
112 lines
3.6 KiB

import axios from "axios";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { OracleConfig, readConfig } from "./config";
import { makeOracleContracts } from "./contract";
import { sleepFor } from "./utils";
async function main() {
const ethereumPath = `${__dirname}/../../ethereum`;
const abiPath = `${ethereumPath}/build/GasOracle.sol/GasOracle.abi.json`;
console.log("abiPath", abiPath);
const configPath = process.env.CONFIG!;
console.log("config", configPath);
const broadcastPath = `${ethereumPath}/broadcast`;
console.log("broadcastPath", broadcastPath);
const config = readConfig(configPath);
// connect to GasOracle contracts w/ signer
const oracles = await makeOracleContracts(config, broadcastPath, abiPath);
// get relevant Coingecko IDs based on config
const coingeckoIds = => oracleConfig.coingeckoId).join(",");
const updateGasOracleInterval = config.updateGasOracleInterval;
const fetchPricesInterval = config.fetchPricesInterval;
console.log("updateGasOracleInterval", updateGasOracleInterval);
console.log("fetchPricesInterval", fetchPricesInterval);
// get er done
let retrieveCount = 0;
const updatesTracker = new Map<number, PriceUpdate>();
while (true) {
// first get currency prices vs usd
const coingeckoPrices = await getCoingeckoPrices(coingeckoIds).catch((_) => null);
if (coingeckoPrices !== null) {
// now fetch gas prices from each provider
const gasPrices = await Promise.all( => oracle.provider.getGasPrice()));
// produce price update array
const priceUpdates = makeNativeCurrencyPrices(config.oracles, coingeckoPrices, gasPrices);
for (const update of priceUpdates) {
updatesTracker.set(update.chainId, update);
if (++retrieveCount % (updateGasOracleInterval / fetchPricesInterval) == 0) {
if (updatesTracker.size > 0) {
const updates = Array.from(updatesTracker.values());
const txs = await Promise.all( => oracle.updatePrices(updates).then((tx: ethers.ContractTransaction) => tx.wait()))
const balances = await Promise.all( (oracle) => {
const address = await oracle.signer.getAddress();
const balance = await oracle.provider.getBalance(address);
return ethers.utils.formatUnits(balance);
console.log("retrieveCount", retrieveCount, "txs.length", txs.length, "balances", balances);
await sleepFor(fetchPricesInterval);
interface PriceUpdate {
chainId: number;
gasPrice: ethers.BigNumber;
nativeCurrencyPrice: ethers.BigNumber;
function makeNativeCurrencyPrices(oracleConfigs: OracleConfig[], coingeckoPrices: any, gasPrices: ethers.BigNumber[]) {
const priceUpdates: PriceUpdate[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < oracleConfigs.length; ++i) {
const config =!;
const id = config.coingeckoId;
if (id in coingeckoPrices) {
chainId: config.chainId,
nativeCurrencyPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits(coingeckoPrices[id].usd.toString(), 8),
return priceUpdates;
async function getCoingeckoPrices(coingeckoIds: string) {
const { data, status } = await axios.get(
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
if (status != 200) {
return Promise.reject("status != 200");
return data;