package operations import ( "" "" "" "" "" "strconv" "strings" ) // Controller is the controller for the operation resource. type Controller struct { srv *operations.Service logger *zap.Logger } // NewController create a new controler. func NewController(operationService *operations.Service, logger *zap.Logger) *Controller { return &Controller{ srv: operationService, logger: logger.With(zap.String("module", "OperationsController")), } } // FindAll godoc // @Description Find all operations. // @Tags wormholescan // @ID get-operations // @Param address query string false "address of the emitter" // @Param txHash query string false "hash of the transaction" // @Param page query integer false "page number" // @Param pageSize query integer false "pageSize". Maximum value is 100. // @Param sourceChain query string false "source chain of the operation". // @Param targetChain query string false "target chain of the operation". // @Param appId query string false "appID of the operation". // @Param exclusiveAppId query boolean false "single appId of the operation". // @Success 200 {object} []OperationResponse // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/operations [get] func (c *Controller) FindAll(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { // Extract query parameters pagination, err := middleware.ExtractPagination(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // Check pagination max limit if pagination.Limit > 100 { return response.NewInvalidParamError(ctx, "pageSize cannot be greater than 100", nil) } address := middleware.ExtractAddressFromQueryParams(ctx, c.logger) txHash, err := middleware.GetTxHash(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } searchByAddress := address != "" searchByTxHash := txHash != nil && txHash.String() != "" if searchByAddress && searchByTxHash { return response.NewInvalidParamError(ctx, "address and txHash cannot be used at the same time", nil) } sourceChain, err := middleware.ExtractSourceChain(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } targetChain, err := middleware.ExtractTargetChain(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } var appIDs []string appIDQueryParam := ctx.Query("appId") if appIDQueryParam != "" { appIDs = strings.Split(appIDQueryParam, ",") } exclusiveAppId, err := middleware.ExtractExclusiveAppId(ctx) if err != nil { return err } searchBySourceTargetChain := len(sourceChain) != 0 || targetChain != nil searchByAppId := len(appIDs) != 0 if (searchByAddress || searchByTxHash) && (searchBySourceTargetChain || searchByAppId) { return response.NewInvalidParamError(ctx, "address/txHash cannot be combined with sourceChain/targetChain/appId query filter", nil) } filter := operations.OperationFilter{ TxHash: txHash, Address: address, SourceChainIDs: sourceChain, TargetChainIDs: targetChain, AppIDs: appIDs, ExclusiveAppId: exclusiveAppId, Pagination: *pagination, } // Find operations by q search param. ops, err := c.srv.FindAll(ctx.Context(), filter) if err != nil { return err } // build response resp := toListOperationResponse(ops, c.logger) return ctx.JSON(resp) } // FindById godoc // @Description Find operations by ID (chainID/emitter/sequence). // @Tags wormholescan // @ID get-operation-by-id // @Param chain_id path integer true "id of the blockchain" // @Param emitter path string true "address of the emitter" // @Param seq path integer true "sequence of the VAA" // @Success 200 {object} OperationResponse // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/operations/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq} [get] func (c *Controller) FindById(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { // Extract query params chainID, emitter, seq, err := middleware.ExtractVAAParams(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } // Find operations by chainID, emitter and sequence. operation, err := c.srv.FindById(ctx.Context(), chainID, emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10)) if err != nil { return err } // build response response, err := toOperationResponse(operation, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } return ctx.JSON(response) }