
180 lines
8.1 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {ReentrancyGuard} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {IWormhole} from "wormhole/interfaces/IWormhole.sol";
import {BytesLib} from "wormhole/libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
import {ICircleBridge} from "../interfaces/circle/ICircleBridge.sol";
import {CircleIntegrationGovernance} from "./CircleIntegrationGovernance.sol";
import {CircleIntegrationMessages} from "./CircleIntegrationMessages.sol";
/// @notice These contracts burn and mint USDC by using Circle's Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol allowing
/// for seemless cross-chain USDC transfers. They also emit Wormhole messages that contain instructions
/// describing what to do with the USDC on the target chain.
contract CircleIntegration is CircleIntegrationMessages, CircleIntegrationGovernance, ReentrancyGuard {
using BytesLib for bytes;
/// @dev `transferTokensWithPayload` calls the Circle Bridge contract to burn USDC. It emits
/// a Wormhole message containing a user-specified payload with instructions for what to do with
/// the USDC once it has been minted on the target chain.
function transferTokensWithPayload(TransferParameters memory transferParams, uint32 batchId, bytes memory payload)
returns (uint64 messageSequence)
// cache wormhole instance and fees to save on gas
IWormhole wormhole = wormhole();
uint256 wormholeFee = wormhole.messageFee();
// Confirm that the caller has sent enough ether to pay for the wormhole
// message fee.
require(msg.value == wormholeFee, "insufficient value");
// Call the circle bridge and depositForBurn. The mintRecipient
// should be the target contract composing on this USDC integration.
(bytes32 targetToken, uint64 nonce, uint256 amountReceived) = _transferTokens(
transferParams.token, transferParams.amount, transferParams.targetChain, transferParams.mintRecipient
// encode depositForBurn message
bytes memory encodedMessage = encodeDepositWithPayload(
token: targetToken,
amount: amountReceived,
sourceDomain: localDomain(),
targetDomain: getDomainFromChainId(transferParams.targetChain),
nonce: nonce,
fromAddress: addressToBytes32(msg.sender),
mintRecipient: transferParams.mintRecipient,
payload: payload
// send the DepositForBurn wormhole message
messageSequence = wormhole.publishMessage{value: wormholeFee}(batchId, encodedMessage, wormholeFinality());
function _transferTokens(address token, uint256 amount, uint16 targetChain, bytes32 mintRecipient)
returns (bytes32 targetToken, uint64 nonce, uint256 amountReceived)
// sanity check user input
require(amount > 0, "amount must be > 0");
require(mintRecipient != bytes32(0), "invalid mint recipient");
require(isAcceptedToken(token), "token not accepted");
require(getRegisteredEmitter(targetChain) != bytes32(0), "target contract not registered");
targetToken = targetAcceptedToken(token, targetChain);
require(targetToken != bytes32(0), "target token not registered");
// take custody of tokens
amountReceived = custodyTokens(token, amount);
// cache Circle Bridge instance
ICircleBridge circleBridge = circleBridge();
// approve the USDC Bridge to spend tokens
SafeERC20.safeApprove(IERC20(token), address(circleBridge), amountReceived);
// burn USDC on the bridge
nonce = circleBridge.depositForBurnWithCaller(
amountReceived, getDomainFromChainId(targetChain), mintRecipient, token, getRegisteredEmitter(targetChain)
function custodyTokens(address token, uint256 amount) internal returns (uint256) {
// query own token balance before transfer
(, bytes memory queriedBalanceBefore) =
token.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20.balanceOf.selector, address(this)));
uint256 balanceBefore = abi.decode(queriedBalanceBefore, (uint256));
// deposit USDC
SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(IERC20(token), msg.sender, address(this), amount);
// query own token balance after transfer
(, bytes memory queriedBalanceAfter) =
token.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20.balanceOf.selector, address(this)));
uint256 balanceAfter = abi.decode(queriedBalanceAfter, (uint256));
return balanceAfter - balanceBefore;
/// @dev `redeemTokensWithPayload` verifies the Wormhole message from the source chain and
/// verifies that the passed Circle Bridge message is valid. It calls the Circle Bridge
/// contract by passing the Circle message and attestation to mint tokens to
/// the specified mint recipient. It also verifies that the caller is the specified mint
/// recipient to ensure atomic execution of the additional instructions in the Wormhole message.
function redeemTokensWithPayload(RedeemParameters memory params)
returns (DepositWithPayload memory depositInfo)
// verify the wormhole message
IWormhole.VM memory verifiedMessage = verifyWormholeRedeemMessage(params.encodedWormholeMessage);
// decode the message payload into the WormholeDeposit struct
depositInfo = decodeDepositWithPayload(verifiedMessage.payload);
// confirm that the caller is the mint recipient to ensure atomic execution
require(addressToBytes32(msg.sender) == depositInfo.mintRecipient, "caller must be mintRecipient");
// confirm that the caller passed the correct message pair
params.circleBridgeMessage, depositInfo.sourceDomain, depositInfo.targetDomain, depositInfo.nonce
"invalid message pair"
// call the circle bridge to mint tokens to the recipient
bool success = circleTransmitter().receiveMessage(params.circleBridgeMessage, params.circleAttestation);
require(success, "CIRCLE_INTEGRATION: failed to mint tokens");
function verifyWormholeRedeemMessage(bytes memory encodedMessage) internal returns (IWormhole.VM memory) {
require(evmChain() == block.chainid, "invalid evm chain");
// parse and verify the Wormhole core message
(IWormhole.VM memory verifiedMessage, bool valid, string memory reason) =
// confirm that the core layer verified the message
require(valid, reason);
// verify that this message was emitted by a trusted contract
require(verifyEmitter(verifiedMessage), "unknown emitter");
// revert if this message has been consumed already
require(!isMessageConsumed(verifiedMessage.hash), "message already consumed");
return verifiedMessage;
function verifyEmitter(IWormhole.VM memory vm) internal view returns (bool) {
// verify that the sender of the wormhole message is a trusted
return (getRegisteredEmitter(vm.emitterChainId) == vm.emitterAddress);
function verifyCircleMessage(bytes memory circleMessage, uint32 sourceDomain, uint32 targetDomain, uint64 nonce)
returns (bool)
// parse the circle bridge message
uint32 circleSourceDomain = circleMessage.toUint32(4);
uint32 circleTargetDomain = circleMessage.toUint32(8);
uint64 circleNonce = circleMessage.toUint64(12);
return (sourceDomain == circleSourceDomain && targetDomain == circleTargetDomain && nonce == circleNonce);
function addressToBytes32(address address_) public pure returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(uint256(uint160(address_)));