import { SuiEventFilter, TransactionFilter } from "@mysten/sui.js/client"; import winston, { Logger } from "winston"; import { MetadataRepository, StatRepository, SuiRepository } from "../../repositories"; import { RunPollingJob } from "../RunPollingJob"; /** * Instead of fetching block per block and scanning for transactions, * this poller uses the queryTransactions function from the sui sdk * to set up a filter and retrieve all transactions that match it, * thus avoiding the need to scan blocks which may not have any * valuable information. * * Each queryTransactions request accepts a cursor parameter, which * is the digest of the last transaction of the previous page. */ export class PollSuiTransactions extends RunPollingJob { protected readonly logger: Logger; private cursor?: Cursor; private lastCheckpoint?: bigint; constructor( private readonly cfg: PollSuiTransactionsConfig, private readonly statsRepo: StatRepository, private readonly metadataRepo: MetadataRepository, private readonly repo: SuiRepository ) { super(, statsRepo, cfg.interval); this.logger = winston.child({ module: "PollSui", label: }); } protected async preHook(): Promise { const metadata = await this.metadataRepo.get(; if (metadata) { this.lastCheckpoint = metadata.lastCursor?.checkpoint; this.cursor = metadata.lastCursor; } } async hasNext(): Promise { if ( && this.cursor && this.cursor.checkpoint >= BigInt( { `[sui][PollSuiTransactions] Finished processing all transactions from checkpoint ${this.cfg.from} to ${}` ); return false; } return true; } protected async get(): Promise { this.cursor = await this.getCursor(); let txs = await this.repo.queryTransactions(this.cfg.filter, this.cursor.digest); if (txs.length === 0) { return []; } // clamp down to config range if present if ( { const lastCheckpointIndex = txs.find( (tx) => tx.checkpoint === (! + 1n).toString() ); if (lastCheckpointIndex) { // take until before the tx of the checkpoint out of range txs = txs.slice(0, txs.indexOf(lastCheckpointIndex)); } } const lastTx = txs[txs.length - 1]; const newCursor = { checkpoint: BigInt(lastTx.checkpoint), digest: lastTx.digest }; `[sui][PollSuiTransactions] Got ${txs.length} txs from ${this.cursor.checkpoint} to ${newCursor.checkpoint}` ); this.cursor = newCursor; return txs; } private async getCursor(): Promise { if (this.cursor) { // check that it's not prior to the range start if (!this.cfg.from || BigInt(this.cfg.from) < this.cursor.checkpoint) { return this.cursor; } } // initial cursor if not set const from = this.cfg.from ? this.cfg.from : await this.repo.getLastCheckpointNumber(); const prevCheckpoint = await this.repo.getCheckpoint(from - 1n); return { checkpoint: BigInt(prevCheckpoint.sequenceNumber), digest: prevCheckpoint.transactions[prevCheckpoint.transactions.length - 1], }; } protected async persist(): Promise { if (this.cursor) { await, { lastCursor: this.cursor }); } } protected report(): void { const labels = { job:, chain: "sui", commitment: "immediate", }; this.statsRepo.count("job_execution", labels); this.statsRepo.measure("polling_cursor", BigInt(this.cursor?.checkpoint ?? 0), { ...labels, type: "max", }); this.statsRepo.measure("polling_cursor", BigInt(this.lastCheckpoint ?? 0n), { ...labels, type: "current", }); } } export class PollSuiTransactionsConfig { constructor(private readonly props: PollSuiTransactionsConfigProps) {} public get id(): string { return; } public get interval(): number | undefined { return this.props.interval; } public get from(): bigint | undefined { return this.props.from ? BigInt(this.props.from) : undefined; } public get to(): bigint | undefined { return ? BigInt( : undefined; } public get filter(): TransactionFilter | undefined { return this.props.filter; } } export interface PollSuiTransactionsConfigProps { id: string; interval?: number; from?: bigint | string | number; to?: bigint | string | number; filter?: TransactionFilter; } export type PollSuiTransactionsMetadata = { lastCursor?: Cursor; }; type Cursor = { digest: string; checkpoint: bigint; };