import { ChainId, CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME, CHAINS, isChain, CONTRACTS, getSignedVAAWithRetry, Network, parseVaa, ParsedVaa, tryNativeToHexString, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk" import { GetSignedVAAResponse } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk-proto-web/lib/cjs/publicrpc/v1/publicrpc" import { Implementation__factory } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk/lib/cjs/ethers-contracts" import { BigNumber, ContractReceipt, ethers, providers } from "ethers" import { getCoreRelayer, getCoreRelayerAddressNative, RPCS_BY_CHAIN, GUARDIAN_RPC_HOSTS, } from "../consts" import { parsePayloadType, RelayerPayloadId, parseDeliveryInstructionsContainer, parseRedeliveryByTxHashInstruction, DeliveryInstruction, DeliveryInstructionsContainer, RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction, ExecutionParameters, } from "../structs" import { DeliveryEvent } from "../ethers-contracts/CoreRelayer" enum DeliveryStatus { WaitingForVAA = "Waiting for VAA", PendingDelivery = "Pending Delivery", DeliverySuccess = "Delivery Success", ReceiverFailure = "Receiver Failure", InvalidRedelivery = "Invalid Redelivery", ForwardRequestSuccess = "Forward Request Success", ForwardRequestFailure = "Forward Request Failure", ThisShouldNeverHappen = "This should never happen. Contact Support.", DeliveryDidntHappenWithinRange = "Delivery didn't happen within given block range", } type DeliveryTargetInfo = { status: DeliveryStatus | string deliveryTxHash: string | null vaaHash: string | null sourceChain: number | null sourceVaaSequence: BigNumber | null } type InfoRequest = { environment: Network sourceChain: ChainId sourceTransaction: string sourceChainProvider?: ethers.providers.Provider targetChainProviders?: Map targetChainBlockRanges?: Map sourceNonce?: number coreRelayerWhMessageIndex?: number } export function parseWormholeLog(log: ethers.providers.Log): { type: RelayerPayloadId parsed: DeliveryInstructionsContainer | RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction | string } { const abi = [ "event LogMessagePublished(address indexed sender, uint64 sequence, uint32 nonce, bytes payload, uint8 consistencyLevel);", ] const iface = new ethers.utils.Interface(abi) const parsed = iface.parseLog(log) const payload = Buffer.from(parsed.args.payload.substring(2), "hex") const type = parsePayloadType(payload) if (type == RelayerPayloadId.Delivery) { return { type, parsed: parseDeliveryInstructionsContainer(payload) } } else if (type == RelayerPayloadId.Redelivery) { return { type, parsed: parseRedeliveryByTxHashInstruction(payload) } } else { throw Error("Invalid wormhole log"); } } export type DeliveryInfo = { type: RelayerPayloadId.Delivery sourceChainId: ChainId, sourceTransactionHash: string deliveryInstructionsContainer: DeliveryInstructionsContainer targetChainStatuses: { chainId: ChainId events: { status: DeliveryStatus | string; transactionHash: string | null }[] }[] } export type RedeliveryInfo = { type: RelayerPayloadId.Redelivery redeliverySourceChainId: ChainId, redeliverySourceTransactionHash: string redeliveryInstruction: RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction } export function printChain(chainId: number) { return `${CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[chainId as ChainId]} (Chain ${chainId})` } export function printInfo(info: DeliveryInfo | RedeliveryInfo) { console.log(stringifyInfo(info)); } export function stringifyInfo(info: DeliveryInfo | RedeliveryInfo): string { let stringifiedInfo = ""; if(info.type==RelayerPayloadId.Redelivery) { stringifiedInfo += (`Found Redelivery request in transaction ${info.redeliverySourceTransactionHash} on ${printChain(info.redeliverySourceChainId)}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`Original Delivery Source Chain: ${printChain(info.redeliveryInstruction.sourceChain)}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`Original Delivery Source Transaction Hash: 0x${info.redeliveryInstruction.sourceTxHash.toString("hex")}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`Original Delivery Source Nonce: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.sourceNonce}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`Target Chain: ${printChain(info.redeliveryInstruction.targetChain)}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`multisendIndex: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.multisendIndex}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`deliveryIndex: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.deliveryIndex}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`New max amount (in target chain currency) to use for gas: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.newMaximumRefundTarget}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`New amount (in target chain currency) to pass into target address: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.newMaximumRefundTarget}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`New target chain gas limit: ${info.redeliveryInstruction.executionParameters.gasLimit}\n`) stringifiedInfo += (`Relay Provider Delivery Address: 0x${info.redeliveryInstruction.executionParameters.providerDeliveryAddress.toString("hex")}\n`) } else if(info.type==RelayerPayloadId.Delivery) { stringifiedInfo += (`Found delivery request in transaction ${info.sourceTransactionHash} on ${printChain(info.sourceChainId)}\n`) stringifiedInfo += ((info.deliveryInstructionsContainer.sufficientlyFunded ? "The delivery was funded\n" : "** NOTE: The delivery was NOT sufficiently funded. You did not have enough leftover funds to perform the forward **\n")) const length = info.deliveryInstructionsContainer.instructions.length; stringifiedInfo += (`\nMessages were requested to be sent to ${length} destination${length == 1 ? "" : "s"}:\n`) stringifiedInfo += ( DeliveryInstruction, i) => { let result = ""; const targetChainName = CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[instruction.targetChain as ChainId]; result += `\n(Destination ${i}): Target address is 0x${instruction.targetAddress.toString("hex")} on ${printChain(instruction.targetChain)}\n` result += `Max amount to use for gas: ${instruction.maximumRefundTarget} of ${targetChainName} currency\n` result += ? `Amount to pass into target address: ${instruction.receiverValueTarget} of ${CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[instruction.targetChain as ChainId]} currency\n` : `` result += `Gas limit: ${instruction.executionParameters.gasLimit} ${targetChainName} gas\n` result += `Relay Provider Delivery Address: 0x${instruction.executionParameters.providerDeliveryAddress.toString("hex")}\n` result += info.targetChainStatuses[i], i) => (`Delivery attempt ${i+1}: ${e.status}${e.transactionHash ? ` (${targetChainName} transaction hash: ${e.transactionHash})` : ""}`)).join("\n") return result; }).join("\n")) + "\n" } return stringifiedInfo } function getDefaultProvider(network: Network, chainId: ChainId) { return new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider( RPCS_BY_CHAIN[network][CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[chainId]] ) } export async function getDeliveryInfoBySourceTx( infoRequest: InfoRequest ): Promise { const sourceChainProvider = infoRequest.sourceChainProvider || getDefaultProvider(infoRequest.environment, infoRequest.sourceChain); if (!sourceChainProvider) throw Error( "No default RPC for this chain; pass in your own provider (as sourceChainProvider)" ) const receipt = await sourceChainProvider.getTransactionReceipt( infoRequest.sourceTransaction ) if (!receipt) throw Error("Transaction has not been mined") const bridgeAddress = CONTRACTS[infoRequest.environment][CHAIN_ID_TO_NAME[infoRequest.sourceChain]].core const coreRelayerAddress = getCoreRelayerAddressNative( infoRequest.sourceChain, infoRequest.environment ) if (!bridgeAddress || !coreRelayerAddress) { throw Error(`Invalid chain ID or network: Chain ID ${infoRequest.sourceChain}, ${infoRequest.environment}`) } const deliveryLog = findLog( receipt, bridgeAddress, tryNativeToHexString(coreRelayerAddress, "ethereum"), infoRequest.coreRelayerWhMessageIndex ? infoRequest.coreRelayerWhMessageIndex : 0, infoRequest.sourceNonce?.toString() ) const { type, parsed } = parseWormholeLog(deliveryLog.log) if (type == RelayerPayloadId.Redelivery) { const redeliveryInstruction = parsed as RedeliveryByTxHashInstruction return { type, redeliverySourceChainId: infoRequest.sourceChain, redeliverySourceTransactionHash: infoRequest.sourceTransaction, redeliveryInstruction, } } /* Potentially use 'guardianRPCHosts' to get status of VAA; code in comments at end [1] */ const deliveryInstructionsContainer = parsed as DeliveryInstructionsContainer const targetChainStatuses = await Promise.all( (instruction: DeliveryInstruction) => { const targetChain = instruction.targetChain as ChainId; if(!isChain(targetChain)) throw Error(`Invalid Chain: ${targetChain}`) const targetChainProvider = infoRequest.targetChainProviders?.get(targetChain) || getDefaultProvider(infoRequest.environment, targetChain) if (!targetChainProvider) throw Error( "No default RPC for this chain; pass in your own provider (as targetChainProvider)" ) const sourceChainBlock = await sourceChainProvider.getBlock(receipt.blockNumber); const [blockStartNumber, blockEndNumber] = infoRequest.targetChainBlockRanges?.get(targetChain) || getBlockRange(targetChainProvider, sourceChainBlock.timestamp); const deliveryEvents = await pullEventsBySourceSequence( infoRequest.environment, targetChain, targetChainProvider, infoRequest.sourceChain, BigNumber.from(deliveryLog.sequence), blockStartNumber, blockEndNumber ) if (deliveryEvents.length == 0) { let status = `Delivery didn't happen on ${printChain(targetChain)} within blocks ${blockStartNumber} to ${blockEndNumber}.`; try { const blockStart = await targetChainProvider.getBlock(blockStartNumber); const blockEnd = await targetChainProvider.getBlock(blockEndNumber); status = `Delivery didn't happen on ${printChain(targetChain)} within blocks ${blockStart.number} to ${blockEnd.number} (within times ${new Date(blockStart.timestamp * 1000).toString()} to ${new Date(blockEnd.timestamp * 1000).toString()})` } catch(e) { } deliveryEvents.push({ status, deliveryTxHash: null, vaaHash: null, sourceChain: infoRequest.sourceChain, sourceVaaSequence: BigNumber.from(deliveryLog.sequence), }) } return { chainId: targetChain, events:>({status: e.status, transactionHash: e.deliveryTxHash})) } })) return { type, sourceChainId: infoRequest.sourceChain, sourceTransactionHash: infoRequest.sourceTransaction, deliveryInstructionsContainer, targetChainStatuses } } function getBlockRange(provider: ethers.providers.Provider, timestamp?: number): [ethers.providers.BlockTag, ethers.providers.BlockTag] { return [-2040, "latest"] } async function pullEventsBySourceSequence( environment: Network, targetChain: ChainId, targetChainProvider: ethers.providers.Provider, sourceChain: number, sourceVaaSequence: BigNumber, blockStartNumber: ethers.providers.BlockTag, blockEndNumber: ethers.providers.BlockTag ): Promise { const coreRelayer = getCoreRelayer(targetChain, environment, targetChainProvider) //TODO These compile errors on sourceChain look like an ethers bug const deliveryEvents = coreRelayer.filters.Delivery( null, sourceChain, sourceVaaSequence ) // There is a max limit on RPCs sometimes for how many blocks to query return await transformDeliveryEvents( await coreRelayer.queryFilter(deliveryEvents, blockStartNumber, blockEndNumber), targetChainProvider ) } function deliveryStatus(status: number) { switch (status) { case 0: return DeliveryStatus.DeliverySuccess case 1: return DeliveryStatus.ReceiverFailure case 2: return DeliveryStatus.ForwardRequestFailure case 3: return DeliveryStatus.ForwardRequestSuccess case 4: return DeliveryStatus.InvalidRedelivery default: return DeliveryStatus.ThisShouldNeverHappen } } async function transformDeliveryEvents( events: DeliveryEvent[], targetProvider: ethers.providers.Provider ): Promise { return Promise.all( (x) => { return { status: deliveryStatus(x.args[4]), deliveryTxHash: x.transactionHash, vaaHash: x.args[3], sourceVaaSequence: x.args[2], sourceChain: x.args[1], } }) ) } export function findLog( receipt: ContractReceipt, bridgeAddress: string, emitterAddress: string, index: number, nonce?: string ): { log: ethers.providers.Log; sequence: string } { const bridgeLogs = receipt.logs.filter((l) => { return l.address === bridgeAddress }) if (bridgeLogs.length == 0) { throw Error("No core contract interactions found for this transaction.") } const parsed = => { const log = Implementation__factory.createInterface().parseLog(bridgeLog) return { sequence: log.args[1].toString(), nonce: log.args[2].toString(), emitterAddress: tryNativeToHexString(log.args[0].toString(), "ethereum"), log: bridgeLog, } }) const filtered = parsed.filter( (x) => x.emitterAddress == emitterAddress.toLowerCase() && (!nonce || x.nonce == nonce.toLowerCase()) ) if (filtered.length == 0) { throw Error("No CoreRelayer contract interactions found for this transaction.") } if (index >= filtered.length) { throw Error("Specified delivery index is out of range.") } else { return { log: filtered[index].log, sequence: filtered[index].sequence, } } }