package vaa import ( "context" "fmt" "" errs "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Repository definition type Repository struct { db *mongo.Database logger *zap.Logger collections struct { vaas *mongo.Collection vaasPythnet *mongo.Collection invalidVaas *mongo.Collection vaaCount *mongo.Collection } } // NewRepository create a new Repository. func NewRepository(db *mongo.Database, logger *zap.Logger) *Repository { return &Repository{db: db, logger: logger.With(zap.String("module", "VaaRepository")), collections: struct { vaas *mongo.Collection vaasPythnet *mongo.Collection invalidVaas *mongo.Collection vaaCount *mongo.Collection }{vaas: db.Collection("vaas"), vaasPythnet: db.Collection("vaasPythnet"), invalidVaas: db.Collection("invalid_vaas"), vaaCount: db.Collection("vaaCounts")}} } // Find get a list of *VaaDoc. // The input parameter [q *VaaQuery] define the filters to apply in the query. func (r *Repository) Find(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) ([]*VaaDoc, error) { var err error var cur *mongo.Cursor if q == nil { q = Query() } sort := bson.D{{q.SortBy, q.GetSortInt()}} if q.chainId == vaa.ChainIDPythNet { cur, err = r.collections.vaasPythnet.Find(ctx, q.toBSON(), options.Find().SetLimit(q.PageSize).SetSkip(q.Offset).SetSort(sort)) } else { cur, err = r.collections.vaas.Find(ctx, q.toBSON(), options.Find().SetLimit(q.PageSize).SetSkip(q.Offset).SetSort(sort)) } if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed execute Find command to get vaas", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } var vaas []*VaaDoc err = cur.All(ctx, &vaas) if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed decoding cursor to []*VaaDoc", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return vaas, err } // FindOne get *VaaDoc. // The input parameter [q *VaaQuery] define the filters to apply in the query. func (r *Repository) FindOne(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) (*VaaDoc, error) { var vaaDoc VaaDoc var err error if q.chainId == vaa.ChainIDPythNet { err = r.collections.vaasPythnet.FindOne(ctx, q.toBSON()).Decode(&vaaDoc) } else { err = r.collections.vaas.FindOne(ctx, q.toBSON()).Decode(&vaaDoc) } if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, mongo.ErrNoDocuments) { return nil, errs.ErrNotFound } requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed execute FindOne command to get vaas", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return &vaaDoc, err } // GetVaaWithPayload get a vaa with payload if it exists. // The input parameter [q *VaaQuery] define the filters to apply in the query. func (r *Repository) GetVaaWithPayload(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) (*VaaWithPayload, error) { var err error var cur *mongo.Cursor matchStage1 := bson.D{ {Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "emitterChain", Value: q.chainId}}}, } matchStage2 := bson.D{ {Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "emitterAddr", Value: q.emitter}}}, } matchStage3 := bson.D{ {Key: "$match", Value: bson.D{bson.E{Key: "sequence", Value: q.sequence}}}, } lookupStage2 := bson.D{ {Key: "$lookup", Value: bson.D{ {Key: "from", Value: "parsedVaa"}, {Key: "localField", Value: "_id"}, {Key: "foreignField", Value: "_id"}, {Key: "as", Value: "payload"}, }}, } addFieldsStage3 := bson.D{ {Key: "$addFields", Value: bson.D{ {Key: "payload", Value: bson.M{ "$arrayElemAt": []interface{}{"$payload.result", 0}, }}, }}, } pipeLine := mongo.Pipeline{ matchStage1, matchStage2, matchStage3, lookupStage2, addFieldsStage3, } // execute aggregate operations. if q.chainId == vaa.ChainIDPythNet { cur, err = r.collections.vaasPythnet.Aggregate(ctx, pipeLine) } else { cur, err = r.collections.vaas.Aggregate(ctx, pipeLine) } if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed execute Aggregate command to get vaa with payload", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // decode cursor to array vaa with payload var vaasWithPayload []*VaaWithPayload err = cur.All(ctx, &vaasWithPayload) if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed decoding cursor to []*VaaWithPayload", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // check not found if len(vaasWithPayload) == 0 { return nil, errs.ErrNotFound } // check can not get more that one field in the response. if len(vaasWithPayload) > 1 { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("can not get more that one vaa by chainID/address/sequence", zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errs.ErrInternalError } return vaasWithPayload[0], nil } // GetVaaCount get a count of vaa by chainID. func (r *Repository) GetVaaCount(ctx context.Context, q *VaaQuery) ([]*VaaStats, error) { if q == nil { q = Query() } sort := bson.D{{q.SortBy, q.GetSortInt()}} cur, err := r.collections.vaaCount.Find(ctx, q.toBSON(), options.Find().SetLimit(q.PageSize).SetSkip(q.Offset).SetSort(sort)) if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed execute Find command to get vaaCount", zap.Error(err), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } var varCounts []*VaaStats err = cur.All(ctx, &varCounts) if err != nil { requestID := fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Value("requestid")) r.logger.Error("failed decoding cursor to []*VaaStats", zap.Error(err), zap.Any("q", q), zap.String("requestID", requestID)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return varCounts, nil } // VaaQuery respresent a query for the vaa mongodb document. type VaaQuery struct { pagination.Pagination chainId vaa.ChainID emitter string sequence string txHash string } // Query create a new VaaQuery with default pagination vaues. func Query() *VaaQuery { page := pagination.FirstPage() return &VaaQuery{Pagination: *page} } // SetChain set the chainId field of the VaaQuery struct. func (q *VaaQuery) SetChain(chainID vaa.ChainID) *VaaQuery { q.chainId = chainID return q } // SetEmitter set the emitter field of the VaaQuery struct. func (q *VaaQuery) SetEmitter(emitter string) *VaaQuery { q.emitter = emitter return q } // SetSequence set the sequence field of the VaaQuery struct. func (q *VaaQuery) SetSequence(seq string) *VaaQuery { q.sequence = seq return q } // SetPagination set the pagination field of the VaaQuery struct. func (q *VaaQuery) SetPagination(p *pagination.Pagination) *VaaQuery { q.Pagination = *p return q } // SetTxHash set the txHash field of the VaaQuery struct. func (q *VaaQuery) SetTxHash(txHash string) *VaaQuery { q.txHash = txHash return q } func (q *VaaQuery) toBSON() *bson.D { r := bson.D{} if q.chainId > 0 { r = append(r, bson.E{"emitterChain", q.chainId}) } if q.emitter != "" { r = append(r, bson.E{"emitterAddr", q.emitter}) } if q.sequence != "" { r = append(r, bson.E{"sequence", q.sequence}) } if q.txHash != "" { r = append(r, bson.E{"txHash", q.txHash}) } return &r }