
509 lines
22 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
import "./CoreRelayerGetters.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormholeRelayer.sol";
contract CoreRelayerMessages is CoreRelayerGetters {
using BytesLib for bytes;
error InvalidPayloadId(uint8 payloadId);
error InvalidDeliveryInstructionsPayload(uint256 length);
* @notice This function calculates the total fee to execute all of the Send requests in this MultichainSend container
* @param sendContainer A MultichainSend struct describing all of the Send requests
* @return totalFee
function getTotalFeeMultichainSend(IWormholeRelayer.MultichainSend memory sendContainer, uint256 wormholeMessageFee)
returns (uint256 totalFee)
totalFee = wormholeMessageFee;
uint256 length = sendContainer.requests.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
IWormholeRelayer.Send memory request = sendContainer.requests[i];
totalFee += request.maxTransactionFee + request.receiverValue;
* @notice This function converts a MultichainSend struct into a DeliveryInstructionsContainer struct that
* describes to the relayer exactly how to relay for each of the Send requests.
* Specifically, each Send is converted to a DeliveryInstruction, which is a struct that contains six fields:
* 1) targetChain, 2) targetAddress, 3) refundAddress (all which are part of the Send struct),
* 4) maximumRefundTarget: The maximum amount that can be refunded to 'refundAddress' (e.g. if the call to 'receiveWormholeMessages' takes 0 gas),
* 5) receiverValueTarget: The amount that will be passed into 'receiveWormholeMessages' as value, in target chain currency
* 6) executionParameters: a struct with information about execution, specifically:
* executionParameters.gasLimit: The maximum amount of gas 'receiveWormholeMessages' is allowed to use
* executionParameters.providerDeliveryAddress: The address of the relayer that will execute this Send request
* The latter 3 fields are calculated using the relayProvider's getters
* @param sendContainer A MultichainSend struct describing all of the Send requests
* @return instructionsContainer A DeliveryInstructionsContainer struct
function convertMultichainSendToDeliveryInstructionsContainer(IWormholeRelayer.MultichainSend memory sendContainer)
returns (IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory instructionsContainer)
instructionsContainer.payloadId = 1;
instructionsContainer.senderAddress = toWormholeFormat(msg.sender);
instructionsContainer.relayProviderAddress = toWormholeFormat(sendContainer.relayProviderAddress);
IRelayProvider relayProvider = IRelayProvider(sendContainer.relayProviderAddress);
instructionsContainer.messageInfos = sendContainer.messageInfos;
uint256 length = sendContainer.requests.length;
instructionsContainer.instructions = new IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction[](length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
instructionsContainer.instructions[i] =
convertSendToDeliveryInstruction(sendContainer.requests[i], relayProvider);
* @notice This function converts a Send struct into a DeliveryInstruction struct that
* describes to the relayer exactly how to relay for the Send.
* Specifically, the DeliveryInstruction struct that contains six fields:
* 1) targetChain, 2) targetAddress, 3) refundAddress (all which are part of the Send struct),
* 4) maximumRefundTarget: The maximum amount that can be refunded to 'refundAddress' (e.g. if the call to 'receiveWormholeMessages' takes 0 gas),
* 5) receiverValueTarget: The amount that will be passed into 'receiveWormholeMessages' as value, in target chain currency
* 6) executionParameters: a struct with information about execution, specifically:
* executionParameters.gasLimit: The maximum amount of gas 'receiveWormholeMessages' is allowed to use
* executionParameters.providerDeliveryAddress: The address of the relayer that will execute this Send request
* The latter 3 fields are calculated using the relayProvider's getters
* @param send A Send struct
* @param relayProvider The relay provider chosen for this Send
* @return instruction A DeliveryInstruction
function convertSendToDeliveryInstruction(IWormholeRelayer.Send memory send, IRelayProvider relayProvider)
returns (IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction memory instruction)
instruction.targetChain = send.targetChain;
instruction.targetAddress = send.targetAddress;
instruction.refundChain = send.refundChain;
instruction.refundAddress = send.refundAddress;
instruction.maximumRefundTarget =
calculateTargetDeliveryMaximumRefund(send.targetChain, send.maxTransactionFee, relayProvider);
instruction.receiverValueTarget =
convertReceiverValueAmount(send.receiverValue, send.targetChain, relayProvider);
instruction.executionParameters = IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.ExecutionParameters({
version: 1,
gasLimit: calculateTargetGasDeliveryAmount(send.targetChain, send.maxTransactionFee, relayProvider)
* @notice Check if for each instruction in the DeliveryInstructionContainer,
* - the total amount of target chain currency needed for execution of the instruction is within the maximum budget,
* i.e. (maximumRefundTarget + receiverValueTarget) <= (the relayProvider's maximum budget for the target chain)
* - the gasLimit is greater than 0
* @param container A DeliveryInstructionsContainer
* @param relayProvider The relayProvider whos maximum budget we are checking against
function checkInstructions(
IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory container,
IRelayProvider relayProvider
) internal view {
uint256 length = container.instructions.length;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction memory instruction = container.instructions[i];
if (instruction.executionParameters.gasLimit == 0) {
revert IWormholeRelayer.MaxTransactionFeeNotEnough(i);
if (
instruction.maximumRefundTarget + instruction.receiverValueTarget
> relayProvider.quoteMaximumBudget(instruction.targetChain)
) {
revert IWormholeRelayer.FundsTooMuch(i);
// encode a 'IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer' into bytes
function encodeDeliveryInstructionsContainer(
IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory container
) public pure returns (bytes memory encoded) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(
for (uint256 i = 0; i < container.messageInfos.length; i++) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(encoded, encodeMessageInfo(container.messageInfos[i]));
for (uint256 i = 0; i < container.instructions.length; i++) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(encoded, encodeDeliveryInstruction(container.instructions[i]));
// encode a 'MessageInfo' into bytes
function encodeMessageInfo(IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo memory messageInfo)
returns (bytes memory encoded)
encoded = abi.encodePacked(uint8(1), uint8(messageInfo.infoType));
if (messageInfo.infoType == IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType.EMITTER_SEQUENCE) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(encoded, messageInfo.emitterAddress, messageInfo.sequence);
} else if (messageInfo.infoType == IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType.VAAHASH) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(encoded, messageInfo.vaaHash);
// encode a 'DeliveryInstruction' into bytes
function encodeDeliveryInstruction(IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction memory instruction)
returns (bytes memory encoded)
encoded = abi.encodePacked(
* Given a targetChain, maxTransactionFee, and a relay provider, this function calculates what the gas limit of the delivery transaction
* should be
* It does this by calculating (maxTransactionFee - deliveryOverhead)/gasPrice
* where 'deliveryOverhead' is the relayProvider's base fee for delivering to targetChain (in units of source chain currency)
* and 'gasPrice' is the relayProvider's fee per unit of target chain gas (in units of source chain currency)
* @param targetChain target chain
* @param maxTransactionFee uint256
* @param provider IRelayProvider
* @return gasAmount
function calculateTargetGasDeliveryAmount(uint16 targetChain, uint256 maxTransactionFee, IRelayProvider provider)
returns (uint32 gasAmount)
gasAmount = calculateTargetGasDeliveryAmountHelper(
targetChain, maxTransactionFee, provider.quoteDeliveryOverhead(targetChain), provider
* Given a targetChain, maxTransactionFee, and a relay provider, this function calculates what the maximum refund of the delivery transaction
* should be, in terms of target chain currency
* The maximum refund is the amount that would be refunded to refundAddress if the call to 'receiveWormholeMessages' takes 0 gas
* It does this by calculating (maxTransactionFee - deliveryOverhead) and converting (using the relay provider's prices) to target chain currency
* (where 'deliveryOverhead' is the relayProvider's base fee for delivering to targetChain [in units of source chain currency])
* @param targetChain target chain
* @param maxTransactionFee uint256
* @param provider IRelayProvider
* @return maximumRefund uint256
function calculateTargetDeliveryMaximumRefund(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 maxTransactionFee,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint256 maximumRefund) {
maximumRefund = calculateTargetDeliveryMaximumRefundHelper(
targetChain, maxTransactionFee, provider.quoteDeliveryOverhead(targetChain), provider
* Performs the calculation (maxTransactionFee - overhead)/(price of 1 unit of target chain gas, in source chain currency)
* and bounds the result between 0 and 2^32-1, inclusive
* @param targetChain uint16
* @param maxTransactionFee uint256
* @param overhead uint256
* @param provider IRelayProvider
function calculateTargetGasDeliveryAmountHelper(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 maxTransactionFee,
uint256 overhead,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint32 gasAmount) {
if (maxTransactionFee <= overhead) {
gasAmount = 0;
} else {
uint256 gas = (maxTransactionFee - overhead) / provider.quoteGasPrice(targetChain);
if (gas > type(uint32).max) {
gasAmount = type(uint32).max;
} else {
gasAmount = uint32(gas);
* Converts (maxTransactionFee - overhead) from source to target chain currency, using the provider's prices
* @param targetChain uint16
* @param maxTransactionFee uint256
* @param overhead uint256
* @param provider IRelayProvider
function calculateTargetDeliveryMaximumRefundHelper(
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 maxTransactionFee,
uint256 overhead,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint256 maximumRefund) {
if (maxTransactionFee >= overhead) {
(uint16 buffer, uint16 denominator) = provider.getAssetConversionBuffer(targetChain);
uint256 remainder = maxTransactionFee - overhead;
maximumRefund = assetConversionHelper(
chainId(), remainder, targetChain, denominator, uint256(0) + denominator + buffer, false, provider
} else {
maximumRefund = 0;
* Converts 'sourceAmount' of source chain currency to units of target chain currency
* using the prices of 'provider'
* and also multiplying by a specified fraction 'multiplier/multiplierDenominator',
* rounding up or down specified by 'roundUp', and without performing intermediate rounding,
* i.e. the result should be as if float arithmetic was done and the rounding performed at the end
* @param sourceChain source chain
* @param sourceAmount amount of source chain currency to be converted
* @param targetChain target chain
* @param multiplier numerator of a fraction to multiply by
* @param multiplierDenominator denominator of a fraction to multiply by
* @param roundUp whether or not to round up
* @param provider relay provider
* @return targetAmount amount of target chain currency
function assetConversionHelper(
uint16 sourceChain,
uint256 sourceAmount,
uint16 targetChain,
uint256 multiplier,
uint256 multiplierDenominator,
bool roundUp,
IRelayProvider provider
) internal view returns (uint256 targetAmount) {
if (!provider.isChainSupported(targetChain)) {
revert IWormholeRelayer.RelayProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain();
uint256 srcNativeCurrencyPrice = provider.quoteAssetPrice(sourceChain);
if (srcNativeCurrencyPrice == 0) {
revert IWormholeRelayer.RelayProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain();
uint256 dstNativeCurrencyPrice = provider.quoteAssetPrice(targetChain);
if (dstNativeCurrencyPrice == 0) {
revert IWormholeRelayer.RelayProviderDoesNotSupportTargetChain();
uint256 numerator = sourceAmount * srcNativeCurrencyPrice * multiplier;
uint256 denominator = dstNativeCurrencyPrice * multiplierDenominator;
if (roundUp) {
targetAmount = (numerator + denominator - 1) / denominator;
} else {
targetAmount = numerator / denominator;
* If the user specifies (for 'receiverValue) 'sourceAmount' of source chain currency, with relay provider 'provider',
* then this function calculates how much the relayer will pass into receiveWormholeMessages on the target chain (in target chain currency)
* The calculation simply converts this amount to target chain currency, but also applies a multiplier of 'denominator/(denominator + buffer)'
* where these values are also specified by the relay provider 'provider'
* @param sourceAmount amount of source chain currency
* @param targetChain target chain
* @param provider relay provider
* @return targetAmount amount of target chain currency
function convertReceiverValueAmount(uint256 sourceAmount, uint16 targetChain, IRelayProvider provider)
returns (uint256 targetAmount)
(uint16 buffer, uint16 denominator) = provider.getAssetConversionBuffer(targetChain);
targetAmount = assetConversionHelper(
chainId(), sourceAmount, targetChain, denominator, uint256(0) + denominator + buffer, false, provider
// decode a 'DeliveryInstruction' from bytes
function decodeDeliveryInstruction(bytes memory encoded, uint256 index)
returns (IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction memory instruction, uint256 newIndex)
// target chain of the delivery instruction
instruction.targetChain = encoded.toUint16(index);
index += 2;
// target contract address
instruction.targetAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
instruction.refundChain = encoded.toUint16(index);
index += 2;
// address to send the refund to
instruction.refundAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
instruction.maximumRefundTarget = encoded.toUint256(index);
index += 32;
instruction.receiverValueTarget = encoded.toUint256(index);
index += 32;
instruction.executionParameters.version = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
instruction.executionParameters.gasLimit = encoded.toUint32(index);
index += 4;
uint32 payloadLength = encoded.toUint32(index);
index += 4;
instruction.payload = encoded.slice(index, payloadLength);
index += payloadLength;
newIndex = index;
// decode a 'MessageInfo' from bytes
function decodeMessageInfo(bytes memory encoded, uint256 index)
returns (IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo memory messageInfo, uint256 newIndex)
uint8 payloadId = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
if (payloadId != 1) {
revert InvalidPayloadId(payloadId);
IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType infoType = IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType(encoded.toUint8(index));
index += 1;
if (infoType == IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType.EMITTER_SEQUENCE) {
messageInfo.emitterAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
messageInfo.sequence = encoded.toUint64(index);
index += 8;
} else if (infoType == IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfoType.VAAHASH) {
messageInfo.vaaHash = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
newIndex = index;
// decode a 'DeliveryInstructionsContainer' from bytes
function decodeDeliveryInstructionsContainer(bytes memory encoded)
returns (IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer memory)
uint256 index = 0;
uint8 payloadId = encoded.toUint8(index);
if (payloadId != 1) {
revert InvalidPayloadId(payloadId);
index += 1;
bytes32 senderAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
bytes32 relayProviderAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
uint8 messagesArrayLen = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
uint8 instructionsArrayLen = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo[] memory messageInfos = new IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo[](messagesArrayLen);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < messagesArrayLen; i++) {
(messageInfos[i], index) = decodeMessageInfo(encoded, index);
IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction[] memory instructionArray =
new IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstruction[](instructionsArrayLen);
for (uint8 i = 0; i < instructionsArrayLen; i++) {
(instructionArray[i], index) = decodeDeliveryInstruction(encoded, index);
if (index != encoded.length) {
revert InvalidDeliveryInstructionsPayload(encoded.length);
return IWormholeRelayerInternalStructs.DeliveryInstructionsContainer({
payloadId: payloadId,
senderAddress: senderAddress,
relayProviderAddress: relayProviderAddress,
messageInfos: messageInfos,
instructions: instructionArray
* @notice Helper function that converts an EVM address to wormhole format
* @param addr (EVM 20-byte address)
* @return whFormat (32-byte address in Wormhole format)
function toWormholeFormat(address addr) public pure returns (bytes32 whFormat) {
return bytes32(uint256(uint160(addr)));
* @notice Helper function that converts an Wormhole format (32-byte) address to the EVM 'address' 20-byte format
* @param whFormatAddress (32-byte address in Wormhole format)
* @return addr (EVM 20-byte address)
function fromWormholeFormat(bytes32 whFormatAddress) public pure returns (address addr) {
return address(uint160(uint256(whFormatAddress)));
// Helper to put one Send struct into a MultichainSend struct
function multichainSendContainer(
IWormholeRelayer.Send memory request,
address relayProvider,
IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo[] memory messageInfos
) internal pure returns (IWormholeRelayer.MultichainSend memory container) {
IWormholeRelayer.Send[] memory requests = new IWormholeRelayer.Send[](1);
requests[0] = request;
container = IWormholeRelayer.MultichainSend({
relayProviderAddress: relayProvider,
requests: requests,
messageInfos: messageInfos