
232 lines
7.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package report
import (
sdk "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole/sdk/vaa"
type TransferReportJob struct {
database *mongo.Database
pageSize int64
logger *zap.Logger
pricesCache *prices.CoinPricesCache
outputPath string
type transactionResult struct {
ID string `bson:"_id"`
SourceChain int `bson:"sourceChain"`
EmitterAddress string `bson:"emitterAddress"`
Sequence string `bson:"sequence"`
DestinationChain int `bson:"destinationChain"`
TokenChain int `bson:"tokenChain"`
TokenAddress string `bson:"tokenAddress"`
TokenAddressHexa string `bson:"tokenAddressHexa"`
Amount string `bson:"amount"`
SourceWallet string `bson:"sourceWallet"`
DestinationWallet string `bson:"destinationWallet"`
Fee string `bson:"fee"`
Timestamp time.Time `bson:"timestamp"`
AppIds []string `bson:"appIds"`
// NewTransferReportJob creates a new transfer report job.
func NewTransferReportJob(database *mongo.Database, pageSize int64, pricesCache *prices.CoinPricesCache, outputPath string, logger *zap.Logger) *TransferReportJob {
return &TransferReportJob{database: database, pageSize: pageSize, pricesCache: pricesCache, outputPath: outputPath, logger: logger}
// Run runs the transfer report job.
func (j *TransferReportJob) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
file, err := os.Create(j.outputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
//start backfilling
page := int64(0)
for {
j.logger.Info("Processing page", zap.Int64("page", page))
trxs, err := j.findTransactionsByPage(ctx, page, j.pageSize)
if err != nil {
j.logger.Error("Failed to get transactions", zap.Error(err))
if len(trxs) == 0 {
j.logger.Info("Empty page", zap.Int64("page", page))
for _, t := range trxs {
j.logger.Debug("Processing transaction", zap.String("id", t.ID))
if t.TokenAddressHexa == "" {
j.writeRecord(t, t.Amount, nil, nil, file)
tokenAddress, err := sdk.StringToAddress(t.TokenAddressHexa)
if err != nil {
j.logger.Error("Failed to get transactions",
zap.String("id", t.ID),
zap.String("TokenAddressHexa", t.TokenAddressHexa),
m, ok := domain.GetTokenByAddress(sdk.ChainID(t.TokenChain), tokenAddress.String())
if ok {
tokenPrice, err := j.pricesCache.GetPriceByTime(m.CoingeckoID, t.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
if t.Amount == "" {
j.writeRecord(t, t.Amount, nil, nil, file)
amount := new(big.Int)
amount, ok := amount.SetString(t.Amount, 10)
if !ok {
j.logger.Error("amount is not a number",
zap.String("id", t.ID),
zap.String("amount", t.Amount),
j.writeRecord(t, "", nil, nil, file)
priceUSD := prices.CalculatePriceUSD(tokenPrice, amount, m.Decimals)
j.writeRecord(t, t.Amount, m, &priceUSD, file)
} else {
j.writeRecord(t, t.Amount, nil, nil, file)
return nil
func (*TransferReportJob) writeRecord(trx transactionResult, fAmount string, m *domain.TokenMetadata, priceUSD *decimal.Decimal, file *os.File) error {
// vaaId, sourceChain,emitterAddress,sequence,sourceWallet, destinationChain,destinationWallet,tokenChain,tokenAddress,amount,decimals,notionalUSD,fee,coinGeckoId,symbol
var notionalUSD, decimals, symbol, coingeckoID string
if m != nil {
decimals = fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Decimals)
symbol = m.Symbol.String()
coingeckoID = m.CoingeckoID
if priceUSD != nil {
notionalUSD = priceUSD.Truncate(10).String()
line := fmt.Sprintf("%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
trx.ID, trx.SourceChain, trx.EmitterAddress, trx.Sequence, trx.SourceWallet, trx.DestinationChain,
trx.DestinationWallet, trx.TokenChain, trx.TokenAddress, fAmount, decimals,
notionalUSD, trx.Fee, coingeckoID, symbol)
_, err := file.WriteString(line)
return err
func (j *TransferReportJob) findTransactionsByPage(ctx context.Context, page, pageSize int64) ([]transactionResult, error) {
vaas := j.database.Collection("vaas")
skip := page * pageSize
// Build the aggregation pipeline
var pipeline mongo.Pipeline
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$sort", Value: bson.D{
bson.E{Key: "timestamp", Value: -1},
bson.E{Key: "_id", Value: -1},
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$lookup", Value: bson.D{
{Key: "from", Value: "parsedVaa"},
{Key: "localField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "foreignField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "as", Value: "parsedVaa"},
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$lookup", Value: bson.D{
{Key: "from", Value: "globalTransactions"},
{Key: "localField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "foreignField", Value: "_id"},
{Key: "as", Value: "globalTransactions"},
// Skip initial results
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$skip", Value: skip},
// Limit size of results
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$limit", Value: pageSize},
// add nested fields
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{"$addFields", bson.D{
{"standardizedProperties", bson.M{"$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$parsedVaa.rawStandardizedProperties", 0}}},
{"globalTransactions", bson.M{"$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$globalTransactions", 0}}},
{"appIds", bson.M{"$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$parsedVaa.appIds", 0}}},
{"parsedPayload", bson.M{"$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$parsedVaa.parsedPayload", 0}}},
pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{
{Key: "$project", Value: bson.D{
{Key: "appIds", Value: "$appIds"},
{Key: "sourceChain", Value: "$emitterChain"},
{Key: "emitterAddress", Value: "$emitterAddr"},
{Key: "sequence", Value: "$sequence"},
{Key: "destinationChain", Value: "$standardizedProperties.toChain"},
{Key: "tokenChain", Value: "$standardizedProperties.tokenChain"},
{Key: "tokenAddress", Value: "$standardizedProperties.tokenAddress"},
{Key: "amount", Value: "$standardizedProperties.amount"},
{Key: "sourceWallet", Value: "$globalTransactions.originTx.from"},
{Key: "destinationWallet", Value: "$standardizedProperties.toAddress"},
{Key: "fee", Value: "$standardizedProperties.fee"},
{Key: "timestamp", Value: "$timestamp"},
{Key: "tokenAddressHexa", Value: "$parsedPayload.tokenAddress"},
// Execute the aggregation pipeline
cur, err := vaas.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline)
if err != nil {
j.logger.Error("failed execute aggregation pipeline", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
// Read results from cursor
var documents []transactionResult
err = cur.All(ctx, &documents)
if err != nil {
j.logger.Error("failed to decode cursor", zap.Error(err))
return nil, err
return documents, nil