// Package observations handle the request of VAA data from governor endpoint defined in the api. package vaa import ( "strconv" "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2" "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/api/handlers/vaa" "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/api/middleware" "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/api/response" "go.uber.org/zap" ) // Controller definition. type Controller struct { srv *vaa.Service logger *zap.Logger } // NewController create a new controler. func NewController(serv *vaa.Service, logger *zap.Logger) *Controller { return &Controller{srv: serv, logger: logger.With(zap.String("module", "VaaController"))} } // FindSignedVAAByID godoc // @Description get a VAA []byte from a chainID, emitter address and sequence. // @Tags Guardian // @ID guardians-find-signed-vaa // @Param chain_id path integer true "id of the blockchain" // @Param emitter path string true "address of the emitter" // @Param seq path integer true "sequence of the VAA" // @Success 200 {object} object{vaaBytes=[]byte} // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /v1/signed_vaa/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq} [get] func (c *Controller) FindSignedVAAByID(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { chainID, emitter, seq, err := middleware.ExtractVAAParams(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } // TODO // check chainID is not Pyth. Pyth message are not stored with the other vaa. //if ChainIDPythNet == chainID { // return response.NewApiError(ctx, fiber.StatusBadRequest, response.InvalidParam, // "not supported for PythNet", nil) //} vaa, err := c.srv.FindById( ctx.Context(), chainID, emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10), false, /*includeParsedPayload*/ ) if err != nil { return err } response := struct { VaaBytes []byte `json:"vaaBytes"` }{ VaaBytes: vaa.Data.Vaa, } return ctx.JSON(response) } // FindSignedBatchVAAByID godoc // @Description get a batch of VAA []byte from a chainID, emitter address and sequence. // @Tags Guardian // @ID guardians-find-signed-batch-vaa // @Param chain_id path integer true "id of the blockchain" // @Param emitter path string true "address of the emitter" // @Param seq path integer true "sequence of the VAA" // @Success 200 {object} object{vaaBytes=[]byte} // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /v1/signed_batch_vaa/{chain_id}/{emitter}/sequence/{seq} [get] func (c *Controller) FindSignedBatchVAAByID(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { return response.NewApiError(ctx, fiber.StatusNotImplemented, response.Unimplemented, "not yet implemented", nil) }