run executes the program.
// This function may panic given code that doesn't pass the static verifier.
func (i *Interpreter) Run() (err error) {
// Deliberately implementing the entire core in a single function here
// to give the compiler more creative liberties.
var r [11]uint64
r[1] = VaddrInput
// TODO frame pointer
pc := int64(i.entry)
// TODO step to next instruction
for {
// Fetch
ins := i.getSlot(pc)
// Execute
switch ins.Op() {
case OpAdd32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) + ins.Imm())
case OpAdd32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) + int32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpAdd64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] += uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpAdd64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] += r[ins.Src()]
case OpSub32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) - ins.Imm())
case OpSub32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) - int32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpSub64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] -= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpSub64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] -= r[ins.Src()]
case OpMul32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) * ins.Imm())
case OpMul32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) * int32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpMul64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] *= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpMul64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] *= r[ins.Src()]
case OpDiv32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) / ins.Uimm())
case OpDiv32Reg:
if src := uint32(r[ins.Src()]); src != 0 {
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) / src)
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpDiv64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] /= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpDiv64Reg:
if src := r[ins.Src()]; src != 0 {
r[ins.Dst()] /= src
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpSdiv32Imm:
if int32(r[ins.Dst()]) == math.MinInt32 && ins.Imm() == -1 {
return ExcDivideOverflow
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) / ins.Imm())
case OpSdiv32Reg:
if src := int32(r[ins.Src()]); src != 0 {
if int32(r[ins.Dst()]) == math.MinInt32 && src == -1 {
return ExcDivideOverflow
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) / src)
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpSdiv64Imm:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) == math.MinInt64 && ins.Imm() == -1 {
return ExcDivideOverflow
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int64(r[ins.Dst()]) / int64(ins.Imm()))
case OpSdiv64Reg:
if src := int64(r[ins.Src()]); src != 0 {
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) == math.MinInt64 && src == -1 {
return ExcDivideOverflow
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int64(r[ins.Dst()]) / src)
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpOr32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) | ins.Uimm())
case OpOr32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) | uint32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpOr64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] |= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpOr64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] |= r[ins.Src()]
case OpAnd32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) & ins.Uimm())
case OpAnd32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) & uint32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpAnd64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] &= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpAnd64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] &= r[ins.Src()]
case OpLsh32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) << ins.Uimm())
case OpLsh32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) << uint32(r[ins.Src()]&0x1f))
case OpLsh64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] <<= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpLsh64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] <<= r[ins.Src()] & 0x3f
case OpRsh32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) >> ins.Uimm())
case OpRsh32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) >> uint32(r[ins.Src()]&0x1f))
case OpRsh64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] >>= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpRsh64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] >>= r[ins.Src()] & 0x3f
case OpNeg32:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(-int32(r[ins.Dst()]))
case OpNeg64:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(-int64(r[ins.Dst()]))
case OpMod32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) % ins.Uimm())
case OpMod32Reg:
if src := uint32(r[ins.Src()]); src != 0 {
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) % src)
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpMod64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] %= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpMod64Reg:
if src := r[ins.Src()]; src != 0 {
r[ins.Dst()] %= src
} else {
return ExcDivideByZero
case OpXor32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) ^ ins.Uimm())
case OpXor32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(uint32(r[ins.Dst()]) ^ uint32(r[ins.Src()]))
case OpXor64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] ^= uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpXor64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] ^= r[ins.Src()]
case OpMov32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(ins.Uimm())
case OpMov32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = r[ins.Src()] & math.MaxUint32
case OpMov64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(ins.Imm())
case OpMov64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = r[ins.Src()]
case OpArsh32Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) >> ins.Uimm())
case OpArsh32Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int32(r[ins.Dst()]) >> uint32(r[ins.Src()]&0x1f))
case OpArsh64Imm:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int64(r[ins.Dst()]) >> ins.Imm())
case OpArsh64Reg:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(int64(r[ins.Dst()]) >> (r[ins.Src()] & 0x3f))
case OpLe:
switch ins.Uimm() {
case 16:
r[ins.Dst()] &= math.MaxUint16
case 32:
r[ins.Dst()] &= math.MaxUint32
case 64:
r[ins.Dst()] &= math.MaxUint64
panic("invalid le instruction")
case OpBe:
switch ins.Uimm() {
case 16:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(bits.ReverseBytes16(uint16(r[ins.Dst()])))
case 32:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(bits.ReverseBytes32(uint32(r[ins.Dst()])))
case 64:
r[ins.Dst()] = bits.ReverseBytes64(r[ins.Dst()])
panic("invalid be instruction")
case OpLddw:
r[ins.Dst()] = uint64(ins.Uimm()) | (uint64(i.getSlot(pc+1).Uimm()) << 32)
case OpJa:
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJeqImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] == uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJeqReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] == r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJgtImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] > uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJgtReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] > r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJgeImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] >= uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJgeReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] >= r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJltImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] < uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJltReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] < r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJleImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] <= uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJleReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] <= r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsetImm:
if r[ins.Dst()]&uint64(ins.Imm()) != 0 {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsetReg:
if r[ins.Dst()]&r[ins.Src()] != 0 {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJneImm:
if r[ins.Dst()] != uint64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJneReg:
if r[ins.Dst()] != r[ins.Src()] {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsgtImm:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) > int64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsgtReg:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) > int64(r[ins.Src()]) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsgeImm:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) >= int64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsgeReg:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) >= int64(r[ins.Src()]) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsltImm:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) < int64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsltReg:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) < int64(r[ins.Src()]) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsleImm:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) <= int64(ins.Imm()) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpJsleReg:
if int64(r[ins.Dst()]) <= int64(r[ins.Src()]) {
pc += int64(ins.Off())
case OpCall:
// TODO use src reg hint
if sc, ok := i.syscalls[ins.Uimm()]; ok {
r[0], err = sc.Invoke(i, r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5])
} else {
panic("bpf function calls not implemented")
case OpCallx:
panic("callx not implemented")
case OpExit:
return nil
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented opcode %#02x", ins.Op()))
func (i *Interpreter) getSlot(pc int64) Slot {
return GetSlot(i.text[pc*SlotSize:])
func (i *Interpreter) VMContext() any {
return i.vmContext