import { LCDClient } from "@terra-money/terra.js"; import { formatUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import { getTokenPricesCGID, getTokenPricesGET } from "./getCoinGeckoPrices"; import { CHAIN_ID_TERRA, CHAIN_ID_TERRA2, isNativeCosmWasmDenom, getEmitterAddressTerra, } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk"; import axios from "axios"; import { DISALLOWLISTED_ADDRESSES, CHAIN_INFO_MAP } from "./utils"; // current allowlist used for stats/govenor import allowList = require("./allowList.json"); import { BigNumber } from "ethers"; require("dotenv").config(); function formatTerraNative(address: string) { let symbol = address.slice(1); if (address != "uluna") { symbol = symbol.slice(0, -1) + "t"; } return symbol; } function getAllowList(chainId) { if (Object.keys(allowList).includes(chainId.toString())) { return allowList[chainId]; } else { return []; } } function calcTokenQty(tokenInfo) { return Number(formatUnits(tokenInfo.balance, tokenInfo.decimals)); } async function contractQuery( address: string, query: object, host ): Promise { //return this.provider.wasm.contractQuery(address, query); const lcd = new LCDClient(host); let info = undefined; try { info = await lcd.wasm.contractQuery(address, query); } catch (e) { console.log("could not query contract info: ", address); } return info; } async function queryTokenInfo(address: string, host): Promise { return await contractQuery( address, { token_info: {}, }, host ); } function getNativeTerraTokenInfo(address, chainId) { if (address === "uluna") { if (chainId === CHAIN_ID_TERRA) { return { name: "Luna Classic", symbol: "LUNC", decimals: 6, tokenAddress: address, }; } else { return { name: "Luna", symbol: "LUNA", decimals: 6, tokenAddress: address, }; } } else if (address === "uusd") { return { name: "UST", symbol: "UST", decimals: 6, tokenAddress: address, }; } return {}; } export async function getTerraTokenAccounts(chainInfo, useAllowList) { const chainId = chainInfo.chain_id; const bridgeAddress = chainInfo.token_bridge_address; var TERRA_HOST; var network; if (chainId == CHAIN_ID_TERRA) { TERRA_HOST = { URL: "", chainID: "columbus-5", name: "mainnet", }; network = "classic"; } else if (chainId == CHAIN_ID_TERRA2) { TERRA_HOST = { URL: "", chainID: "phoenix-1", name: "mainnet", }; network = "mainnet"; } const lcd = new LCDClient(TERRA_HOST); var tokenList = []; var tokenData = {}; if (useAllowList) { const allowList = getAllowList(chainId); Object.keys(allowList).forEach((address) => { tokenList.push(address); }); for (let i = 0; i < tokenList.length; i++) { let address = tokenList[i]; var tokenInfo = undefined; if (isNativeCosmWasmDenom(chainId, address)) { console.log("isNativeCosmWasmDenom?", address); tokenInfo = getNativeTerraTokenInfo(address, chainId); } else { tokenInfo = await queryTokenInfo(address, TERRA_HOST); } tokenData[address] = tokenInfo; } // console.log("tokenData", tokenData); } else { const token_url = ""; const response = await axios.get(token_url); if (response.status == 200) { const data = response["data"]; if (data.hasOwnProperty(network)) { tokenData = data[network]; tokenList = Object.keys(tokenData); } else { console.log("object has no data"); } } else { console.log(response.status); } } let tokenAccounts = []; let nativeTokens = []; try { const address = bridgeAddress; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } for (let i = 0; i < tokenList.length; i++) { const tokenAddress = tokenList[i]; try { let token = await lcd.wasm.contractQuery(tokenAddress, { balance: { address: bridgeAddress }, }); let tokenInfo = tokenData[tokenAddress]; // console.log(tokenAddress, token, tokenInfo); tokenAccounts.push({ tokenAddress: tokenAddress, name:, decimals: tokenInfo?.decimals || 6, symbol: tokenInfo.symbol, balance: BigNumber.from(token["balance"]), }); } catch (e) { console.log("could not find address=", tokenAddress); } } // grab native tokens const [balance] = await; balance.toData().forEach((token) => { if (useAllowList) { if (tokenList.includes(token.denom)) { let tokenInfo = tokenData[token.denom]; tokenAccounts.push({ tokenAddress: token.denom, name:, decimals: tokenInfo?.decimals || 6, symbol: tokenInfo.symbol, balance: BigNumber.from(token.amount), }); } } else { tokenAccounts.push({ tokenAddress: token.denom, name: "native", symbol: formatTerraNative(token.denom), balance: token.amount, decimals: "6", }); } }); // console.log("tokenAccounts=", tokenAccounts); return tokenAccounts; } async function getTokenValues(chainInfo, tokenInfos: any[], useAllowList) { try { const custody = => ({ ...tokenInfo, qty: calcTokenQty(tokenInfo), })); const custodyFiltered = custody.filter((c) => c.qty > 0); var tokenPrices = {}; var prices = []; if (useAllowList) { // use coingecko ids from allowlist const allowList = getAllowList(chainInfo.chain_id); const cgids: string[] = Object.values(allowList); // input array of cgids, returns json with cgid:price prices = await getTokenPricesCGID(cgids); if (prices === undefined) { console.log(`could not find ids for ${chainInfo.chain_id}`); return []; } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prices)) { if (!value.hasOwnProperty("usd")) { prices[key] = { usd: 0 }; } } // have to map cgid: price to tokenAddress: price for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(allowList)) { for (const [key1, value1] of Object.entries(prices)) { if (key1 === value) { tokenPrices[key] = prices[key1]; } } } } else { let j = 0; let chunk_size = 100; while (j < custodyFiltered.length) { prices = await getTokenPricesGET( chainInfo.chain_id, chainInfo.platform, custodyFiltered.slice(j, j + chunk_size).map((x) => x.tokenAddress) ); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prices)) { if (!value.hasOwnProperty("usd")) { prices[key] = { usd: 0 }; } } tokenPrices = { ...tokenPrices, ...prices }; j += chunk_size; } } // filter list by those with coin gecko prices const filteredBalances = custodyFiltered.filter((x) => Object.keys(tokenPrices).includes(x?.tokenAddress) ); // calculate usd balances. add price and usd balance to tokenInfos const balancesUSD = => ({ ...tokenInfo, tokenPrice: tokenPrices[tokenInfo?.tokenAddress]["usd"], tokenBalanceUSD: tokenInfo.qty * tokenPrices[tokenInfo?.tokenAddress]["usd"], })); // filter out disallowlist addresses const balancesUSDFiltered = balancesUSD.filter( (x) => !DISALLOWLISTED_ADDRESSES.includes(x?.tokenAddress) ); const sorted = balancesUSDFiltered.sort((a, b) => a?.tokenBalanceUSD < b?.tokenBalanceUSD ? 1 : -1 ); return sorted; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } export async function getTerraCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList) { const tokenAccounts = await getTerraTokenAccounts(chainInfo, useAllowList); console.log( `Num of ${chainInfo?.platform} token accounts=${tokenAccounts?.length}` ); let custody = undefined; try { custody = await getTokenValues(chainInfo, tokenAccounts, useAllowList); console.log( `Num of filtered ${chainInfo?.platform} token accounts=${custody?.length}` ); } catch (e) { console.log("could not fetch terra prices"); } return custody; } export async function grabTerraCustodyData(chain, useAllowList) { const chainInfo = CHAIN_INFO_MAP[chain]; const balances = await getTerraCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList); if (balances === undefined) { console.log("could not pull terra balances"); return { balances: [] }; } else { const chainInfo_ = { ...chainInfo, emitter_address: await getEmitterAddressTerra( chainInfo.token_bridge_address ), balances: balances, }; return chainInfo_; } } // const chain = process.env.chain; // const useAllowListstr = process.env.chain || "false"; // var func = async () => { // const chainInfo = CHAIN_INFO_MAP[chain]; // const useAllowList = true ? useAllowListstr === "true" : false; // const balances = await getTerraCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList); // console.log(balances); // await updateTable(chainInfo, balances); // // console.log("terra custody (USD) = ", terraCustodyUSD); // }; // func().then((x) => console.log("end"));