
182 lines
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// Package governor handle the request of governor data from governor endpoint defined in the api.
package governor
import (
_ "github.com/wormhole-foundation/wormhole-explorer/api/response" // needed by swaggo docs
// Controller definition.
type Controller struct {
srv *governor.Service
logger *zap.Logger
// NewController create a new controler.
func NewController(serv *governor.Service, logger *zap.Logger) *Controller {
return &Controller{srv: serv, logger: logger.With(zap.String("module", "GovernorController"))}
// AvailableNotionalResponse response compatible with grpc api.
type AvailableNotionalResponse struct {
Entries []*AvailableNotionalItemResponse `json:"entries"`
type AvailableNotionalItemResponse struct {
ChainID vaa.ChainID `json:"chainId"`
AvailableNotional string `json:"remainingAvailableNotional"`
NotionalLimit string `json:"notionalLimit"`
MaxTransactionSize string `json:"bigTransactionSize"`
// GetAvailNotionByChain godoc
// @Description Get available notional by chainID
// @Description Since from the wormhole-explorer point of view it is not a node, but has the information of all nodes,
// @Description in order to build the endpoints it was assumed:
// @Description There are N number of remainingAvailableNotional values in the GovernorConfig collection. N = number of guardians
// @Description for a chainID. The smallest remainingAvailableNotional value for a chainID is used for the endpoint response.
// @Tags Guardian
// @ID governor-available-notional-by-chain
// @Success 200 {object} AvailableNotionalResponse
// @Failure 400
// @Failure 500
// @Router /v1/governor/available_notional_by_chain [get]
func (c *Controller) GetAvailNotionByChain(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
// call service to get available notional by chainID
availableNotional, err := c.srv.GetAvailNotionByChain(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
return err
// build response compatible with node grpc api.
entries := make([]*AvailableNotionalItemResponse, 0, len(availableNotional))
for _, v := range availableNotional {
r := AvailableNotionalItemResponse{
ChainID: v.ChainID,
AvailableNotional: v.AvailableNotional.String(),
NotionalLimit: v.NotionalLimit.String(),
MaxTransactionSize: v.MaxTransactionSize.String(),
entries = append(entries, &r)
response := AvailableNotionalResponse{
Entries: entries,
return ctx.JSON(response)
// EnqueuedVaaResponse response compatible with grpc api.
type EnqueuedVaaResponse struct {
Entries []*EnqueuedVaaItemResponse `json:"entries"`
type EnqueuedVaaItemResponse struct {
EmitterChain vaa.ChainID `json:"emitterChain"`
EmitterAddress string `json:"emitterAddress"`
Sequence uint64 `json:"sequence"`
ReleaseTime int64 `json:"releaseTime"`
NotionalValue string `json:"notionalValue"`
TxHash string `json:"txHash"`
// GetEnqueuedVaas godoc
// @Description Get enqueued VAAs
// @Tags Guardian
// @ID guardians-enqueued-vaas
// @Success 200 {object} EnqueuedVaaResponse
// @Failure 400
// @Failure 500
// @Router /v1/governor/enqueued_vaas [get]
func (c *Controller) GetEnqueuedVaas(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
enqueuedVaa, err := c.srv.GetEnqueuedVaas(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
return err
// build response compatible with node grpc api.
entries := make([]*EnqueuedVaaItemResponse, 0, len(enqueuedVaa))
for _, v := range enqueuedVaa {
seqUint64, err := strconv.ParseUint(v.Sequence, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
r := EnqueuedVaaItemResponse{
EmitterChain: v.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: v.EmitterAddress,
Sequence: seqUint64,
ReleaseTime: v.ReleaseTime,
NotionalValue: v.NotionalValue.String(),
TxHash: v.TxHash,
entries = append(entries, &r)
response := EnqueuedVaaResponse{
Entries: entries,
return ctx.JSON(response)
// IsVaaEnqueued godoc
// @Description Check if vaa is enqueued
// @Tags Guardian
// @ID guardians-is-vaa-enqueued
// @Param chain_id path integer true "id of the blockchain"
// @Param emitter path string true "address of the emitter"
// @Param seq path integer true "sequence of the vaa"
// @Success 200 {object} EnqueuedVaaResponse
// @Failure 400
// @Failure 500
// @Router /v1/governor/is_vaa_enqueued/{chain_id}/{emitter}/{seq} [get]
func (c *Controller) IsVaaEnqueued(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
chainID, emitter, seq, err := middleware.ExtractVAAParams(ctx, c.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
isEnqueued, err := c.srv.IsVaaEnqueued(ctx.Context(), chainID, emitter, strconv.FormatUint(seq, 10))
if err != nil {
return err
// build reponse compatible with node grpc api.
response := struct {
IsEnqueued bool `json:"isEnqueued"`
IsEnqueued: isEnqueued,
return ctx.JSON(response)
// GetTokenList godoc
// @Description Get token list
// @Description Since from the wormhole-explorer point of view it is not a node, but has the information of all nodes,
// @Description in order to build the endpoints it was assumed:
// @Description For tokens with the same originChainId and originAddress and different price values for each node,
// @Description the price that has most occurrences in all the nodes for an originChainId and originAddress is returned.
// @Tags Guardian
// @ID guardians-token-list
// @Success 200 {object} []TokenList
// @Failure 400
// @Failure 500
// @Router /v1/governor/token_list [get]
func (c *Controller) GetTokenList(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error {
tokenList, err := c.srv.GetTokenList(ctx.Context())
if err != nil {
return err
// build reponse compatible with node grpc api.
response := struct {
Entries []*governor.TokenList `json:"entries"`
Entries: tokenList,
return ctx.JSON(response)