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package utils
import (
// FindSubstringBeforeDomains finds the substring before specified domains appear
// and also removes http:// or https:// prefix from the string.
func FindSubstringBeforeDomains(s string, domains []string) string {
// Regular expression to match the protocol prefix (http:// or https://)
reProtocol := regexp.MustCompile(`^(http://|https://)`)
// Remove the protocol prefix
s = reProtocol.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
// Create a regular expression pattern for the domains
// Escape dots since they have a special meaning in regex, and join domains with |
domainPattern := strings.Join(domains, "|")
domainPattern = strings.Replace(domainPattern, ".", `\.`, -1)
reDomain := regexp.MustCompile("(" + domainPattern + ")")
// Find the index of the first occurrence of any domain
loc := reDomain.FindStringIndex(s)
if loc != nil {
// Return the substring from the start to the first domain occurrence
return s[:loc[0]]
// If no domain is found, return the original modified string
return s