package main import ( "" "" "" "" ) func main() { execute() } func execute() error { root := &cobra.Command{ Use: "analytics", Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { service.Run() } }, } addServiceCommand(root) addBackfiller(root) return root.Execute() } func addServiceCommand(root *cobra.Command) { serviceCommand := &cobra.Command{ Use: "service", Short: "Run analytics as service", Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { service.Run() }, } root.AddCommand(serviceCommand) } func addBackfiller(root *cobra.Command) { metrics := &cobra.Command{ Use: "metrics", } addVaaCountCommand(metrics) addVaaVolumeCommand(metrics) root.AddCommand(metrics) prices := &cobra.Command{ Use: "prices", } addPricesCommand(prices) root.AddCommand(prices) } func addVaaCountCommand(parent *cobra.Command) { var input, output string vaaCountCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "vaa-count", Short: "Generate vaa-count metrics from a vaa csv file", Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { metrics.RunVaaCount(input, output) }, } // input flag vaaCountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&input, "input", "", "path to input vaa file") vaaCountCmd.MarkFlagRequired("input") // output flag vaaCountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&output, "output", "", "path to output file") vaaCountCmd.MarkFlagRequired("output") parent.AddCommand(vaaCountCmd) } func addVaaVolumeCommand(parent *cobra.Command) { var input, output, prices string vaaVolumeCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "vaa-volume", Short: "Generate volume metrics from a VAA csv file", Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { metrics.RunVaaVolume(input, output, prices) }, } // input flag vaaVolumeCmd.Flags().StringVar(&input, "input", "", "path to input vaa file") vaaVolumeCmd.MarkFlagRequired("input") // output flag vaaVolumeCmd.Flags().StringVar(&output, "output", "", "path to output file") vaaVolumeCmd.MarkFlagRequired("output") // prices flag vaaVolumeCmd.Flags().StringVar(&prices, "prices", "prices.csv", "path to prices file") parent.AddCommand(vaaVolumeCmd) } func addPricesCommand(root *cobra.Command) { var output string vaaCountCmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "history", Short: "Generate notional price history for symbol", Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) { prices.RunPrices(output) }, } // output flag vaaCountCmd.Flags().StringVar(&output, "output", "", "path to output file") vaaCountCmd.MarkFlagRequired("output") root.AddCommand(vaaCountCmd) }