package main import ( "context" "flag" "log" "time" "fmt" "os" healthcheck "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" crypto2 "" "" "" ) func main() { // Node's main lifecycle context. rootCtx, rootCtxCancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer rootCtxCancel() isLocal := flag.Bool("local", false, "a bool") flag.Parse() // Load configuration cfg, err := config.New(rootCtx, isLocal) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error creating config", err) } // Get p2p values to connect p2p network p2pNetworkConfig, err := cfg.GetP2pNetwork() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } nodeKeyPath := "/tmp/node.key" common.SetRestrictiveUmask() logger := logger.New("wormhole-fly", logger.WithLevel(cfg.LogLevel)) // Verify flags if nodeKeyPath == "" { logger.Fatal("Please specify --nodeKey") } if p2pNetworkConfig.P2pBootstrap == "" { logger.Fatal("Please specify --bootstrap") } // New alert client alertClient, err := builder.NewAlertClient(cfg) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not create alert client", zap.Error(err)) } // New metrics client metrics := builder.NewMetrics(cfg) // New database session db, err := builder.NewDatabase(rootCtx, cfg, logger) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not connect to DB", zap.Error(err)) } // Run the database migration. err = migration.Run(db.Database) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("error running migration", zap.Error(err)) } // Creates a callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub vaaRedisProducerFunc, err := builder.NewVAARedisProducerFunc(cfg, logger) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not create vaa redis producer", zap.Error(err)) } // Creates a composite callback to publish VAA messages to a redis pubsub producerFunc := producer.NewComposite(vaaRedisProducerFunc) txHashStore, err := builder.NewTxHashStore(rootCtx, cfg, metrics, db.Database, logger) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not create tx hash store", zap.Error(err)) } repository := storage.NewRepository(alertClient, metrics, db.Database, producerFunc, txHashStore, logger) vaaNonPythDedup, err := builder.NewDeduplicator("vaas-dedup", cfg.VaasDedup, logger) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not create vaa deduplicator", zap.Error(err)) } vaaPythDedup, err := builder.NewDeduplicator("vaas-pyth-dedup", cfg.VaasPythDedup, logger) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("could not create vaa deduplicator", zap.Error(err)) } channels := builder.NewGossipChannels(cfg) gst := common.NewGuardianSetState(channels.HeartbeatChannel) // Bootstrap guardian set, otherwise heartbeats would be skipped // TODO: fetch this and probably figure out how to update it live guardianSetHistory := guardiansets.GetByEnv(p2pNetworkConfig.Enviroment, alertClient) gsLastet := guardianSetHistory.GetLatest() gst.Set(&gsLastet) // Ignore observation requests // Note: without this, the whole program hangs on observation requests discardMessages(rootCtx, channels.ObsvReqChannel) guardianCheck := health.NewGuardianCheck(cfg.MaxHealthTimeSeconds) healthObservations, observationQueueConsume, observationPublish := builder.NewObservationConsumePublish(rootCtx, cfg, logger) observationGossipConsumer := processor.NewObservationGossipConsumer(observationPublish, gst, p2pNetworkConfig.Enviroment, cfg.ObservationsChannelSize, cfg.ObservationsWorkersSize, metrics, txHashStore, repository, logger) observationQueueConsumer := processor.NewObservationQueueConsumer(observationQueueConsume, repository, metrics, logger) observationGossipConsumer.Start(rootCtx) observationQueueConsumer.Start(rootCtx) // Log observations observationHandler := gossip.NewObservationHandler(channels.ObsvChannel, observationGossipConsumer.Push, guardianCheck, metrics) observationHandler.Start(rootCtx) // Log signed VAAs // Creates two callbacks healthVaas, vaaQueueConsume, nonPythVaaPublish := builder.NewVAAConsumePublish(rootCtx, cfg, logger) // Create a vaa notifier notifierFunc := builder.NewVAANotifierFunc(cfg, logger) // Creates a instance to consume VAA messages from Gossip network and handle the messages // When recive a message, the message filter by deduplicator // if VAA is from pyhnet should be saved directly to repository // if VAA is from non pyhnet should be publish with nonPythVaaPublish vaaGossipConsumer := processor.NewVAAGossipConsumer(&guardianSetHistory, vaaNonPythDedup, vaaPythDedup, nonPythVaaPublish, repository.UpsertVaa, metrics, repository, logger) // Creates a instance to consume VAA messages (non pyth) from a queue and store in a storage vaaQueueConsumer := processor.NewVAAQueueConsumer(vaaQueueConsume, repository, notifierFunc, metrics, logger) // Creates a wrapper that splits the incoming VAAs into 2 channels (pyth to non pyth) in order // to be able to process them in a differentiated way vaaGossipConsumerSplitter := processor.NewVAAGossipSplitterConsumer(vaaGossipConsumer.Push, cfg.VaasWorkersSize, logger, processor.WithSize(cfg.VaasChannelSize)) vaaQueueConsumer.Start(rootCtx) vaaGossipConsumerSplitter.Start(rootCtx) // start fly http server. healthChecks := []healthcheck.Check{healthObservations, healthVaas, builder.CheckGuardian(guardianCheck)} pprofEnabled := cfg.PprofEnabled server := server.NewServer(cfg.ApiPort, guardianCheck, logger, repository, pprofEnabled, alertClient, healthChecks...) server.Start() // VAA handler vaaHandler := gossip.NewVaaHandler(p2pNetworkConfig, metrics, channels.SignedInChannel, vaaGossipConsumerSplitter.Push, guardianCheck, logger) vaaHandler.Start(rootCtx) // Heartbeats handler hearbeatsHandler := gossip.NewHeartbeatsHandler(channels.HeartbeatChannel, repository, guardianCheck, metrics, logger) hearbeatsHandler.Start(rootCtx) // Governor config handler governorConfigHandler := gossip.NewGovernorConfigHandler(channels.GovConfigChannel, repository, guardianCheck, metrics, logger) governorConfigHandler.Start(rootCtx) // Governor status handler governorStatusHandler := gossip.NewGovernorStatusHandler(channels.GovStatusChannel, repository, guardianCheck, metrics, logger) governorStatusHandler.Start(rootCtx) // Load p2p private key var priv crypto.PrivKey priv, err = common.GetOrCreateNodeKey(logger, nodeKeyPath) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("Failed to load node key", zap.Error(err)) } keyBytes, err := priv.Raw() if err != nil { logger.Fatal("failed to deserialize raw private key", zap.Error(err)) } gk, err := crypto2.ToECDSA(keyBytes[:32]) if err != nil { logger.Fatal("failed to deserialize raw key data", zap.Error(err)) } // Run supervisor. supervisor.New(rootCtx, logger, func(ctx context.Context) error { components := p2p.DefaultComponents() components.Port = cfg.P2pPort components.WarnChannelOverflow = true if err := supervisor.Run(ctx, "p2p", p2p.Run( channels.ObsvChannel, channels.ObsvReqChannel, nil, channels.SendChannel, channels.SignedInChannel, priv, gk, gst, p2pNetworkConfig.P2pNetworkID, p2pNetworkConfig.P2pBootstrap, "", false, rootCtxCancel, nil, nil, channels.GovConfigChannel, channels.GovStatusChannel, components, nil, // ibc feature string false, // gateway relayer enabled false, // ccqEnabled nil, // query requests nil, // query responses "", // query bootstrap peers 0, // query port "", // query allow list )); err != nil { return err } logger.Info("Started internal services") <-ctx.Done() return nil }, // It's safer to crash and restart the process in case we encounter a panic, // rather than attempting to reschedule the runnable. supervisor.WithPropagatePanic) <-rootCtx.Done() // TODO: wait for things to shut down gracefully vaaGossipConsumerSplitter.Close() observationGossipConsumer.Close() server.Stop() logger.Info("Closing MongoDB connection...") db.DisconnectWithTimeout(10 * time.Second) } func discardMessages[T any](ctx context.Context, obsvReqC chan T) { go func() { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case <-obsvReqC: } } }() }