
261 lines
8.2 KiB

import { EvmBlock, EvmLogFilter, EvmLog, EvmTag } from "../../../domain/entities";
import { EvmBlockRepository } from "../../../domain/repositories";
import winston from "../../log";
import { HttpClient } from "../../rpc/http/HttpClient";
import { HttpClientError } from "../../errors/HttpClientError";
import { ChainRPCConfig } from "../../config";
* EvmJsonRPCBlockRepository is a repository that uses a JSON RPC endpoint to fetch blocks.
* On the reliability side, only knows how to timeout.
export class EvmJsonRPCBlockRepository implements EvmBlockRepository {
protected httpClient: HttpClient;
protected cfg: EvmJsonRPCBlockRepositoryCfg;
protected readonly logger;
constructor(cfg: EvmJsonRPCBlockRepositoryCfg, httpClient: HttpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
this.cfg = cfg;
this.logger = winston.child({ module: "EvmJsonRPCBlockRepository" });
this.logger.info(`Created for ${Object.keys(this.cfg.chains)}`);
async getBlockHeight(chain: string, finality: EvmTag): Promise<bigint> {
const block: EvmBlock = await this.getBlock(chain, finality);
return block.number;
* Get blocks by block number.
* @param blockNumbers
* @returns a record of block hash -> EvmBlock
async getBlocks(chain: string, blockNumbers: Set<bigint>): Promise<Record<string, EvmBlock>> {
if (!blockNumbers.size) return {};
const reqs: any[] = [];
for (let blockNumber of blockNumbers) {
const blockNumberStrParam = `${HEXADECIMAL_PREFIX}${blockNumber.toString(16)}`;
const blockNumberStrId = blockNumber.toString();
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: blockNumberStrId,
method: "eth_getBlockByNumber",
params: [blockNumberStrParam, false],
const chainCfg = this.getCurrentChain(chain);
let results: (undefined | { id: string; result?: EvmBlock; error?: ErrorBlock })[];
try {
results = await this.httpClient.post<typeof results>(chainCfg.rpc.href, reqs, {
timeout: chainCfg.timeout,
retries: chainCfg.retries,
} catch (e: HttpClientError | any) {
this.handleError(chain, e, "getBlocks", "eth_getBlockByNumber");
throw e;
if (results && results.length) {
return results
response: undefined | { id: string; result?: EvmBlock; error?: ErrorBlock },
idx: number
) => {
// Karura is getting 6969 errors for some blocks, so we'll just return empty blocks for those instead of throwing an error.
// We take the timestamp from the previous block, which is not ideal but should be fine.
if (
(response && response.result === null) ||
(response?.error && response.error?.code && response.error.code === 6969)
) {
return {
hash: "",
number: BigInt(response.id),
timestamp: Date.now(),
if (
response?.result &&
response.result?.hash &&
response.result.number &&
) {
return {
hash: response.result.hash,
number: BigInt(response.result.number),
timestamp: Number(response.result.timestamp),
const msg = `[${chain}][getBlocks] Got error ${
} for eth_getBlockByNumber for ${response?.id ?? reqs[idx].id} on ${
throw new Error(
`Unable to parse result of eth_getBlockByNumber[${chain}] for ${
response?.id ?? reqs[idx].id
}: ${msg}`
.reduce((acc: Record<string, EvmBlock>, block: EvmBlock) => {
acc[block.hash] = block;
return acc;
}, {});
throw new Error(
`Unable to parse ${
results?.length ?? 0
} blocks for eth_getBlockByNumber for numbers ${blockNumbers} on ${chainCfg.rpc.hostname}`
async getFilteredLogs(chain: string, filter: EvmLogFilter): Promise<EvmLog[]> {
const parsedFilters = {
topics: filter.topics,
address: filter.addresses,
fromBlock: `${HEXADECIMAL_PREFIX}${filter.fromBlock.toString(16)}`,
toBlock: `${HEXADECIMAL_PREFIX}${filter.toBlock.toString(16)}`,
const chainCfg = this.getCurrentChain(chain);
let response: { result: Log[]; error?: ErrorBlock };
try {
response = await this.httpClient.post<typeof response>(
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "eth_getLogs",
params: [parsedFilters],
id: 1,
{ timeout: chainCfg.timeout, retries: chainCfg.retries }
} catch (e: HttpClientError | any) {
this.handleError(chain, e, "getFilteredLogs", "eth_getLogs");
throw e;
const logs = response?.result;
`[${chain}][getFilteredLogs] Got ${logs?.length} logs for ${this.describeFilter(
)} from ${chainCfg.rpc.hostname}`
return logs
? logs.map((log) => ({
blockNumber: BigInt(log.blockNumber),
transactionIndex: log.transactionIndex.toString(),
chainId: chainCfg.chainId,
: [];
private describeFilter(filter: EvmLogFilter): string {
return `[addresses:${filter.addresses}][topics:${filter.topics}][blocks:${filter.fromBlock} - ${filter.toBlock}]`;
* Loosely based on the wormhole-dashboard implementation (minus some specially crafted blocks when null result is obtained)
protected async getBlock(chain: string, blockNumberOrTag: EvmTag | bigint): Promise<EvmBlock> {
const blockNumberParam =
typeof blockNumberOrTag === "bigint"
? `${HEXADECIMAL_PREFIX}${blockNumberOrTag.toString(16)}`
: blockNumberOrTag;
const chainCfg = this.getCurrentChain(chain);
let response: { result?: EvmBlock; error?: ErrorBlock };
try {
response = await this.httpClient.post<typeof response>(
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "eth_getBlockByNumber",
params: [blockNumberParam, false], // this means we'll get a light block (no txs)
id: 1,
{ timeout: chainCfg.timeout, retries: chainCfg.retries }
} catch (e: HttpClientError | any) {
this.handleError(chain, e, "getBlock", "eth_getBlockByNumber");
throw e;
const result = response?.result;
if (result && result.hash && result.number && result.timestamp) {
// Convert to our domain compatible type
return {
number: BigInt(result.number),
timestamp: Number(result.timestamp),
hash: result.hash,
throw new Error(
`Unable to parse result of eth_getBlockByNumber for ${blockNumberOrTag} on ${chainCfg.rpc}`
protected handleError(chain: string, e: any, method: string, apiMethod: string) {
const chainCfg = this.getCurrentChain(chain);
if (e instanceof HttpClientError) {
`[${chain}][${method}] Got ${e.status} from ${chainCfg.rpc.hostname}/${apiMethod}. ${
e?.message ?? `${e?.message}`
} else {
`[${chain}][${method}] Got error ${e} from ${chainCfg.rpc.hostname}/${apiMethod}`
protected getCurrentChain(chain: string) {
const cfg = this.cfg.chains[chain];
return {
chainId: cfg.chainId,
rpc: new URL(cfg.rpcs[0]),
timeout: cfg.timeout ?? 10_000,
retries: cfg.retries ?? 2,
export type EvmJsonRPCBlockRepositoryCfg = {
chains: Record<string, ChainRPCConfig>;
type ErrorBlock = {
code: number; //6969,
message: string; //'Error: No response received from RPC endpoint in 60s'
type Log = {
blockNumber: string;
blockHash: string;
transactionIndex: number;
removed: boolean;
address: string;
data: string;
topics: Array<string>;
transactionHash: string;
logIndex: number;