
326 lines
16 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IWormhole.sol";
import "./HubSetters.sol";
import "../HubSpokeStructs.sol";
import "../HubSpokeMessages.sol";
import "./HubGetters.sol";
import "./HubChecks.sol";
import "./HubWormholeUtilities.sol";
contract Hub is HubSpokeStructs, HubSpokeMessages, HubGetters, HubSetters, HubWormholeUtilities, HubChecks {
* @notice Hub constructor - Initializes a new hub with given parameters
* @param wormhole: Address of the Wormhole contract on the Hub chain
* @param tokenBridge: Address of the TokenBridge contract on the Hub chain
* @param consistencyLevel: Desired level of finality the Wormhole guardians will reach before signing the messages
* Note: consistencyLevel = 200 will result in an instant message, while all other values will wait for finality
* Recommended finality levels can be found here: https://book.wormhole.com/reference/contracts.html
* @param pythAddress: Address of the Pyth oracle on the Hub chain
* @param oracleMode: Variable that should be 0 and exists only for testing purposes.
* If oracleMode = 0, Hub uses Pyth; if 1, Hub uses a mock Pyth for testing, and if 2, Hub uses a dummy oracle that can be manually set
* @param priceStandardDeviations: priceStandardDeviations = (psd * priceStandardDeviationsPrecision), where psd is the number of standard deviations that we use for our price intervals in calculations relating to allowing withdraws, borrows, or liquidations
* @param priceStandardDeviationsPrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent our desired noninteger price standard deviation as an integer (specifically, psd = priceStandardDeviations/priceStandardDeviationsPrecision)
* @param maxLiquidationBonus: maxLiquidationBonus = (mlb * collateralizationRatioPrecision), where mlb is the multiplier such that if the fair value of a liquidator's repayed assets is v, the assets they receive can have a maximum of mlb*v in fair value. Fair value is computed using Pyth prices.
* @param maxLiquidationPortion: maxLiquidationPortion = (mlp * maxLiquidationPortionPrecision), where mlp is the maximum fraction of the borrowed value vault that a liquidator can liquidate at once.
* @param maxLiquidationPortionPrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent our desired noninteger max liquidation portion mlp as an integer (specifically, mlp = maxLiquidationPortion/maxLiquidationPortionPrecision)
* @param interestAccrualIndexPrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent our noninteger interest accrual indices as integers; we store each index as its true value multiplied by interestAccrualIndexPrecision
* @param collateralizationRatioPrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent our noninteger collateralization ratios as integers; we store each ratio as its true value multiplied by collateralizationRatioPrecision
/* Wormhole Information */
address wormhole,
address tokenBridge,
uint8 consistencyLevel,
/* Pyth Information */
address pythAddress,
uint8 oracleMode,
uint64 priceStandardDeviations,
uint64 priceStandardDeviationsPrecision,
/* Liquidation Information */
uint256 maxLiquidationBonus,
uint256 maxLiquidationPortion,
uint256 maxLiquidationPortionPrecision,
uint256 interestAccrualIndexPrecision,
uint256 collateralizationRatioPrecision
) {
require(interestAccrualIndexPrecision <= 10 ** 6);
require(collateralizationRatioPrecision <= 10 ** 6);
require(maxLiquidationPortionPrecision <= 10 ** 6);
require(priceStandardDeviationsPrecision <= 10 ** 6);
setMaxLiquidationBonus(maxLiquidationBonus); // use the precision of the collateralization ratio
setMockPyth(60 * (10 ** 18), 0);
* @notice Registers asset on the hub. Only registered assets are allowed to be stored in the protocol.
* @param assetAddress: The address to be checked
* @param collateralizationRatioDeposit: collateralizationRatioDeposit = crd * collateralizationRatioPrecision,
* where crd is such that when we calculate 'fair prices' to see if a vault, after an action, would have positive value,
* for purposes of allowing withdraws, borrows, or liquidations, we multiply any deposited amount of this asset by crd.
* @param collateralizationRatioBorrow: collateralizationRatioBorrow = crb * collateralizationRatioPrecision,
* where crb is such that when we calculate 'fair prices' to see if a vault, after an action, would have positive value,
* for purposes of allowing withdraws, borrows, or liquidations, we multiply any borrowed amount of this asset by crb.
* One way to think about crb is that for every '$1 worth' of effective deposits we allow $c worth of this asset borrowed
* @param ratePrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent noninteger rate intercept value ri and rate coefficient value rca as integers.
* @param kinks: x values of points on the piecewise linear curve, using ratePrecision for decimal expression
* @param rates: y values of points on the piecewise linear curve, using ratePrecision for decimal expression;
* @param reserveFactor: reserveFactor = rf * reservePrecision, The portion of the paid interest by borrowers that is diverted to the protocol for rainy day,
* the remainder is distributed among lenders of the asset
* @param reservePrecision: A precision number that allows us to represent our noninteger reserve factor rf as an integer (specifically reserveFactor = rf * reservePrecision)
* @param pythId: Id of the relevant oracle price feed (USD <-> asset)
function registerAsset(
address assetAddress,
uint256 collateralizationRatioDeposit,
uint256 collateralizationRatioBorrow,
uint64 ratePrecision,
uint256[] memory kinks,
uint256[] memory rates,
uint256 reserveFactor,
uint256 reservePrecision,
bytes32 pythId
) public onlyOwner {
AssetInfo memory registeredInfo = getAssetInfo(assetAddress);
require(!registeredInfo.exists, "Asset already registered");
PiecewiseInterestRateModel memory interestRateModel = PiecewiseInterestRateModel({
ratePrecision: ratePrecision,
kinks: kinks,
rates: rates,
reserveFactor: reserveFactor,
reservePrecision: reservePrecision
(, bytes memory queriedDecimals) = assetAddress.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("decimals()"));
uint8 decimals = abi.decode(queriedDecimals, (uint8));
if (decimals > 18) {
decimals = 18;
require(ratePrecision <= 10 ** 6);
require(reservePrecision <= 10 ** 6);
AssetInfo memory info = AssetInfo({
collateralizationRatioDeposit: collateralizationRatioDeposit,
collateralizationRatioBorrow: collateralizationRatioBorrow,
pythId: pythId,
decimals: decimals,
interestRateModel: interestRateModel,
exists: true
registerAssetInfo(assetAddress, info);
setLastActivityBlockTimestamp(assetAddress, block.timestamp);
* @notice Registers a spoke contract. Only wormhole messages from registered spoke contracts are allowed.
* @param chainId - The chain id which the spoke is deployed on
* @param spokeContractAddress - The address of the spoke contract on its chain
function registerSpoke(uint16 chainId, address spokeContractAddress) public onlyOwner {
registerSpokeContract(chainId, spokeContractAddress);
* @notice Completes a deposit that was initiated on a spoke
* @param encodedMessage: encoded Wormhole message with a TokenBridge message as the payload
* The TokenBridge message is used to complete a TokenBridge transfer of tokens to the Hub,
* and contains a payload of the deposit information
function completeDeposit(bytes memory encodedMessage) public {
completeAction(encodedMessage, true);
* @notice Completes a withdraw that was initiated on a spoke
* @param encodedMessage: encoded Wormhole message with withdraw information as the payload
function completeWithdraw(bytes memory encodedMessage) public {
completeAction(encodedMessage, false);
* @notice Completes a borrow that was initiated on a spoke
* @param encodedMessage: encoded Wormhole message with borrow information as the payload
function completeBorrow(bytes memory encodedMessage) public {
completeAction(encodedMessage, false);
* @notice Completes a repay that was initiated on a spoke
* @param encodedMessage: encoded Wormhole message with a TokenBridge message as the payload
* The TokenBridge message is used to complete a TokenBridge transfer of tokens to the Hub,
* and contains a payload of the repay information
function completeRepay(bytes memory encodedMessage) public {
completeAction(encodedMessage, true);
* @notice Completes an action (deposit, borrow, withdraw, or repay) that was initiated on a spoke
* @param encodedMessage - Encoded wormhole message with either a TokenBridge payload with tokens as well as deposit/repay info, or a regular wormhole payload with withdraw/borrow info
* @param isTokenBridgePayload - Whether or not the wormhole payload is a TokenBridge message (for Deposit or Repay) or a normal message (for Borrow or Withdraw)
function completeAction(bytes memory encodedMessage, bool isTokenBridgePayload)
returns (bool completed, uint64 sequence)
bytes memory encodedActionPayload;
IWormhole.VM memory parsed = getWormholeParsed(encodedMessage);
if (isTokenBridgePayload) {
encodedActionPayload = extractPayloadFromTransferPayload(getTransferPayload(encodedMessage));
} else {
verifySenderIsSpoke(parsed.emitterChainId, address(uint160(uint256(parsed.emitterAddress))));
encodedActionPayload = parsed.payload;
ActionPayload memory params = decodeActionPayload(encodedActionPayload);
Action action = Action(params.action);
completed = true;
bool transferTokensToSender = false;
if (action == Action.Withdraw) {
checkAllowedToWithdraw(params.sender, params.assetAddress, params.assetAmount);
transferTokensToSender = true;
} else if (action == Action.Borrow) {
checkAllowedToBorrow(params.sender, params.assetAddress, params.assetAmount);
transferTokensToSender = true;
} else if (action == Action.Repay) {
completed = allowedToRepay(params.sender, params.assetAddress, params.assetAmount);
if (!completed) {
transferTokensToSender = true;
if (completed) {
logActionOnHub(action, params.sender, params.assetAddress, params.assetAmount);
if (transferTokensToSender) {
sequence = transferTokens(params.sender, params.assetAddress, params.assetAmount, parsed.emitterChainId);
* @notice Liquidates a vault. The sender of this transaction pays, for each i, assetRepayAmount[i] of the asset assetRepayAddresses[i]
* and receives, for each i, assetReceiptAmount[i] of the asset at assetReceiptAddresses[i].
* A check is made to see if this liquidation attempt should be allowed
* @param vault - the address of the vault
* @param assetRepayAddresses - An array of the addresses of the assets being paid by the liquidator
* @param assetRepayAmounts - An array of the amounts of the assets being paid by the liquidator
* @param assetReceiptAddresses - An array of the addresses of the assets being received by the liquidator
* @param assetReceiptAmounts - An array of the amounts of the assets being received by the liquidator
function liquidation(
address vault,
address[] memory assetRepayAddresses,
uint256[] memory assetRepayAmounts,
address[] memory assetReceiptAddresses,
uint256[] memory assetReceiptAmounts
) public {
// check if inputs are valid
checkLiquidationInputsValid(assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts);
// check if intended liquidation is valid
vault, assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts
// for repay assets update amounts for vault and global
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetRepayAddresses.length; i++) {
logActionOnHub(Action.Repay, vault, assetRepayAddresses[i], assetRepayAmounts[i]);
// for received assets update amounts for vault and global
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetReceiptAddresses.length; i++) {
logActionOnHub(Action.Withdraw, vault, assetReceiptAddresses[i], assetReceiptAmounts[i]);
// send repay tokens from liquidator to contract
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetRepayAddresses.length; i++) {
SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(IERC20(assetRepayAddresses[i]), msg.sender, address(this), assetRepayAmounts[i]);
// send receive tokens from contract to liquidator
for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetReceiptAddresses.length; i++) {
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(assetReceiptAddresses[i]), msg.sender, assetReceiptAmounts[i]);
* @notice Updates the vault's state to log either a deposit, borrow, withdraw, or repay
* @param action - the action (either Deposit, Borrow, Withdraw, or Repay)
* @param vault - the address of the vault
* @param assetAddress - the address of the relevant asset being logged
* @param amount - the amount of the asset assetAddress being logged
function logActionOnHub(Action action, address vault, address assetAddress, uint256 amount)
VaultAmount memory vaultAmounts = getVaultAmounts(vault, assetAddress);
VaultAmount memory globalAmounts = getGlobalAmounts(assetAddress);
AccrualIndices memory indices = getInterestAccrualIndices(assetAddress);
if (action == Action.Deposit) {
uint256 normalizedDeposit = normalizeAmount(amount, indices.deposited, Round.DOWN);
vaultAmounts.deposited += normalizedDeposit;
globalAmounts.deposited += normalizedDeposit;
} else if (action == Action.Withdraw) {
uint256 normalizedWithdraw = normalizeAmount(amount, indices.deposited, Round.UP);
vaultAmounts.deposited -= normalizedWithdraw;
globalAmounts.deposited -= normalizedWithdraw;
} else if (action == Action.Borrow) {
uint256 normalizedBorrow = normalizeAmount(amount, indices.borrowed, Round.UP);
vaultAmounts.borrowed += normalizedBorrow;
globalAmounts.borrowed += normalizedBorrow;
} else if (action == Action.Repay) {
uint256 normalizedRepay = normalizeAmount(amount, indices.borrowed, Round.DOWN);
if(normalizedRepay > vaultAmounts.borrowed) {
normalizedRepay = vaultAmounts.borrowed;
vaultAmounts.borrowed -= normalizedRepay;
globalAmounts.borrowed -= normalizedRepay;
setVaultAmounts(vault, assetAddress, vaultAmounts);
setGlobalAmounts(assetAddress, globalAmounts);