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2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
package main
import (
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
awsconfig "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config"
2023-03-23 11:36:50 -07:00
2022-11-16 10:48:16 -08:00
flyAlert "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/fly/internal/alert"
2022-11-16 10:48:16 -08:00
2022-11-16 10:48:16 -08:00
2022-11-16 10:48:16 -08:00
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
gossipv1 "github.com/certusone/wormhole/node/pkg/proto/gossip/v1"
crypto2 "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
var (
rootCtx context.Context
rootCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
var (
nodeKeyPath string
logLevel string
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
func getenv(key string) (string, error) {
v := os.Getenv(key)
if v == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("[%s] env is required", key)
return v, nil
// TODO refactor to another file/package
func newAwsConfig(ctx context.Context) (aws.Config, error) {
region, err := getenv("AWS_REGION")
if err != nil {
return *aws.NewConfig(), err
awsSecretId, _ := getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
awsSecretKey, _ := getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
if awsSecretId != "" && awsSecretKey != "" {
credentials := credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(awsSecretId, awsSecretKey, "")
customResolver := aws.EndpointResolverFunc(func(service, region string) (aws.Endpoint, error) {
awsEndpoint, _ := getenv("AWS_ENDPOINT")
if awsEndpoint != "" {
return aws.Endpoint{
PartitionID: "aws",
URL: awsEndpoint,
SigningRegion: region,
}, nil
return aws.Endpoint{}, &aws.EndpointNotFoundError{}
awsCfg, err := awsconfig.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx,
return awsCfg, err
return awsconfig.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx, awsconfig.WithRegion(region))
// TODO refactor to another file/package
func newSQSProducer(ctx context.Context) (*sqs.Producer, error) {
sqsURL, err := getenv("SQS_URL")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
awsConfig, err := newAwsConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sqs.NewProducer(awsConfig, sqsURL)
// TODO refactor to another file/package
func newSQSConsumer(ctx context.Context) (*sqs.Consumer, error) {
sqsURL, err := getenv("SQS_URL")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
awsConfig, err := newAwsConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sqs.NewConsumer(awsConfig, sqsURL,
// TODO refactor to another file/package
func newCache() (cache.CacheInterface[bool], error) {
c, err := ristretto.NewCache(&ristretto.Config{
NumCounters: 10000, // Num keys to track frequency of (1000).
MaxCost: 10 * (1 << 20), // Maximum cost of cache (10 MB).
BufferItems: 64, // Number of keys per Get buffer.
if err != nil {
return nil, err
store := store.NewRistretto(c)
return cache.New[bool](store), nil
// Creates two callbacks depending on whether the execution is local (memory queue) or not (SQS queue)
// callback to obtain queue messages from a queue
// callback to publish vaa non pyth messages to a sink
func newVAAConsumePublish(ctx context.Context, isLocal bool, logger *zap.Logger) (*sqs.Consumer, processor.VAAQueueConsumeFunc, processor.VAAPushFunc) {
if isLocal {
vaaQueue := queue.NewVAAInMemory()
return nil, vaaQueue.Consume, vaaQueue.Publish
sqsProducer, err := newSQSProducer(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create sqs producer", zap.Error(err))
sqsConsumer, err := newSQSConsumer(ctx)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create sqs consumer", zap.Error(err))
vaaQueue := queue.NewVAASQS(sqsProducer, sqsConsumer, logger)
return sqsConsumer, vaaQueue.Consume, vaaQueue.Publish
func newVAANotifierFunc(isLocal bool, logger *zap.Logger) processor.VAANotifyFunc {
if isLocal {
return func(context.Context, *vaa.VAA, []byte) error {
return nil
redisUri, err := getenv("REDIS_URI")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa notifier ", zap.Error(err))
redisPrefix, err := getenv("REDIS_PREFIX")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa notifier ", zap.Error(err))
logger.Info("using redis notifier", zap.String("prefix", redisPrefix))
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: redisUri})
return notifier.NewLastSequenceNotifier(client, redisPrefix).Notify
func newAlertClient() (alert.AlertClient, error) {
alertConfig, err := config.GetAlertConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !alertConfig.Enabled {
return alert.NewDummyClient(), nil
return alert.NewAlertService(alertConfig, flyAlert.LoadAlerts)
func newMetrics(enviroment string) metrics.Metrics {
metricsEnabled := config.GetMetricsEnabled()
if !metricsEnabled {
return metrics.NewDummyMetrics()
return metrics.NewPrometheusMetrics(enviroment)
// Creates a callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub
func newVAARedisProducerFunc(ctx context.Context, isLocal bool, logger *zap.Logger) (producer.PushFunc, error) {
if isLocal {
return func(context.Context, *producer.Notification) error {
return nil
}, nil
redisUri, err := getenv("REDIS_URI")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa notifier ", zap.Error(err))
redisPrefix, err := getenv("REDIS_PREFIX")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa notifier ", zap.Error(err))
redisChannel, err := getenv("REDIS_VAA_CHANNEL")
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa notifier ", zap.Error(err))
channel := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", redisPrefix, redisChannel)
logger.Info("using redis producer", zap.String("channel", channel))
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: redisUri})
return producer.NewRedisProducer(client, channel).Push, nil
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
func main() {
//TODO: use a configuration structure to obtain the configuration
_ = godotenv.Load()
// load configuration
cfg, err := config.New(rootCtx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error creating config", err)
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
// Node's main lifecycle context.
rootCtx, rootCtxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer rootCtxCancel()
// get p2p values to connect p2p network
p2pNetworkConfig, err := config.GetP2pNetwork()
if err != nil {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
nodeKeyPath = "/tmp/node.key"
2022-09-11 13:57:01 -07:00
logLevel = "warn"
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
2023-03-23 11:36:50 -07:00
logger := logger.New("wormhole-fly", logger.WithLevel(logLevel))
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
isLocal := flag.Bool("local", false, "a bool")
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Verify flags
if nodeKeyPath == "" {
logger.Fatal("Please specify --nodeKey")
if p2pNetworkConfig.P2pBootstrap == "" {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
logger.Fatal("Please specify --bootstrap")
// get Alert client
alertClient, err := newAlertClient()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create alert client", zap.Error(err))
// new metrics client
metrics := newMetrics(config.GetEnvironment())
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Setup DB
uri := os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI")
if uri == "" {
logger.Fatal("You must set your 'MONGODB_URI' environmental variable. See\n\t https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/go/current/usage-examples/#environment-variable")
databaseName := os.Getenv("MONGODB_DATABASE")
if databaseName == "" {
logger.Fatal("You must set your 'MONGODB_DATABASE' environmental variable. See\n\t https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/go/current/usage-examples/#environment-variable")
db, err := dbutil.Connect(rootCtx, logger, uri, databaseName, false)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not connect to DB", zap.Error(err))
// Run the database migration.
err = migration.Run(db.Database)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("error running migration", zap.Error(err))
// Creates a callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub
vaaRedisProducerFunc, err := newVAARedisProducerFunc(rootCtx, *isLocal, logger)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create vaa redis producer ", zap.Error(err))
// Creates a composite callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub
producerFunc := producer.NewComposite(vaaRedisProducerFunc)
// Creates a callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub
repository := storage.NewRepository(alertClient, metrics, db.Database, producerFunc, logger)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Outbound gossip message queue
sendC := make(chan []byte)
// Inbound observations
obsvC := make(chan *common.MsgWithTimeStamp[gossipv1.SignedObservation], cfg.ObservationsChannelSize)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Inbound observation requests - we don't add a environment because we are going to delete this channel
2022-09-15 12:17:28 -07:00
obsvReqC := make(chan *gossipv1.ObservationRequest, 50)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Inbound signed VAAs
signedInC := make(chan *gossipv1.SignedVAAWithQuorum, cfg.VaasChannelSize)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Heartbeat updates
heartbeatC := make(chan *gossipv1.Heartbeat, cfg.HeartbeatsChannelSize)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Guardian set state managed by processor
gst := common.NewGuardianSetState(heartbeatC)
// Governor cfg
govConfigC := make(chan *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorConfig, cfg.GovernorConfigChannelSize)
// Governor status
govStatusC := make(chan *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorStatus, cfg.GovernorStatusChannelSize)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Bootstrap guardian set, otherwise heartbeats would be skipped
2022-09-11 13:57:01 -07:00
// TODO: fetch this and probably figure out how to update it live
guardianSetHistory := guardiansets.GetByEnv(p2pNetworkConfig.Enviroment, alertClient)
gsLastet := guardianSetHistory.GetLatest()
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
// Ignore observation requests
// Note: without this, the whole program hangs on observation requests
discardMessages(rootCtx, obsvReqC)
maxHealthTimeSeconds := config.GetMaxHealthTimeSeconds()
guardianCheck := health.NewGuardianCheck(maxHealthTimeSeconds)
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
observationConsumer := processor.NewObservationGossipConsumer(repository, gst,
p2pNetworkConfig.Enviroment, cfg.ObservationsChannelSize, cfg.ObservationsWorkersSize, metrics, logger)
2022-09-15 12:17:28 -07:00
// Log observations
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
case m := <-obsvC:
o := m.Msg
observationConsumer.Push(rootCtx, o)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Log signed VAAs
cache, err := newCache()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("could not create cache", zap.Error(err))
isLocalFlag := isLocal != nil && *isLocal
// Creates a deduplicator to discard VAA messages that were processed previously
deduplicator := deduplicator.New(cache, logger)
// Creates two callbacks
sqsConsumer, vaaQueueConsume, nonPythVaaPublish := newVAAConsumePublish(rootCtx, isLocalFlag, logger)
// Create a vaa notifier
notifierFunc := newVAANotifierFunc(isLocalFlag, logger)
// Creates a instance to consume VAA messages from Gossip network and handle the messages
// When recive a message, the message filter by deduplicator
// if VAA is from pyhnet should be saved directly to repository
// if VAA is from non pyhnet should be publish with nonPythVaaPublish
vaaGossipConsumer := processor.NewVAAGossipConsumer(&guardianSetHistory, deduplicator, nonPythVaaPublish, repository.UpsertVaa, metrics, logger)
// Creates a instance to consume VAA messages (non pyth) from a queue and store in a storage
vaaQueueConsumer := processor.NewVAAQueueConsumer(vaaQueueConsume, repository, notifierFunc, metrics, logger)
// Creates a wrapper that splits the incoming VAAs into 2 channels (pyth to non pyth) in order
// to be able to process them in a differentiated way
vaaGossipConsumerSplitter := processor.NewVAAGossipSplitterConsumer(vaaGossipConsumer.Push, logger, processor.WithSize(1000))
// start fly http server.
pprofEnabled := config.GetPprofEnabled()
server := server.NewServer(cfg.ApiPort, guardianCheck, logger, repository, sqsConsumer, *isLocal, pprofEnabled, alertClient)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
case sVaa := <-signedInC:
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
v, err := vaa.Unmarshal(sVaa.Vaa)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error unmarshalling vaa", zap.Error(err))
// apply filter observations by env.
if filterVaasByEnv(v, p2pNetworkConfig.Enviroment) {
// Push an incoming VAA to be processed
if err := vaaGossipConsumerSplitter.Push(rootCtx, v, sVaa.Vaa); err != nil {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
logger.Error("Error inserting vaa", zap.Error(err))
2022-09-15 12:17:28 -07:00
// Log heartbeats
go func(guardianCheck *health.GuardianCheck) {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
2022-09-11 13:57:01 -07:00
case hb := <-heartbeatC:
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
err := repository.UpsertHeartbeat(hb)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error inserting heartbeat", zap.Error(err))
} else {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Log govConfigs
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
case govConfig := <-govConfigC:
nodeName, err := getGovernorConfigNodeName(govConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting gov config node name", zap.Error(err))
err = repository.UpsertGovernorConfig(govConfig)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error inserting gov config", zap.Error(err))
} else {
// Log govStatus
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-rootCtx.Done():
case govStatus := <-govStatusC:
nodeName, err := getGovernorStatusNodeName(govStatus)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error getting gov status node name", zap.Error(err))
err = repository.UpsertGovernorStatus(govStatus)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Error inserting gov status", zap.Error(err))
} else {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Load p2p private key
var priv crypto.PrivKey
priv, err = common.GetOrCreateNodeKey(logger, nodeKeyPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Failed to load node key", zap.Error(err))
keyBytes, err := priv.Raw()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to deserialize raw private key", zap.Error(err))
gk, err := crypto2.ToECDSA(keyBytes[:32])
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("failed to deserialize raw key data", zap.Error(err))
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// Run supervisor.
supervisor.New(rootCtx, logger, func(ctx context.Context) error {
components := p2p.DefaultComponents()
components.Port = cfg.P2pPort
2023-01-23 11:13:59 -08:00
if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "p2p",
nil, // ibc feature string
false, // gateway relayer enabled
false, // ccqEnabled
nil, // query requests
nil, // query responses
"", // query bootstrap peers
0, // query port
"", // query allow list
)); err != nil {
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
return err
logger.Info("Started internal services")
return nil
// It's safer to crash and restart the process in case we encounter a panic,
// rather than attempting to reschedule the runnable.
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
// TODO: wait for things to shut down gracefully
logger.Info("Closing MongoDB connection...")
db.DisconnectWithTimeout(10 * time.Second)
2022-09-07 11:43:05 -07:00
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
// getGovernorConfigNodeName get node name from governor config.
func getGovernorConfigNodeName(govConfig *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorConfig) (string, error) {
var gCfg gossipv1.ChainGovernorConfig
err := proto.Unmarshal(govConfig.Config, &gCfg)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return gCfg.NodeName, nil
// getGovernorStatusNodeName get node name from governor status.
func getGovernorStatusNodeName(govStatus *gossipv1.SignedChainGovernorStatus) (string, error) {
var gStatus gossipv1.ChainGovernorStatus
err := proto.Unmarshal(govStatus.Status, &gStatus)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return gStatus.NodeName, nil
2022-10-22 17:58:38 -07:00
func discardMessages[T any](ctx context.Context, obsvReqC chan T) {
go func() {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-obsvReqC:
// filterVaasByEnv filter vaa by enviroment.
func filterVaasByEnv(v *vaa.VAA, enviroment string) bool {
if enviroment == domain.P2pTestNet {
vaaFromSolana := v.EmitterChain == vaa.ChainIDSolana
addressToFilter := strings.ToLower(v.EmitterAddress.String()) == "f346195ac02f37d60d4db8ffa6ef74cb1be3550047543a4a9ee9acf4d78697b0"
isPyth := v.EmitterChain == vaa.ChainIDPythNet
if (vaaFromSolana && addressToFilter) || isPyth {
return true
return false