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package types
import (
type Address struct {
address vaa.Address
func BytesToAddress(b []byte) (*Address, error) {
var a Address
if len(b) != len(a.address) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected byte slice to have len=%d, but got %d instead", len(a.address), len(b))
copy(a.address[:], b)
return &a, nil
// StringToAddress converts a hex-encoded address string into an *Address.
func StringToAddress(s string, acceptSolanaFormat bool) (*Address, error) {
// Attempt to parse a Solana address (i.e.: 32 bytes encoded as base58).
// If it fails, fall back to parsing a regular Wormhole address.
if acceptSolanaFormat {
sig, err := solana.PublicKeyFromBase58(s)
if err == nil {
// This step is not expected to fail, since Solana and Wormhole addresses have the same size.
emitter, err := BytesToAddress(sig[:])
if err == nil {
return emitter, nil
// Attempt to parse a regular Wormhole address (i.e.: 32 bytes encoded as hex).
a, err := vaa.StringToAddress(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Address{address: a}, nil
// Hex returns the full 32-byte address, encoded as hex.
func (addr *Address) Hex() string {
return addr.address.String()
// ShortHex returns a hex-encoded address that is usually shorted than Hex().
// If the full address returned by Hex() is prefixed 12 bytes set to zero,
// this function will trim those bytes.
// The reason we need this function is that a few database collections
// (governorConfig, governorStatus, heartbeats) store guardian addresses
// as 40 hex digits instead of the full 64-digit hex representation.
// When performing lookups over those collections, this function
// can perform the conversion.
func (addr *Address) ShortHex() string {
full := addr.Hex()
if len(full) == 64 && strings.HasPrefix(full, "000000000000000000000000") {
return full[24:]
return full
// Copy returns a deep copy of the address.
func (addr *Address) Copy() *Address {
var tmp vaa.Address
copy(tmp[:], addr.address[:])
return &Address{address: tmp}