
334 lines
10 KiB

import { formatUnits } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { Connection, AccountInfo, PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { Connection as ConnectionMeta, programs } from "@metaplex/js";
import { getTokenPricesCGID, getTokenPricesGET } from "./getCoinGeckoPrices";
import { CHAIN_INFO_MAP, DISALLOWLISTED_ADDRESSES, sleepFor } from "./utils";
// current allowlist used for stats/govenor
import allowList = require("./allowList.json");
import { getEmitterAddressSolana } from "@certusone/wormhole-sdk";
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
function getAllowList(chainId) {
if (Object.keys(allowList).includes(chainId.toString())) {
return allowList[chainId];
} else {
return [];
function calcTokenQty(tokenInfo) {
return Number(formatUnits(tokenInfo.balance, tokenInfo.decimals));
const {
metadata: { Metadata },
} = programs;
export async function getMultipleAccountsRPC(
connection: Connection,
pubkeys: PublicKey[]
): Promise<(AccountInfo<Buffer> | null)[]> {
return getMultipleAccounts(connection, pubkeys, "confirmed");
export const getMultipleAccounts = async (
connection: any,
pubkeys: PublicKey[],
commitment: string
) => {
return (
await Promise.all(connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo(pubkeys, commitment))
export function shortenAddress(address: string) {
return address.length > 10
? `${address.slice(0, 4)}...${address.slice(-4)}`
: address;
export const METADATA_REPLACE = new RegExp("\u0000", "g");
export const EDITION_MARKER_BIT_SIZE = 248;
export const METADATA_PREFIX = "metadata";
export const EDITION = "edition";
export function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
export type StringPublicKey = string;
export enum MetadataKey {
Uninitialized = 0,
MetadataV1 = 4,
EditionV1 = 1,
MasterEditionV1 = 2,
MasterEditionV2 = 6,
EditionMarker = 7,
export const METADATA_PROGRAM_ID =
"metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s" as StringPublicKey;
export const getMetadataAddress = async (
mintKey: string
): Promise<[PublicKey, number]> => {
const seeds = [
new PublicKey(METADATA_PROGRAM_ID).toBuffer(),
new PublicKey(mintKey).toBuffer(),
return PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
async function getSolanaMetaData(
mintAddresses: string[],
connection: Connection
) {
const metaAddresses = [];
for (let i = 0; i < mintAddresses.length; i++) {
let mintAddress = mintAddresses[i];
try {
const metaAddress = await getMetadataAddress(mintAddress);
mint: mintAddress,
meta: metaAddress[0].toString(),
} catch (e) {
let storeMetadata = {};
// Get store metadata
for (let i = 0; i < metaAddresses.length; i++) {
let mintkey = new PublicKey(metaAddresses[i].mint);
let pubkey = new PublicKey(metaAddresses[i].meta);
try {
const metadata = await Metadata.load(connection, pubkey);
const metadatadata = metadata.data?.data || {};
metadatadata["metakey"] = pubkey.toString();
metadatadata["tokenAddress"] = mintkey.toString();
storeMetadata[mintkey.toString()] = metadatadata;
} catch (e) {
return storeMetadata;
export async function getSolanaTokenAccounts(chainInfo, useAllowList) {
const chainId = chainInfo.chain_id;
const custodyAddress = chainInfo.custody_address;
const connection = new Connection(chainInfo.endpoint_url);
try {
var mintAddresses = [];
var tokenAccounts = [];
if (useAllowList) {
const allowList = getAllowList(chainId);
var mintAddresses = [];
Object.keys(allowList).forEach((address) => {
for (let i = 0; i < mintAddresses.length; i++) {
const mintAddress = mintAddresses[i];
const parsedAccount = await connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(
new PublicKey(custodyAddress),
mint: new PublicKey(mintAddress),
const tokenAccount_ = parsedAccount.value.at(-1);
const tokenAccount = tokenAccount_.account.data.parsed.info;
if (tokenAccount.tokenAmount?.amount > 0) {
// console.log(
// `token=${mintAddress} has a balance=${tokenAccount.tokenAmount?.amount}`
// );
} else {
console.log(`${tokenAccount} has a 0 balance`);
await sleepFor(1000);
} else {
const allAccounts = await connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(
new PublicKey(custodyAddress),
{ programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID },
allAccounts.value.forEach((account) => {
if (account.account.data.parsed?.info?.tokenAmount?.amount > 0) {
// get all token accounts with nonzero balance
// get mint addresses from token accounts and find metadata address
mintAddresses = tokenAccounts.map((x) => x.mint);
const storeMetadata = await getSolanaMetaData(mintAddresses, connection);
tokenAccounts = tokenAccounts.map((custody) => ({
// do a little tidying up
tokenAccounts = tokenAccounts.map((account) => ({
tokenAddress: account["tokenAddress"],
name: account["name"],
decimals: account["decimals"],
symbol: account["symbol"],
balance: BigNumber.from(account["amount"]),
return tokenAccounts;
} catch (e) {
return [];
async function getTokenValues(chainInfo, tokenInfos: any[], useAllowList) {
try {
const custody = tokenInfos.map((tokenInfo) => ({
qty: calcTokenQty(tokenInfo),
const custodyFiltered = custody.filter((c) => c.qty > 0);
var tokenPrices = {};
var prices = [];
if (useAllowList) {
// use coingecko ids from allowlist
const allowList = getAllowList(chainInfo.chain_id);
const cgids: string[] = Object.values(allowList);
// input array of cgids, returns json with cgid:price
prices = await getTokenPricesCGID(cgids);
if (prices === undefined) {
console.log(`could not find ids for ${chainInfo.chain_id}`);
return [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prices)) {
if (!value.hasOwnProperty("usd")) {
prices[key] = { usd: 0 };
// console.log(prices);
// have to map cgid: price to tokenAddress: price
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(allowList)) {
for (const [key1, value1] of Object.entries(prices)) {
if (key1 === value) {
tokenPrices[key] = prices[key1];
// console.log(tokenPrices);
} else {
// use tokenAddresses from tokenInfos/custody
let j = 0;
let chunk_size = 100;
while (j < custodyFiltered.length) {
const prices = await getTokenPricesGET(
custodyFiltered.slice(j, j + chunk_size).map((x) => x.tokenAddress)
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(prices)) {
if (!value.hasOwnProperty("usd")) {
prices[key] = { usd: 0 };
tokenPrices = { ...tokenPrices, ...prices };
j += chunk_size;
// console.log("tokenPrices", tokenPrices);
// filter list by those with coin gecko prices
const filteredBalances = custodyFiltered.filter((x) =>
// calculate usd balances. add price and usd balance to tokenInfos
const balancesUSD = filteredBalances.map((tokenInfo) => ({
tokenPrice: tokenPrices[tokenInfo.tokenAddress]["usd"],
tokenInfo.qty * tokenPrices[tokenInfo.tokenAddress]["usd"],
// filter out disallowlist addresses
const balancesUSDFiltered = balancesUSD.filter(
(x) => !DISALLOWLISTED_ADDRESSES.includes(x.tokenAddress)
var sorted = balancesUSDFiltered.sort((a, b) =>
a.tokenBalanceUSD < b.tokenBalanceUSD ? 1 : -1
return sorted;
} catch (e) {
return [];
export async function getSolanaCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList = true) {
const endpoint = chainInfo.endpoint_url;
const bridgeAddress = chainInfo.token_bridge_address;
const connection = new Connection(endpoint);
const nativeBalance = await connection.getBalance(
new PublicKey(bridgeAddress)
// console.log("amount of sol in custody=", nativeBalance);
const solanaCustodyNativeUSD = 0; //solanaCustodyNative.map(x => (parseInt(x.balance) / (10.0 ** x.decimals) * x.price)).reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0);
// grab token accounts from rpc/allowlist
const tokenAccounts = await getSolanaTokenAccounts(chainInfo, useAllowList);
`Num of ${chainInfo.platform} token accounts=${tokenAccounts.length}`
// tokenAccounts.forEach((x) => console.log(x));
const custody = await getTokenValues(chainInfo, tokenAccounts, useAllowList);
`Num of filtered ${chainInfo.platform} token accounts=${custody.length}`
return custody;
export async function grabSolanaCustodyData(chain, useAllowList) {
const chainInfo = CHAIN_INFO_MAP[chain];
const balances = await getSolanaCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList);
if (balances.length === 0) {
console.log(`could not get ${chainInfo.name} custody data`);
const chainInfo_ = {
balances: balances,
return chainInfo_;
// const useAllowListstr = process.env.chain || "false";
// (async () => {
// const useAllowList = true ? useAllowListstr === "true" : false;
// const chainInfo = CHAIN_INFO_MAP["1"];
// const balances = await getSolanaCustody(chainInfo, useAllowList);
// await updateTable(chainInfo, balances);
// })();