
263 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../../src/01_hello_world/HelloWorld.sol";
import "../../src/01_hello_world/HelloWorldStructs.sol";
import {WormholeSimulator} from "wormhole-solidity/WormholeSimulator.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
contract HelloWorldTest is Test {
IWormhole wormhole;
uint256 guardianSigner;
// contract instances
WormholeSimulator public wormholeSimulator;
HelloWorld public helloWorldSource;
HelloWorld public helloWorldTarget;
function setUp() public {
// verify that we're using the correct fork (AVAX mainnet in this case)
require(block.chainid == vm.envUint("TESTING_FORK_CHAINID"), "wrong evm");
// this will be used to sign wormhole messages
guardianSigner = uint256(vm.envBytes32("TESTING_DEVNET_GUARDIAN"));
// set up Wormhole using Wormhole existing on AVAX mainnet
wormholeSimulator = new WormholeSimulator(vm.envAddress("TESTING_WORMHOLE_ADDRESS"), guardianSigner);
// we may need to interact with Wormhole throughout the test
wormhole = wormholeSimulator.wormhole();
// verify Wormhole state from fork
require(wormhole.chainId() == uint16(vm.envUint("TESTING_WORMHOLE_CHAINID")), "wrong chainId");
require(wormhole.messageFee() == vm.envUint("TESTING_WORMHOLE_MESSAGE_FEE"), "wrong messageFee");
wormhole.getCurrentGuardianSetIndex() == uint32(vm.envUint("TESTING_WORMHOLE_GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX")),
"wrong guardian set index"
// initialize "source chain" HelloWorld contract
uint8 wormholeFinality = 15;
helloWorldSource = new HelloWorld(address(wormhole), wormhole.chainId(), wormholeFinality);
// Initialize "target chain" HelloWorld contract. This contract will share the same
// chainID as the source contract, but (for testing purposes) will be treated like a contract living on
// a different blockchain.
helloWorldTarget = new HelloWorld(address(wormhole), wormhole.chainId(), wormholeFinality);
// confirm that the source and target contract addresses are different
assertTrue(address(helloWorldSource) != address(helloWorldTarget));
// This test confirms that the contracts are able to serialize and deserialize
// the HelloWorld message correctly.
function testMessageDeserialization(
string memory messageToSend
) public {
// encode the message by calling the encodeMessage method
bytes memory encodedMessage = helloWorldSource.encodeMessage(
payloadID: uint8(1),
message: messageToSend
// decode the message by calling the decodeMessage method
HelloWorldStructs.HelloWorldMessage memory results = helloWorldSource.decodeMessage(encodedMessage);
// verify the parsed output
assertEq(results.payloadID, 1);
assertEq(results.message, messageToSend);
// This test confirms that decodeMessage reverts when a message
// has an unexpected payloadID.
function testIncorrectMessagePayload() public {
// encode the message by calling the encodeMessage method
bytes memory encodedMessage = helloWorldSource.encodeMessage(
payloadID: uint8(2),
message: "HelloSolana"
// expect a revert when trying to decode a message with payloadID 2
vm.expectRevert("invalid payloadID");
// This test confirms that decodeMessage reverts when a message
// is an unexpected length.
function testIncorrectMessageLength() public {
// encode the message by calling the encodeMessage method
bytes memory encodedMessage = helloWorldSource.encodeMessage(
payloadID: uint8(1),
message: "HelloSolana"
// add some bytes to the encodedMessage
encodedMessage = abi.encodePacked(
// expect a revert when trying to decode a message with payloadID 2
vm.expectRevert("invalid message length");
// This test confirms that the owner can correctly register a trusted emitter
// with the HelloWorld contracts. It also tests that an emitter chainId can
// only be registered once.
function testRegisterEmitter() public {
// cache the new emitter info
uint16 newEmitterChainId = helloWorldTarget.chainId();
bytes32 newEmitterAddress = bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(helloWorldTarget))));
// register the emitter with the owners wallet
helloWorldSource.registerEmitter(newEmitterChainId, newEmitterAddress);
// verify that the contract state was updated correctly
bytes32 emitterInContractState = helloWorldSource.getRegisteredEmitter(
assertEq(emitterInContractState, newEmitterAddress);
// confirm that the target chain emitter can only be registered once
vm.expectRevert("emitterChainId already registered");
helloWorldSource.registerEmitter(newEmitterChainId, newEmitterAddress);
// This test confirms that only the owner can register a trusted emitter
// with the HelloWorld contracts.
function testRegisterEmitterNotOwner() public {
// cache the new emitter info
uint16 newEmitterChainId = helloWorldTarget.chainId();
bytes32 newEmitterAddress = bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(helloWorldTarget))));
// prank the caller address to something different than the owner address
// expect the registerEmitter call to revert
vm.expectRevert("caller not the owner");
helloWorldSource.registerEmitter(newEmitterChainId, newEmitterAddress);
// This test confirms that the `sendMessage` method correctly sends the
// HelloWorld message.
function testSendMessage() public {
// start listening to events
// call the source HelloWorld contract and emit the HelloWorld message
uint64 sequence = helloWorldSource.sendMessage();
// record the emitted wormhole message
Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
// simulate signing the wormhole message
// NOTE: in the wormhole-sdk, signed wormhole messages are referred to as signed VAAs
bytes memory encodedMessage = wormholeSimulator.fetchSignedMessageFromLogs(entries[0]);
// parse and verify the message
IWormhole.VM memory wormholeMessage,
bool valid,
string memory reason
) = wormhole.parseAndVerifyVM(encodedMessage);
require(valid, reason);
// verify the message payload
HelloWorldStructs.HelloWorldMessage memory results = helloWorldSource.decodeMessage(wormholeMessage.payload);
// verify the parsed output
assertEq(results.payloadID, 1);
assertEq(results.message, "HelloSolana");
assertEq(wormholeMessage.sequence, sequence);
assertEq(wormholeMessage.nonce, 42000); // message ID
assertEq(wormholeMessage.consistencyLevel, helloWorldSource.wormholeFinality());
// This test confirms that the `receiveMessage` method correctly consumes
// a HelloWorld messsage from the registered HelloWorld emitter. It also confirms
// that message replay protection works.
function testReceiveMessage() public {
// start listening to events
// call the target HelloWorld contract and emit the HelloWorld message
// record the emitted wormhole message
Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
// simulate signing the wormhole message
// NOTE: in the wormhole-sdk, signed wormhole messages are referred to as signed VAAs
bytes memory encodedMessage = wormholeSimulator.fetchSignedMessageFromLogs(entries[0]);
// register the emitter on the source contract
// invoke the source HelloWorld contract and pass the encoded wormhole message
// Parse the encodedMessage to retrieve the hash. This is a safe operation
// since the source HelloWorld contract already verfied the message in the
// previous call.
IWormhole.VM memory parsedMessage = wormhole.parseVM(encodedMessage);
// Verify that the message was consumed and the payload was saved
// in the contract state.
bool messageWasConsumed = helloWorldSource.isMessageConsumed(parsedMessage.hash);
string memory savedMessage = helloWorldSource.getReceivedMessage(parsedMessage.hash);
assertEq(savedMessage, "HelloSolana");
// Confirm that message replay protection works by trying to call receiveMessage
// with the same wormhole message again.
vm.expectRevert("message already consumed");
// This test confirms that the `receiveMessage` method correclty verifies the wormhole
// message emitter.
function testReceiveMessageEmitterVerification() public {
// start listening to events
// publish the HelloWorld message from an untrusted emitter
bytes memory helloWorldMessage = helloWorldSource.encodeMessage(
payloadID: uint8(1),
message: "HelloSolana"
wormhole.publishMessage(42000, helloWorldMessage, helloWorldSource.wormholeFinality());
// record the emitted wormhole message
Vm.Log[] memory entries = vm.getRecordedLogs();
// simulate signing the wormhole message
// NOTE: in the wormhole-sdk, signed wormhole messages are referred to as signed VAAs
bytes memory encodedMessage = wormholeSimulator.fetchSignedMessageFromLogs(entries[0]);
// register the emitter on the source contract
// Expect the receiveMessage call to revert, since the message was generated
// by an untrusted emitter.
vm.expectRevert("unknown emitter");