package transactions import ( "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Controller is the controller for the transactions resource. type Controller struct { srv *transactions.Service logger *zap.Logger } // NewController create a new controler. func NewController(transactionsService *transactions.Service, logger *zap.Logger) *Controller { return &Controller{ srv: transactionsService, logger: logger.With(zap.String("module", "TransactionsController")), } } // GetLastTransactions godoc // @Description Returns the number of transactions [vaa] by a defined time span and sample rate. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID get-last-transactions // @Param timeSpan query string false "Time Span, default: 1d, supported values: [1d, 1w, 1mo]. 1mo ​​is 30 days." // @Param sampleRate query string false "Sample Rate, default: 1h, supported values: [1h, 1d]. Valid configurations with timeSpan: 1d/1h, 1w/1d, 1mo/1d" // @Success 200 {object} []transactions.TransactionCountResult // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/last-txs [get] func (c *Controller) GetLastTransactions(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { timeSpan, sampleRate, err := middleware.ExtractTimeSpanAndSampleRate(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } q := &transactions.TransactionCountQuery{ TimeSpan: timeSpan, SampleRate: sampleRate, } // Get transaction count. lastTrx, err := c.srv.GetTransactionCount(ctx.Context(), q) if err != nil { return err } return ctx.JSON(lastTrx) } // GetScorecards godoc // @Description Returns a list of KPIs for Wormhole. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID get-scorecards // @Success 200 {object} ScorecardsResponse // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/scorecards [get] func (c *Controller) GetScorecards(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { // Query indicators from the database scorecards, err := c.srv.GetScorecards(ctx.Context()) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("failed to get scorecards", zap.Error(err)) return err } // Convert indicators to the response model response := ScorecardsResponse{ Messages24h: scorecards.Messages24h, TotalTxCount: scorecards.TotalTxCount, TotalVolume: scorecards.TotalTxVolume, Tvl: scorecards.Tvl, TxCount24h: scorecards.TxCount24h, Volume24h: scorecards.Volume24h, } return ctx.JSON(response) } // GetTopChainPairs godoc // @Description Returns a list of the (emitter_chain, destination_chain) pairs with the highest number of transfers. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID get-top-chain-pairs-by-num-transfers // @Param timeSpan query string true "Time span, supported values: 7d, 15d, 30d." // @Success 200 {object} TopChainPairsResponse // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/top-chain-pairs-by-num-transfers [get] func (c *Controller) GetTopChainPairs(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { // Extract query parameters timeSpan, err := middleware.ExtractTopStatisticsTimeSpan(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // Query chain pairs from the database chainPairDTOs, err := c.srv.GetTopChainPairs(ctx.Context(), timeSpan) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("failed to get top chain pairs by number of transfers", zap.Error(err)) return err } // Convert DTOs to the response model response := TopChainPairsResponse{ ChainPairs: make([]ChainPair, 0, len(chainPairDTOs)), } for i := range chainPairDTOs { chainPair := ChainPair{ EmitterChain: chainPairDTOs[i].EmitterChain, DestinationChain: chainPairDTOs[i].DestinationChain, NumberOfTransfers: chainPairDTOs[i].NumberOfTransfers, } response.ChainPairs = append(response.ChainPairs, chainPair) } return ctx.JSON(response) } // GetTopAssets godoc // @Description Returns a list of the (emitter_chain, asset) pairs with the most volume. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID get-top-assets-by-volume // @Param timeSpan query string true "Time span, supported values: 7d, 15d, 30d." // @Success 200 {object} TopAssetsResponse // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/top-assets-by-volume [get] func (c *Controller) GetTopAssets(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { // Extract query parameters timeSpan, err := middleware.ExtractTopStatisticsTimeSpan(ctx) if err != nil { return err } // Query assets from the database assetDTOs, err := c.srv.GetTopAssets(ctx.Context(), timeSpan) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("failed to get top assets by volume", zap.Error(err)) return err } // Convert DTOs to the response model response := TopAssetsResponse{ Assets: make([]AssetWithVolume, 0, len(assetDTOs)), } for i := range assetDTOs { asset := AssetWithVolume{ EmitterChain: assetDTOs[i].EmitterChain, TokenChain: assetDTOs[i].TokenChain, TokenAddress: assetDTOs[i].TokenAddress, Volume: assetDTOs[i].Volume, } // Look up the token symbol tokenMeta, ok := domain.GetTokenByAddress(assetDTOs[i].TokenChain, assetDTOs[i].TokenAddress) if ok { asset.Symbol = tokenMeta.Symbol.String() } response.Assets = append(response.Assets, asset) } return ctx.JSON(response) } // GetChainActivity godoc // @Description Returns a list of tx by source chain and destination chain. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID x-chain-activity // @Param start_time query string false "Star time (format: ISO-8601)." // @Param end_time query string false "End time (format: ISO-8601)." // @Param by query string false "Renders the results as notional or tx-count (default is notional)." // @Param apps query string false "List of apps separated by comma (default is all apps)." // @Success 200 {object} transactions.ChainActivity // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/x-chain-activity [get] func (c *Controller) GetChainActivity(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { startTime, endTime, err := middleware.ExtractTimeRange(ctx) if err != nil { return err } apps, err := middleware.ExtractApps(ctx) if err != nil { return err } isNotional, err := middleware.ExtractIsNotional(ctx) if err != nil { return err } q := &transactions.ChainActivityQuery{ Start: startTime, End: endTime, AppIDs: apps, IsNotional: isNotional, } // Get the chain activity. activity, err := c.srv.GetChainActivity(ctx.Context(), q) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("Error getting chain activity", zap.Error(err)) return err } // Convert the result to the expected format. txs, err := c.createChainActivityResponse(activity, isNotional) if err != nil { return err } return ctx.JSON(ChainActivity{Txs: txs}) } func (c *Controller) createChainActivityResponse(activity []transactions.ChainActivityResult, isNotional bool) ([]Tx, error) { txByChainID := make(map[int]*Tx) total := decimal.Zero for _, item := range activity { chainSourceID, err := strconv.Atoi(item.ChainSourceID) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("Error during conversion of chainSourceId", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } t, ok := txByChainID[chainSourceID] if !ok { destinations := make([]Destination, 0) t = &Tx{Chain: chainSourceID, Volume: decimal.Zero, Percentage: 0, Destinations: destinations} } chainDestinationID, err := strconv.Atoi(item.ChainDestinationID) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("Error during conversion of chainDestinationId", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } volume, err := decimal.NewFromString(strconv.FormatUint(item.Volume, 10)) if err != nil { c.logger.Error("Error during conversion of volume to decimal", zap.Error(err)) return nil, err } destination := Destination{Chain: chainDestinationID, Volume: volume, Percentage: 0} t.Destinations = append(t.Destinations, destination) t.Volume = t.Volume.Add(volume) txByChainID[chainSourceID] = t total = total.Add(volume) } txs := make([]Tx, 0) oneHundred := decimal.NewFromInt(100) for _, item := range txByChainID { if total.GreaterThan(decimal.Zero) { percentage, _ := item.Volume.Div(total).Mul(oneHundred).Float64() item.Percentage = percentage } if isNotional { item.Volume = convertToDecimal(item.Volume) } for i, destination := range item.Destinations { if item.Volume.GreaterThan(decimal.Zero) { percentage, _ := destination.Volume.Div(item.Volume).Mul(oneHundred).Float64() item.Destinations[i].Percentage = percentage } if isNotional { item.Destinations[i].Volume = convertToDecimal(destination.Volume) } } txs = append(txs, *item) } return txs, nil } // FindGlobalTransactionByID godoc // @Description Find a global transaction by ID. // @Tags Wormscan // @ID find-global-transaction-by-id // @Param chain_id path integer true "id of the blockchain" // @Param emitter path string true "address of the emitter" // @Param seq path integer true "sequence of the VAA" // @Success 200 {object} Tx // @Failure 400 // @Failure 500 // @Router /api/v1/global-tx/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq} [get] func (c *Controller) FindGlobalTransactionByID(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { chainID, emitter, seq, err := middleware.ExtractVAAParams(ctx, c.logger) if err != nil { return err } globalTransaction, err := c.srv.FindGlobalTransactionByID(ctx.Context(), chainID, emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10)) if err != nil { return err } return ctx.JSON(globalTransaction) } func convertToDecimal(amount decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal { eigthDecimals := decimal.NewFromInt(1_0000_0000) return amount.Div(eigthDecimals) }