package chains import ( "context" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "time" "" ) type solanaTransactionSignature struct { Signature string `json:"signature"` } type solanaGetTransactionResponse struct { BlockTime int64 `json:"blockTime"` Meta struct { InnerInstructions []struct { Instructions []struct { ParsedInstruction struct { Type_ string `json:"type"` Info struct { Account string `json:"account"` Amount string `json:"amount"` Authority string `json:"authority"` Destination string `json:"destination"` Source string `json:"source"` } `json:"info"` } `json:"parsed"` } `json:"instructions"` } `json:"innerInstructions"` Err []interface{} `json:"err"` } `json:"meta"` Transaction struct { Message struct { AccountKeys []struct { Pubkey string `json:"pubkey"` Signer bool `json:"signer"` } `json:"accountKeys"` } `json:"message"` Signatures []string `json:"signatures"` } `json:"transaction"` } func fetchSolanaTx( ctx context.Context, rateLimiter *time.Ticker, baseUrl string, txHash string, ) (*TxDetail, error) { // Initialize RPC client client, err := rpcDialContext(ctx, baseUrl) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize RPC client: %w", err) } defer client.Close() // Decode txHash bytes // TODO: remove this when the fly fixes all txHash for Solana h, err := hex.DecodeString(txHash) if err != nil { h, err = base58.Decode(txHash) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode from hex txHash=%s: %w", txHash, err) } } // Get transaction signatures for the given account var sigs []solanaTransactionSignature { err = client.CallContext(ctx, rateLimiter, &sigs, "getSignaturesForAddress", base58.Encode(h)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get signatures for account: %w (%+v)", err, err) } if len(sigs) == 0 { return nil, ErrTransactionNotFound } if len(sigs) > 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected exactly one signature, but found %d", len(sigs)) } } // Fetch the portal token bridge transaction var response solanaGetTransactionResponse { err = client.CallContext(ctx, rateLimiter, &response, "getTransaction", sigs[0].Signature, "jsonParsed") if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get tx by signature: %w", err) } if len(response.Meta.InnerInstructions) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("response.Meta.InnerInstructions is empty") } if len(response.Meta.InnerInstructions[0].Instructions) == 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("response.Meta.InnerInstructions[0].Instructions is empty") } } // populate the response object txDetail := TxDetail{ Timestamp: time.Unix(response.BlockTime, 0).UTC(), NativeTxHash: sigs[0].Signature, } // set sender/receiver for i := range response.Transaction.Message.AccountKeys { if response.Transaction.Message.AccountKeys[i].Signer { txDetail.From = response.Transaction.Message.AccountKeys[i].Pubkey } } if txDetail.From == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find source account") } return &txDetail, nil }