basePath: /v1 definitions: address.AddressOverview: properties: vaas: items: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.VaaDoc' type: array type: object github_com_wormhole-foundation_wormhole-explorer_api_routes_guardian_guardian.GuardianSet: properties: addresses: items: type: string type: array index: type: integer type: object governor.AvailableNotionalItemResponse: properties: bigTransactionSize: type: string chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' notionalLimit: type: string remainingAvailableNotional: type: string type: object governor.AvailableNotionalResponse: properties: entries: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.AvailableNotionalItemResponse' type: array type: object governor.Emitter: properties: emitterAddress: type: string enqueuedVaas: type: integer totalEnqueuedVaas: type: integer type: object governor.EnqueuedVaa: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' emitterAddress: type: string notionalValue: type: integer sequence: type: string txHash: type: string type: object governor.EnqueuedVaaDetail: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' emitterAddress: type: string notionalValue: type: integer releaseTime: type: integer sequence: type: string txHash: type: string type: object governor.EnqueuedVaaItemResponse: properties: emitterAddress: type: string emitterChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' notionalValue: type: string releaseTime: type: integer sequence: type: integer txHash: type: string type: object governor.EnqueuedVaaResponse: properties: entries: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaaItemResponse' type: array type: object governor.EnqueuedVaas: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' enqueuedVaas: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaa' type: array type: object governor.GovConfig: properties: chains: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovConfigChains' type: array counter: type: integer createdAt: type: string id: type: string nodeName: type: string tokens: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovConfigfTokens' type: array updatedAt: type: string type: object governor.GovConfigChains: properties: bigTransactionSize: type: integer chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' notionalLimit: type: integer type: object governor.GovConfigfTokens: properties: originAddress: type: string originChainId: type: integer price: type: number type: object governor.GovStatus: properties: chains: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovStatusChains' type: array createdAt: type: string id: type: string nodeName: type: string updatedAt: type: string type: object governor.GovStatusChainEmitter: properties: emitterAddress: type: string enqueuedVaas: {} totalEnqueuedVaas: type: integer type: object governor.GovStatusChains: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' emitters: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovStatusChainEmitter' type: array remainingAvailableNotional: type: integer type: object governor.GovernorLimit: properties: availableNotional: type: integer chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' maxTransactionSize: type: integer notionalLimit: type: integer type: object governor.MaxNotionalAvailableRecord: properties: availableNotional: type: integer chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' createdAt: type: string emitters: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.Emitter' type: array id: type: string nodeName: type: string updatedAt: type: string type: object governor.NotionalAvailable: properties: availableNotional: type: integer chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' type: object governor.NotionalAvailableDetail: properties: availableNotional: type: integer chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' createdAt: type: string id: type: string nodeName: type: string updatedAt: type: string type: object governor.NotionalLimitDetail: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' createdAt: type: string id: type: string maxTransactionSize: type: integer nodeName: type: string notionalLimit: type: integer updatedAt: type: string type: object governor.TokenList: properties: originAddress: type: string originChainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' price: type: number type: object guardian.GuardianSetResponse: properties: guardianSet: $ref: '#/definitions/github_com_wormhole-foundation_wormhole-explorer_api_routes_guardian_guardian.GuardianSet' type: object heartbeats.HeartbeatNetworkResponse: properties: contractAddress: type: string errorCount: type: string height: type: string id: type: integer type: object heartbeats.HeartbeatResponse: properties: p2pNodeAddr: type: string rawHeartbeat: $ref: '#/definitions/heartbeats.RawHeartbeat' verifiedGuardianAddr: type: string type: object heartbeats.HeartbeatsResponse: properties: entries: items: $ref: '#/definitions/heartbeats.HeartbeatResponse' type: array type: object heartbeats.RawHeartbeat: properties: bootTimestamp: type: string counter: type: string features: items: type: string type: array guardianAddr: type: string networks: items: $ref: '#/definitions/heartbeats.HeartbeatNetworkResponse' type: array nodeName: type: string timestamp: type: string version: type: string type: object infrastructure.VersionResponse: properties: branch: type: string build: type: string build_date: type: string machine: type: string user: type: string type: object observations.ObservationDoc: properties: emitterAddr: type: string emitterChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' guardianAddr: type: string hash: items: type: integer type: array id: type: string indexedAt: type: string sequence: type: string signature: items: type: integer type: array txHash: items: type: integer type: array updatedAt: type: string version: type: integer type: object response.Response-address_AddressOverview: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/address.AddressOverview' pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_EnqueuedVaaDetail: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaaDetail' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_EnqueuedVaas: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaas' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_GovStatus: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovStatus' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_GovernorLimit: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovernorLimit' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_NotionalAvailable: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.NotionalAvailable' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_NotionalAvailableDetail: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.NotionalAvailableDetail' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_governor_NotionalLimitDetail: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.NotionalLimitDetail' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_vaa_VaaDoc: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.VaaDoc' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-array_vaa_VaaStats: properties: data: items: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.VaaStats' type: array pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-governor_GovConfig: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovConfig' pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-governor_GovStatus: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.GovStatus' pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.Response-governor_MaxNotionalAvailableRecord: properties: data: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.MaxNotionalAvailableRecord' pagination: $ref: '#/definitions/response.ResponsePagination' type: object response.ResponsePagination: properties: next: type: string type: object transactions.AssetWithVolume: properties: emitterChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' symbol: type: string volume: type: string type: object transactions.ChainActivity: properties: txs: items: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.Tx' type: array type: object transactions.ChainPair: properties: destinationChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' emitterChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' numberOfTransfers: type: string type: object transactions.Destination: properties: chain: type: integer percentage: type: number volume: type: number type: object transactions.ScorecardsResponse: properties: 24h_tx_count: description: Number of VAAs emitted in the last 24 hours (does not include Pyth messages). type: string 24h_volume: description: Volume transferred through the token bridge in the last 24 hours, in USD. type: string total_tx_count: description: Number of VAAs emitted since the creation of the network (does not include Pyth messages) type: string total_volume: type: string type: object transactions.TopAssetsResponse: properties: assets: items: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.AssetWithVolume' type: array type: object transactions.TopChainPairsResponse: properties: chainPairs: items: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.ChainPair' type: array type: object transactions.TransactionCountResult: properties: count: type: integer time: type: string type: object transactions.Tx: properties: chain: type: integer destinations: items: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.Destination' type: array percentage: type: number volume: type: number type: object vaa.ChainID: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 26 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 32 - 3104 - 10002 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - ChainIDUnset - ChainIDSolana - ChainIDEthereum - ChainIDTerra - ChainIDBSC - ChainIDPolygon - ChainIDAvalanche - ChainIDOasis - ChainIDAlgorand - ChainIDAurora - ChainIDFantom - ChainIDKarura - ChainIDAcala - ChainIDKlaytn - ChainIDCelo - ChainIDNear - ChainIDMoonbeam - ChainIDNeon - ChainIDTerra2 - ChainIDInjective - ChainIDSui - ChainIDAptos - ChainIDArbitrum - ChainIDOptimism - ChainIDPythNet - ChainIDXpla - ChainIDBtc - ChainIDBase - ChainIDSei - ChainIDWormchain - ChainIDSepolia vaa.VaaDoc: properties: appId: description: AppId is an extension field - it is not present in the guardian API. type: string emitterAddr: type: string emitterChain: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' guardianSetIndex: type: integer id: type: string indexedAt: type: string nativeTxHash: description: NativeTxHash is an extension field - it is not present in the guardian API. type: string payload: additionalProperties: true description: Payload is an extension field - it is not present in the guardian API. type: object timestamp: type: string txHash: description: TxHash is an extension field - it is not present in the guardian API. type: string updatedAt: type: string vaa: items: type: integer type: array version: type: integer type: object vaa.VaaStats: properties: chainId: $ref: '#/definitions/vaa.ChainID' count: type: integer type: object info: contact: email: name: API Support url: description: |- Wormhole Guardian API To get information from the Wormhole Network. Check each endpoint documentation for more information. license: name: Apache 2.0 url: termsOfService: title: Wormhole Guardian API version: "1.0" paths: /api/v1/address/{address}: get: description: Lookup an address operationId: find-address-by-id parameters: - description: address in: path name: address required: true type: string - description: Page number. Starts at 0. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-address_AddressOverview' "400": description: Bad Request "404": description: Not Found "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/global-tx/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq}: get: description: Find a global transaction by ID. operationId: find-global-transaction-by-id parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: sequence of the VAA in: path name: seq required: true type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.Tx' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/config: get: description: Returns governor configuration for all guardians. operationId: governor-config parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-governor_GovConfig' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/config/:guardian_address: get: description: Returns governor configuration for a given guardian. operationId: governor-config-by-guardian-address responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-governor_GovConfig' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/enqueued_vaas/: get: description: Returns enqueued VAAs for each blockchain. operationId: governor-enqueued-vaas parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_EnqueuedVaas' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/enqueued_vaas/:chain: get: description: Returns all enqueued VAAs for a given blockchain. operationId: guardians-enqueued-vaas-by-chain parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_EnqueuedVaaDetail' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/limit: get: description: Returns the governor limit for all blockchains. operationId: governor-notional-limit parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_GovernorLimit' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/notional/available: get: description: Returns the amount of notional value available for each blockchain. operationId: governor-notional-available parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_NotionalAvailable' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/notional/available/:chain: get: description: Returns the amount of notional value available for a given blockchain. operationId: governor-notional-available-by-chain parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_NotionalAvailableDetail' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/notional/limit: get: description: Returns the detailed notional limit for all blockchains. operationId: governor-notional-limit-detail parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_NotionalLimitDetail' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/notional/limit/:chain: get: description: Returns the detailed notional limit available for a given blockchain. operationId: governor-notional-limit-detail-by-chain parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_NotionalLimitDetail' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/notional/max_available/:chain: get: description: Returns the maximum amount of notional value available for a given blockchain. operationId: governor-max-notional-available-by-chain responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-governor_MaxNotionalAvailableRecord' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/status: get: description: Returns the governor status for all guardians. operationId: governor-status parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_governor_GovStatus' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/governor/status/:guardian_address: get: description: Returns the governor status for a given guardian. operationId: governor-status-by-guardian-address parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-governor_GovStatus' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/health: get: description: Health check operationId: health-check responses: "200": description: OK schema: allOf: - type: object - properties: status: type: string type: object "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/last-txs: get: description: Returns the number of transactions [vaa] by a defined time span and sample rate. operationId: get-last-transactions parameters: - description: 'Time Span, default: 1d, supported values: [1d, 1w, 1mo]. 1mo ​​is 30 days.' in: query name: timeSpan type: string - description: 'Sample Rate, default: 1h, supported values: [1h, 1d]. Valid configurations with timeSpan: 1d/1h, 1w/1d, 1mo/1d' in: query name: sampleRate type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.TransactionCountResult' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/observations: get: description: Returns all observations. operationId: find-observations parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/observations.ObservationDoc' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/observations/:chain: get: description: Returns all observations for a given blockchain. operationId: find-observations-by-chain parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/observations.ObservationDoc' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/observations/:chain/:emitter: get: description: Returns all observations for a specific emitter address. operationId: find-observations-by-emitter parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/observations.ObservationDoc' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/observations/:chain/:emitter/:sequence: get: description: Find observations identified by emitter chain, emitter address and sequence. operationId: find-observations-by-sequence parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/observations.ObservationDoc' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/observations/:chain/:emitter/:sequence/:signer/:hash: get: description: Find a specific observation. operationId: find-observations-by-id parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/observations.ObservationDoc' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/ready: get: description: Ready check operationId: ready-check responses: "200": description: OK schema: allOf: - type: object - properties: ready: type: string type: object "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/scorecards: get: description: Returns a list of KPIs for Wormhole. operationId: get-scorecards responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.ScorecardsResponse' "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/top-assets-by-volume: get: description: Returns a list of the (emitter_chain, asset) pairs with the most volume. operationId: get-top-assets-by-volume parameters: - description: 'Time span, supported values: 7d, 15d, 30d.' in: query name: timeSpan required: true type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.TopAssetsResponse' "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/top-chain-pairs-by-num-transfers: get: description: Returns a list of the (emitter_chain, destination_chain) pairs with the highest number of transfers. operationId: get-top-chain-pairs-by-num-transfers parameters: - description: 'Time span, supported values: 7d, 15d, 30d.' in: query name: timeSpan required: true type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.TopChainPairsResponse' "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/vaas/: get: description: Returns all VAAs. Output is paginated and can also be be sorted. operationId: find-all-vaas parameters: - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string - description: Transaction hash of the VAA in: query name: txHash type: string - description: include the parsed contents of the VAA, if available in: query name: parsedPayload type: boolean - description: filter by application ID in: query name: appId type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_vaa_VaaDoc' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/vaas/{chain_id}: get: description: Returns all the VAAs generated in specific blockchain. operationId: find-vaas-by-chain parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_vaa_VaaDoc' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/vaas/{chain_id}/{emitter}: get: description: Returns all all the VAAs generated by a specific emitter address. operationId: find-vaas-by-emitter parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: Page number. in: query name: page type: integer - description: Number of elements per page. in: query name: pageSize type: integer - description: Sort results in ascending or descending order. enum: - ASC - DESC in: query name: sortOrder type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_vaa_VaaDoc' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/vaas/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq}: get: description: Find a VAA by ID. operationId: find-vaa-by-id parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: sequence of the VAA in: path name: seq required: true type: integer - description: include the parsed contents of the VAA, if available in: query name: parsedPayload type: boolean responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_vaa_VaaDoc' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/vaas/vaa-counts: get: description: Returns the total number of VAAs emitted for each blockchain. operationId: get-vaa-counts responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/response.Response-array_vaa_VaaStats' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/version: get: description: Get version/release information. operationId: get-version responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/infrastructure.VersionResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /api/v1/x-chain-activity: get: description: Returns a list of tx by source chain and destination chain. operationId: x-chain-activity parameters: - description: 'Star time (format: ISO-8601).' in: query name: start_time type: string - description: 'End time (format: ISO-8601).' in: query name: end_time type: string - description: Renders the results as notional or tx-count (default is notional). in: query name: by type: string - description: List of apps separated by comma (default is all apps). in: query name: apps type: string responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/transactions.ChainActivity' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /swagger.json: get: description: Returns the swagger specification for this API. operationId: swagger responses: "200": description: OK schema: type: object "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Wormscan /v1/governor/available_notional_by_chain: get: description: |- Get available notional by chainID Since from the wormhole-explorer point of view it is not a node, but has the information of all nodes, in order to build the endpoints it was assumed: There are N number of remainingAvailableNotional values in the GovernorConfig collection. N = number of guardians for a chainID. The smallest remainingAvailableNotional value for a chainID is used for the endpoint response. operationId: governor-available-notional-by-chain responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.AvailableNotionalResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/governor/enqueued_vaas: get: description: Get enqueued VAAs operationId: guardians-enqueued-vaas responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaaResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/governor/is_vaa_enqueued/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq}: get: description: Check if vaa is enqueued operationId: guardians-is-vaa-enqueued parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: sequence of the vaa in: path name: seq required: true type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.EnqueuedVaaResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/governor/token_list: get: description: |- Get token list Since from the wormhole-explorer point of view it is not a node, but has the information of all nodes, in order to build the endpoints it was assumed: For tokens with the same originChainId and originAddress and different price values for each node, the price that has most occurrences in all the nodes for an originChainId and originAddress is returned. operationId: guardians-token-list responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/governor.TokenList' type: array "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/guardianset/current: get: description: Get current guardian set. operationId: guardian-set responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/guardian.GuardianSetResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/heartbeats: get: description: Get heartbeats for guardians operationId: guardians-hearbeats responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/heartbeats.HeartbeatsResponse' "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/signed_batch_vaa/{chain_id}/{emitter}/sequence/{seq}: get: description: get a batch of VAA []byte from a chainID, emitter address and sequence. operationId: guardians-find-signed-batch-vaa parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: sequence of the VAA in: path name: seq required: true type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: allOf: - type: object - properties: vaaBytes: items: type: integer type: array type: object "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian /v1/signed_vaa/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq}: get: description: get a VAA []byte from a chainID, emitter address and sequence. operationId: guardians-find-signed-vaa parameters: - description: id of the blockchain in: path name: chain_id required: true type: integer - description: address of the emitter in: path name: emitter required: true type: string - description: sequence of the VAA in: path name: seq required: true type: integer responses: "200": description: OK schema: allOf: - type: object - properties: vaaBytes: items: type: integer type: array type: object "400": description: Bad Request "500": description: Internal Server Error tags: - Guardian swagger: "2.0"