syntax = "proto3"; package env; option go_package = ";envv1"; // Package env provides shared environment configuration values. message Env { repeated RPCNode nodes = 1; Kafka kafka = 2; } message RPCNode { string name = 1; string http = 2; string ws = 3; repeated string tag = 4; } message Kafka { // List of seed brokers. repeated string brokers = 1; // Topic prefix (dot notation). The topic name is the prefix + application-specific name. string topic_prefix = 2; // SASL SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication. message KafkaSASLAuth { string username = 1; string password = 2; } message KafkaNoAuth{} // Authentication method. oneof auth { // No authentication. KafkaNoAuth no_auth = 3; // SASL authentication. KafkaSASLAuth sasl_auth = 4; } // Encryption oneof encryption { // TLS encryption. KafkaTLSEncryption tls_encryption = 6; } // TLS encryption. message KafkaTLSEncryption {} }