package watcher import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "strconv" "sync" "time" "" solana_types "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type instructionID byte const ( unknownInstructionID instructionID = 0x0 completeNativeInstructionID instructionID = 0x2 completeWrappedInstructionID instructionID = 0x3 transferInstructionNumAccounts = 14 ) const ( unknownInstruction = "unknown" completeNativeInstruction = "completeNative" completeWrappedInstruction = "completeWrapped" ) func (i instructionID) Name() string { switch i { case unknownInstructionID: return unknownInstruction case completeNativeInstructionID: return completeNativeInstruction case completeWrappedInstructionID: return completeWrappedInstruction default: return unknownInstruction } } const ( postVAAAccountIndex = 2 postVAATypeIndex = 0x2 ) const maxRetries = 5 const retryDelay = 10 * time.Second type SolanaWatcher struct { client *solana.SolanaSDK chainID vaa.ChainID blockchain string contractAddress solana_types.PublicKey sizeBlocks uint8 waitSeconds uint16 initialBlock int64 repository *storage.Repository logger *zap.Logger close chan bool wg sync.WaitGroup } type SolanaParams struct { Blockchain string ContractAddress solana_types.PublicKey SizeBlocks uint8 WaitSeconds uint16 InitialBlock int64 } type postVAAData struct { Version uint8 GuardianSetIndex uint32 Timestamp uint32 Nonce uint32 EmitterChain uint16 EmitterAddress [32]uint8 Sequence uint64 ConsistencyLevel uint8 Payload []uint8 } func (p *postVAAData) MessageID() string { vaa := vaa.VAA{ EmitterChain: vaa.ChainID(p.EmitterChain), EmitterAddress: vaa.Address(p.EmitterAddress), Sequence: p.Sequence, } return vaa.MessageID() } func NewSolanaWatcher(client *solana.SolanaSDK, repo *storage.Repository, params SolanaParams, logger *zap.Logger) *SolanaWatcher { return &SolanaWatcher{ client: client, chainID: vaa.ChainIDSolana, blockchain: params.Blockchain, contractAddress: params.ContractAddress, sizeBlocks: params.SizeBlocks, waitSeconds: params.WaitSeconds, initialBlock: params.InitialBlock, repository: repo, logger: logger.With(zap.String("blockchain", params.Blockchain), zap.Uint16("chainId", uint16(vaa.ChainIDSolana))), } } func (w *SolanaWatcher) Start(ctx context.Context) error { // get the current block for the chain. cBlock, err := w.repository.GetCurrentBlock(ctx, w.blockchain, w.initialBlock) if err != nil { w.logger.Error("cannot get current block", zap.Error(err)) return err } currentBlock := uint64(cBlock) w.wg.Add(1) for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): w.logger.Info("clossing watcher by context") w.wg.Done() return nil case <-w.close: w.logger.Info("clossing watcher") w.wg.Done() return nil default: // get the latest block for the chain. lastBlock, err := w.client.GetLatestBlock(ctx) if err != nil { w.logger.Error("cannot get blockchain stats", zap.Error(err)) } maxBlocks := uint64(w.sizeBlocks) if currentBlock < lastBlock { w.logger.Info("current block", zap.Uint64("current", currentBlock), zap.Uint64("last", lastBlock)) totalBlocks := (lastBlock-currentBlock)/maxBlocks + 1 for i := 0; i < int(totalBlocks); i++ { fromBlock := currentBlock + uint64(i)*maxBlocks toBlock := fromBlock + maxBlocks - 1 if toBlock > lastBlock { toBlock = lastBlock } w.logger.Info("processing blocks", zap.Uint64("from", fromBlock), zap.Uint64("to", toBlock)) w.processBlock(ctx, fromBlock, toBlock) w.logger.Info("blocks processed", zap.Uint64("from", fromBlock), zap.Uint64("to", toBlock)) } // process all the blocks between current and last block. } else { w.logger.Info("waiting for new blocks") select { case <-ctx.Done(): w.wg.Done() return nil case <-time.After(time.Duration(w.waitSeconds) * time.Second): } } currentBlock = lastBlock } } } func (w *SolanaWatcher) Close() { close(w.close) w.wg.Wait() } func (w *SolanaWatcher) processBlock(ctx context.Context, fromBlock uint64, toBlock uint64) { for block := fromBlock; block <= toBlock; block++ { logger := w.logger.With(zap.Uint64("block", block)) logger.Debug("processing block") err := retry.Do( func() error { // get the transactions for the block. result, err := w.client.GetBlock(ctx, block) if err != nil { if err == solana.ErrSlotSkipped { logger.Info("slot was skipped") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("cannot get block. %w", err) } // check if the block is confirmed. if !result.IsConfirmed { return errors.New("block not confirmed") } for txNum, txRpc := range result.Transactions { w.processTransaction(ctx, &txRpc, block, txNum, result.BlockTime) } // update the last block number processed in the database. watcherBlock := storage.WatcherBlock{ ID: w.blockchain, BlockNumber: int64(block), UpdatedAt: time.Now(), } return w.repository.UpdateWatcherBlock(ctx, watcherBlock) }, retry.Attempts(maxRetries), retry.Delay(retryDelay), retry.OnRetry(func(n uint, err error) { logger.Debug("processing block", zap.Error(err), zap.Uint("retry", n)) }), ) if err != nil { logger.Error("processing block", zap.Error(err)) } } } func (w *SolanaWatcher) processTransaction(ctx context.Context, txRpc *rpc.TransactionWithMeta, block uint64, txNum int, blockTime *time.Time) { tx, err := txRpc.GetTransaction() if err != nil { w.logger.Error("failed to unmarshal transaction", zap.Uint64("block", block), zap.Int("txNum", txNum), zap.Int("dataLen", len(txRpc.Transaction.GetBinary())), zap.Error(err), ) return } txSignature := tx.Signatures[0] programIndex := int16(-1) for n, key := range tx.Message.AccountKeys { if key.Equals(w.contractAddress) { programIndex = int16(n) } } if programIndex == -1 { return } w.logger.Debug("found Wormhole transaction", zap.Stringer("txSignature", txSignature), zap.Uint64("block", block)) // Find top-level instructions for _, inst := range tx.Message.Instructions { instruccionID := getTransferInstruction(inst, programIndex) switch instruccionID { case completeNativeInstructionID, completeWrappedInstructionID: default: continue } found, accountAddress := w.getAccountAddress(inst, programIndex, tx) if !found || accountAddress == nil { continue } signaturesByAccount, err := w.client.GetSignaturesForAddress(ctx, *accountAddress) if err != nil { w.logger.Error("getting signatures for address failed", zap.Stringer("txSignature", txSignature), zap.Uint64("block", block), zap.String("accountAddress", accountAddress.String()), zap.Error(err)) continue } for _, signatureByAccount := range signaturesByAccount { txSignatureAccount := signatureByAccount.Signature if !txSignature.Equals(txSignatureAccount) { log := w.logger.With( zap.Stringer("txSignature", txSignature), zap.Stringer("txSignatureAccount", txSignatureAccount), zap.Uint64("block", block), zap.String("accountAddress", accountAddress.String()), ) result, err := w.client.GetTransaction(ctx, txSignatureAccount) if err != nil { log.Error("getting transaction failed", zap.Error(err)) continue } if result.Transaction == nil { log.Error("transaction not found") continue } t, err := result.Transaction.GetTransaction() if err != nil { log.Error("getting transaction detail failed", zap.Error(err)) continue } if len(t.Message.Instructions) == 1 { instruccion := t.Message.Instructions[0] if len(instruccion.Data) == 0 { log.Debug("instruction data is empty") continue } if instruccion.Data[0] != postVAATypeIndex { log.Debug("invalid instruction data type", zap.Uint8("type", uint8(instruccion.Data[0]))) continue } var data postVAAData if err := borsh.Deserialize(&data, instruccion.Data[1:]); err != nil { log.Error("failed to deserialize instruction data", zap.Error(err)) continue } updatedAt := time.Now() globalTx := storage.TransactionUpdate{ ID: data.MessageID(), Destination: storage.DestinationTx{ ChainID: w.chainID, Status: w.getStatus(txRpc), Method: instruccionID.Name(), TxHash: txSignature.String(), BlockNumber: strconv.FormatUint(block, 10), Timestamp: blockTime, UpdatedAt: &updatedAt, }, } // update global transaction and check if it should be updated. updateGlobalTransaction(ctx, globalTx, w.repository, log) } else { log.Warn("transaction has more than one instruction") } } } } } func getTransferInstruction(inst solana_types.CompiledInstruction, programIndex int16) instructionID { if inst.ProgramIDIndex != uint16(programIndex) { return unknownInstructionID } if len(inst.Data) == 0 { return unknownInstructionID } switch inst.Data[0] { case byte(completeNativeInstructionID): return completeNativeInstructionID case byte(completeWrappedInstructionID): return completeWrappedInstructionID default: return unknownInstructionID } } func (w *SolanaWatcher) getAccountAddress(inst solana_types.CompiledInstruction, programIndex int16, tx *solana_types.Transaction) (bool, *solana_types.PublicKey) { if len(inst.Accounts) != transferInstructionNumAccounts || len(tx.Message.AccountKeys) < postVAAAccountIndex { w.logger.Error("invalid number of accounts", zap.Int("instructionAccounts", len(inst.Accounts)), zap.Int("messageAccounts", len(tx.Message.AccountKeys)), zap.Int("postVAAAccountIndex", postVAAAccountIndex), zap.Int("expectedAccounts", transferInstructionNumAccounts)) return false, nil } accountAddress := tx.Message.AccountKeys[inst.Accounts[postVAAAccountIndex]] return true, &accountAddress } func (w *SolanaWatcher) getStatus(txRpc *rpc.TransactionWithMeta) string { if txRpc.Meta != nil && txRpc.Meta.Err != nil { return TxStatusFailedToProcess } return TxStatusConfirmed }