
131 lines
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import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosInstance } from "axios";
import { setTimeout } from "timers/promises";
* A simple HTTP client with exponential backoff retries and 429 handling.
export class HttpClient {
private initialDelay: number = 1_000;
private maxDelay: number = 60_000;
private retries: number = 0;
private timeout: number = 5_000;
private axios: AxiosInstance;
constructor(options?: HttpClientOptions) {
options?.initialDelay && (this.initialDelay = options.initialDelay);
options?.maxDelay && (this.maxDelay = options.maxDelay);
options?.retries && (this.retries = options.retries);
options?.timeout && (this.timeout = options.timeout);
this.axios = axios.create();
public async post<T>(url: string, body: any, opts?: HttpClientOptions): Promise<T> {
return this.executeWithRetry(url, "POST", body, opts);
private async execute<T>(
url: string,
method: string,
body?: any,
opts?: HttpClientOptions
): Promise<T> {
let response;
try {
response = await this.axios.request<T>({
url: url,
method: method,
data: body,
timeout: opts?.timeout ?? this.timeout,
signal: AbortSignal.timeout(opts?.timeout ?? this.timeout),
} catch (err: AxiosError | any) {
// Connection / timeout error:
if (err instanceof AxiosError) {
throw new HttpClientError(err.message ?? err.code, { status: err?.status ?? 0 }, err);
throw new HttpClientError(err.message ?? err.code, undefined, err);
if (!(response.status > 200) && !(response.status < 300)) {
throw new HttpClientError(undefined, response, response.data);
return response.data;
private async executeWithRetry<T>(
url: string,
method: string,
body?: any,
opts?: HttpClientOptions
): Promise<T> {
const maxRetries = opts?.retries ?? this.retries;
let retries = 0;
const initialDelay = opts?.initialDelay ?? this.initialDelay;
const maxDelay = opts?.maxDelay ?? this.maxDelay;
while (maxRetries >= 0) {
try {
return await this.execute(url, method, body, opts);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof HttpClientError) {
if (retries < maxRetries) {
const retryAfter = err.getRetryAfter(maxDelay, err);
if (retryAfter) {
await setTimeout(retryAfter, { ref: false });
} else {
const timeout = Math.min(initialDelay * 2 ** maxRetries, maxDelay);
await setTimeout(timeout, { ref: false });
throw err;
throw new Error(`Failed to reach ${url}`);
export type HttpClientOptions = {
initialDelay?: number;
maxDelay?: number;
retries?: number;
timeout?: number;
export class HttpClientError extends Error {
public readonly status?: number;
public readonly data?: any;
public readonly headers?: any;
constructor(message?: string, response?: { status: number; headers?: any }, data?: any) {
super(message ?? `Unexpected status code: ${response?.status}`);
this.status = response?.status;
this.data = data;
this.headers = response?.headers;
Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
* Parses the Retry-After header and returns the value in milliseconds.
* @param maxDelay
* @param error
* @throws {HttpClientError} if retry-after is bigger than maxDelay.
* @returns the retry-after value in milliseconds.
public getRetryAfter(maxDelay: number, error: HttpClientError): number | undefined {
const retryAfter = this.headers?.get("Retry-After");
if (retryAfter) {
const value = parseInt(retryAfter) * 1000; // header value is in seconds
if (value <= maxDelay) {
return value;
throw error;