package consumer import ( "context" "fmt" "time" "" "" "" "" "" sdk "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // DestinationTx representa a destination transaction. type DestinationTx struct { ChainID sdk.ChainID `bson:"chainId"` Status string `bson:"status"` Method string `bson:"method"` TxHash string `bson:"txHash"` From string `bson:"from"` To string `bson:"to"` BlockNumber string `bson:"blockNumber"` Timestamp *time.Time `bson:"timestamp"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `bson:"updatedAt"` } // TargetTxUpdate represents a transaction document. type TargetTxUpdate struct { ID string `bson:"_id"` Destination *DestinationTx `bson:"destinationTx"` } // Repository exposes operations over the `globalTransactions` collection. type Repository struct { logger *zap.Logger globalTransactions *mongo.Collection vaas *mongo.Collection vaaIdTxHash *mongo.Collection } // New creates a new repository. func NewRepository(logger *zap.Logger, db *mongo.Database) *Repository { r := Repository{ logger: logger, globalTransactions: db.Collection("globalTransactions"), vaas: db.Collection("vaas"), vaaIdTxHash: db.Collection("vaaIdTxHash"), } return &r } // UpsertOriginTxParams is a struct that contains the parameters for the upsertDocument method. type UpsertOriginTxParams struct { VaaId string ChainId sdk.ChainID TxDetail *chains.TxDetail TxStatus domain.SourceTxStatus Timestamp *time.Time } func (r *Repository) UpsertOriginTx(ctx context.Context, params *UpsertOriginTxParams) error { fields := bson.D{ {Key: "status", Value: params.TxStatus}, } if params.TxDetail != nil { fields = append(fields, primitive.E{Key: "nativeTxHash", Value: params.TxDetail.NativeTxHash}) fields = append(fields, primitive.E{Key: "from", Value: params.TxDetail.From}) if params.Timestamp != nil { fields = append(fields, primitive.E{Key: "timestamp", Value: params.Timestamp}) } if params.TxDetail.Attribute != nil { fields = append(fields, primitive.E{Key: "attribute", Value: params.TxDetail.Attribute}) } } update := bson.D{ { Key: "$set", Value: bson.D{ { Key: "originTx", Value: fields, }, }, }, } opts := options.Update().SetUpsert(true) _, err := r.globalTransactions.UpdateByID(ctx, params.VaaId, update, opts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to upsert source tx information: %w", err) } return nil } // AlreadyProcessed returns true if the given VAA ID has already been processed. func (r *Repository) AlreadyProcessed(ctx context.Context, vaaId string) (bool, error) { result := r. globalTransactions. FindOne(ctx, bson.D{ {Key: "_id", Value: vaaId}, {Key: "originTx", Value: bson.D{{Key: "$exists", Value: true}}}, }) var tx GlobalTransaction err := result.Decode(&tx) if err == mongo.ErrNoDocuments { return false, nil } else if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode already processed VAA id: %w", err) } else { return true, nil } } // CountDocumentsByTimeRange returns the number of documents that match the given time range. func (r *Repository) CountDocumentsByTimeRange( ctx context.Context, timeAfter time.Time, timeBefore time.Time, ) (uint64, error) { // Build the aggregation pipeline var pipeline mongo.Pipeline { // filter by time range pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"timestamp", bson.D{{"$gte", timeAfter}}}, }}, }) pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"timestamp", bson.D{{"$lte", timeBefore}}}, }}, }) // Count the number of results pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$count", "numDocuments"}, }) } // Execute the aggregation pipeline cur, err := r.vaas.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed execute aggregation pipeline", zap.Error(err)) return 0, err } // Read results from cursor var results []struct { NumDocuments uint64 `bson:"numDocuments"` } err = cur.All(ctx, &results) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed to decode cursor", zap.Error(err)) return 0, err } if len(results) == 0 { return 0, nil } if len(results) > 1 { r.logger.Error("too many results", zap.Int("numResults", len(results))) return 0, err } return results[0].NumDocuments, nil } // CountIncompleteDocuments returns the number of documents that have destTx data, but don't have sourceTx data. func (r *Repository) CountIncompleteDocuments(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) { // Build the aggregation pipeline var pipeline mongo.Pipeline { // Look up transactions that either: // 1. have not been processed // 2. have been processed, but encountered an internal error pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"$or", bson.A{ bson.D{{"originTx", bson.D{{"$exists", false}}}}, bson.D{{"originTx.status", bson.M{"$eq": domain.SourceTxStatusInternalError}}}, }}, }}, }) // Count the number of results pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$count", "numDocuments"}, }) } // Execute the aggregation pipeline cur, err := r.globalTransactions.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed execute aggregation pipeline", zap.Error(err)) return 0, err } // Read results from cursor var results []struct { NumDocuments uint64 `bson:"numDocuments"` } err = cur.All(ctx, &results) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed to decode cursor", zap.Error(err)) return 0, err } if len(results) == 0 { return 0, nil } if len(results) > 1 { r.logger.Error("too many results", zap.Int("numResults", len(results))) return 0, err } return results[0].NumDocuments, nil } type GlobalTransaction struct { Id string `bson:"_id"` Vaas []vaa.VaaDoc `bson:"vaas"` } // GetDocumentsByTimeRange iterates through documents within a specified time range. func (r *Repository) GetDocumentsByTimeRange( ctx context.Context, lastId string, lastTimestamp *time.Time, limit uint, timeAfter time.Time, timeBefore time.Time, ) ([]GlobalTransaction, error) { // Build the aggregation pipeline var pipeline mongo.Pipeline { // Specify sorting criteria pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$sort", bson.D{ bson.E{"timestamp", -1}, bson.E{"_id", 1}, }}, }) // filter out already processed documents // // We use the timestap field as a pagination cursor if lastTimestamp != nil { pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"$or", bson.A{ bson.D{{"timestamp", bson.M{"$lt": *lastTimestamp}}}, bson.D{{"$and", bson.A{ bson.D{{"timestamp", bson.M{"$eq": *lastTimestamp}}}, bson.D{{"_id", bson.M{"$gt": lastId}}}, }}}, }}, }}, }) } // filter by time range pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"timestamp", bson.D{{"$gte", timeAfter}}}, }}, }) pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"timestamp", bson.D{{"$lte", timeBefore}}}, }}, }) // Limit size of results pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$limit", limit}, }) } // Execute the aggregation pipeline cur, err := r.vaas.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed execute aggregation pipeline", zap.Error(err)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // Read results from cursor var documents []vaa.VaaDoc err = cur.All(ctx, &documents) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed to decode cursor", zap.Error(err)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // Build the result var globalTransactions []GlobalTransaction for i := range documents { globalTransaction := GlobalTransaction{ Id: documents[i].ID, Vaas: []vaa.VaaDoc{documents[i]}, } globalTransactions = append(globalTransactions, globalTransaction) } return globalTransactions, nil } // GetIncompleteDocuments gets a batch of VAA IDs from the database. func (r *Repository) GetIncompleteDocuments( ctx context.Context, lastId string, lastTimestamp *time.Time, limit uint, ) ([]GlobalTransaction, error) { // Build the aggregation pipeline var pipeline mongo.Pipeline { // Specify sorting criteria pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$sort", bson.D{bson.E{"_id", 1}}}, }) // filter out already processed documents // // We use the _id field as a pagination cursor pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{{"_id", bson.M{"$gt": lastId}}}}, }) // Look up transactions that either: // 1. have not been processed // 2. have been processed, but encountered an internal error pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$match", bson.D{ {"$or", bson.A{ bson.D{{"originTx", bson.D{{"$exists", false}}}}, bson.D{{"originTx.status", bson.M{"$eq": domain.SourceTxStatusInternalError}}}, }}, }}, }) // Left join on the VAA collection pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$lookup", bson.D{ {"from", "vaas"}, {"localField", "_id"}, {"foreignField", "_id"}, {"as", "vaas"}, }}, }) // Limit size of results pipeline = append(pipeline, bson.D{ {"$limit", limit}, }) } // Execute the aggregation pipeline cur, err := r.globalTransactions.Aggregate(ctx, pipeline) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed execute aggregation pipeline", zap.Error(err)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } // Read results from cursor var documents []GlobalTransaction err = cur.All(ctx, &documents) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("failed to decode cursor", zap.Error(err)) return nil, errors.WithStack(err) } return documents, nil } // VaaIdTxHash represents a vaaIdTxHash document. type VaaIdTxHash struct { TxHash string `bson:"txHash"` } func (r *Repository) GetVaaIdTxHash(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VaaIdTxHash, error) { var v VaaIdTxHash err := r.vaaIdTxHash.FindOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": id}).Decode(&v) return &v, err } func (r *Repository) UpsertTargetTx(ctx context.Context, globalTx *TargetTxUpdate) error { update := bson.M{ "$set": globalTx, "$setOnInsert": repository.IndexedAt(time.Now()), "$inc": bson.D{{Key: "revision", Value: 1}}, } _, err := r.globalTransactions.UpdateByID(ctx, globalTx.ID, update, options.Update().SetUpsert(true)) if err != nil { r.logger.Error("Error inserting target tx in global transaction", zap.Error(err)) return err } return err } // AlreadyProcessed returns true if the given VAA ID has already been processed. func (r *Repository) GetTargetTx(ctx context.Context, vaaId string) (*TargetTxUpdate, error) { result := r. globalTransactions. FindOne(ctx, bson.D{ {Key: "_id", Value: vaaId}, {Key: "destinationTx", Value: bson.D{{Key: "$exists", Value: true}}}, }) var tx TargetTxUpdate err := result.Decode(&tx) if err == mongo.ErrNoDocuments { return nil, nil } else if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode already processed VAA id: %w", err) } else { return &tx, nil } }