
546 lines
19 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import "../src/libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {HubSpokeStructs} from "../src/contracts/HubSpokeStructs.sol";
import {HubSpokeMessages} from "../src/contracts/HubSpokeMessages.sol";
import {TestHelpers} from "./helpers/TestHelpers.sol";
import {TestStructs} from "./helpers/TestStructs.sol";
import {TestState} from "./helpers/TestState.sol";
import {TestSetters} from "./helpers/TestSetters.sol";
import {TestGetters} from "./helpers/TestGetters.sol";
contract HubTest is Test, HubSpokeStructs, HubSpokeMessages, TestStructs, TestState, TestGetters, TestSetters, TestHelpers {
using BytesLib for bytes;
/* action codes
register: R
deposit: D
borrow: B
withdraw: W
repay: P
liquidation: L */
function setUp() public {
uint256[] memory kinks0 = new uint256[](2);
kinks0[0] = 0;
kinks0[1] = 1 * 10**6;
uint256[] memory rates0 = new uint256[](2);
rates0[0] = 0;
rates0[1] = 0;
assetAddress: 0xF8542587BCaFCA72D78f29734cE8Ccf08fCd5E5D, // WBNB
collateralizationRatioDeposit: 100 * 10 ** 4,
collateralizationRatioBorrow: 110 * 10 ** 4,
ratePrecision: 1 * 10**6,
kinks: kinks0,
rates: rates0,
reserveFactor: 0,
pythId: vm.envBytes32("PYTH_PRICE_FEED_bnb")
uint256[] memory kinks1 = new uint256[](2);
kinks1[0] = 0;
kinks1[1] = 1 * 10**6;
uint256[] memory rates1 = new uint256[](2);
rates1[0] = 0;
rates1[1] = 0;
addAsset(AddAsset({assetAddress: 0xc6735cc74553Cc2caeB9F5e1Ea0A4dAe12ef4632, // WETH
collateralizationRatioDeposit: 100 * 10 ** 4,
collateralizationRatioBorrow: 110 * 10 ** 4,
ratePrecision: 1 * 10**6,
kinks: kinks1,
rates: rates1,
reserveFactor: 0,
pythId: vm.envBytes32("PYTH_PRICE_FEED_eth")
uint256[] memory kinks2 = new uint256[](2);
kinks2[0] = 0;
kinks2[1] = 1 * 10**6;
uint256[] memory rates2 = new uint256[](2);
rates2[0] = 0;
rates2[1] = 0;
addAsset(AddAsset({assetAddress: address(getHubData().tokenBridgeContract.WETH()),
collateralizationRatioDeposit: 100 * 10 ** 4,
collateralizationRatioBorrow: 110 * 10 ** 4,
ratePrecision: 1 * 10**6,
kinks: kinks2,
rates: rates2,
reserveFactor: 0,
pythId: vm.envBytes32("PYTH_PRICE_FEED_matic")
uint256[] memory kinks3 = new uint256[](2);
kinks3[0] = 0;
kinks3[1] = 1 * 10**6;
uint256[] memory rates3 = new uint256[](2);
rates3[0] = 1 * 10**4;
rates3[1] = 1 * 10**4;
addAsset(AddAsset({assetAddress: 0xF8542587BCaFCA72D78f29734cE8Ccf08fCd5E5D,
collateralizationRatioDeposit: 100 * 10 ** 4,
collateralizationRatioBorrow: 100 * 10 ** 4,
ratePrecision: 1 * 10**6,
kinks: kinks3,
rates: rates3,
reserveFactor: 0,
pythId: vm.envBytes32("PYTH_PRICE_FEED_bnb")
function testR() public {
function testRD() public {
doDepositRevert(0, getAsset(0), 0, "Unregistered asset");
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(this), 1 * 10 ** 17);
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 5 * (10 ** 16));
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 1 * 10 ** 17);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 5 * (10 ** 16));
function testRDB() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 5 * 10 ** 16);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(0x1), 6 * 10 ** 16);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 100);
setPrice(getAsset(1), 91);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Global supply does not have required assets");
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this borrow goes through");
setPrice(getAsset(1), 90);
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
function testRDBW() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 5 * 10 ** 16);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(0x1), 6 * 10 ** 16);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 100);
setPrice(getAsset(1), 90);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 14 + 1 * 10 ** 10, "Vault is undercollateralized if this withdraw goes through"
doWithdraw(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 14);
0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 10, address(0x1), "Vault does not have required assets"
0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1), "Global supply does not have required assets"
function testRDBPW() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 5* 10 ** 16);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(0x1), 6 * 10 ** 16);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(this), 1 * 10 ** 10);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 100);
setPrice(getAsset(1), 90);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 5* 10 ** 16);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doRepayRevertPayment(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 10);
doRepay(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16 - 1 * 10 ** 10);
doWithdrawRevert(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this withdraw goes through");
doRepay(0, getAsset(1), 1 * 10 ** 10);
doWithdraw(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 16);
function testRDBL() public {
// should fail because vault not underwater
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 501 * 10 ** 14);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(this), 1100 * 10 ** 14);
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(0x1), 500 * 10 ** 14);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 100);
setPrice(getAsset(1), 90);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 500 * 10 ** 14, address(0x1));
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 600 * 10 ** 14);
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 500 * 10 ** 14, address(0x1));
// liquidation attempted by address(this)
address[] memory assetRepayAddresses = new address[](1);
assetRepayAddresses[0] = getAssetAddress(1);
uint256[] memory assetRepayAmounts = new uint256[](1);
address[] memory assetReceiptAddresses = new address[](1);
assetReceiptAddresses[0] = getAssetAddress(0);
uint256[] memory assetReceiptAmounts = new uint256[](1);
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 1 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 1 * 10 ** 14;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts, "vault not underwater");
// move the price up for borrowed asset
setPrice(getAsset(1), 91);
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 501 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 501 * 10 ** 14;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts, "cannot repay more than has been borrowed");
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 1 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 90 * 10 ** 12;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts, "Liquidator receipt less than amount they repaid");
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 251 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 251 * 10 ** 14;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts, "Liquidator cannot claim more than maxLiquidationPortion of the total debt of the vault");
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 250 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 250 * 10 ** 10 * 91 * 126;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts, "Liquidator receiving too much value");
assetRepayAmounts[0] = 250 * 10 ** 14;
assetReceiptAmounts[0] = 250 * 10 ** 10 * 91 * 125;
doLiquidate(address(0x1), assetRepayAddresses, assetRepayAmounts, assetReceiptAddresses, assetReceiptAmounts);
// try repayment of the borrow, should not execute the repayment because liquidation already occured
doRepayRevertPayment(0, getAsset(1), 400 * 10 ** 14, address(0x1));
function testRDNative() public {
doDepositNativeRevert(0, 5 * (10 ** 16), "Unregistered asset");
vm.deal(address(this), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doDepositNative(0, 5 * (10 ** 16));
function testRDNativeB() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(0x1), 100 * 10 ** 16);
vm.deal(address(this), 200 * 10 ** 16);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 80);
setPrice(getAsset(2), 90);
doDepositNative(0, 200 * 10 ** 16);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 100 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(2), 81 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this borrow goes through", address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(2), 80 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doRepay(0, getAsset(2), 80 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
setPrice(getAsset(0), 125);
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(2), 127 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this borrow goes through", address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(2), 126 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
function testRDNativeBPW() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 6 * 10 ** 16);
vm.deal(address(this), 105 * 10 ** 18);
vm.deal(address(0x1), 105 * 10 ** 18);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 80);
setPrice(getAsset(2), 90);
doDepositNative(0, 5 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 6 * 10 ** 16);
doBorrow(0, getAsset(2), 4 * 10 ** 16);
doRepayNative(0, 2 * 10 ** 16);
doWithdrawRevert(0, getAsset(0), 4 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this withdraw goes through");
doRepayNative(0, 1 * 10 ** 16);
doWithdraw(0, getAsset(0), 4 * 10 ** 16);
function testDontRegisterSpoke() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 105 * 10 ** 18);
deal(getAssetAddress(2), address(this), 105 * 10 ** 18);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 80);
setPrice(getAsset(2), 90);
doDepositRevert(0, getAsset(0), 6 * 10 ** 16, "Invalid spoke");
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(2), 4 * 10 ** 16, "Invalid spoke");
doWithdrawRevert(0, getAsset(0), 4 * 10 ** 16, "Invalid spoke");
doRepayRevert(0, getAsset(2), 4 * 10 ** 16, "Invalid spoke");
function testConstantInterestRate() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(3), address(this), 100 * 10 ** 18);
deal(getAssetAddress(3), address(0x1), 100 * 10 ** 18);
deal(getAssetAddress(2), address(this), 100 * 10 ** 18);
setPrice(getAsset(2), 100);
setPrice(getAsset(3), 100);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(2), 1 * 10 ** 20);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16);
skip(365 days);
doRepayRevertPayment(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 14 + 1 * 10 ** 10);
doRepay(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 14);
doWithdrawRevert(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 14 + 1 * 10 ** 10, address(0x1), "Vault does not have required assets");
doWithdraw(0, getAsset(3), 1 * 10 ** 16 + 1 * 10 ** 14, address(0x1));
doDeposit(0, getAsset(3), 2345675423 * 10 ** 10, address(0x1));
doBorrow(0, getAsset(3), 2345675422 * 10 ** 10);
skip(365 days / 2);
doRepayRevertPayment(0, getAsset(3), 2357287678 * 10 ** 10);
doRepay(0, getAsset(3), 2357287677 * 10 ** 10);
doWithdrawRevert(0, getAsset(3), 2357285356 * 10 ** 10, address(0x1), "Vault does not have required assets");
doWithdraw(0, getAsset(3), 2357285355 * 10 ** 10, address(0x1));
function testPriceStandardDev() public {
deal(getAssetAddress(0), address(this), 5 * 10 ** 16);
deal(getAssetAddress(1), address(0x1), 6 * 10 ** 16);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 1000000);
setPrice(getAsset(1), 867600, 10000, 0, 100, 100);
doDeposit(0, getAsset(0), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Global supply does not have required assets");
doDeposit(0, getAsset(1), 6 * 10 ** 16, address(0x1));
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this borrow goes through");
setPrice(getAsset(1), 857600, 10000, 0, 100, 100);
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
doRepay(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
setPrice(getAsset(0), 1032399, 10000, 0, 100, 100);
doBorrowRevert(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16, "Vault is undercollateralized if this borrow goes through");
setPrice(getAsset(0), 1032400, 10000, 0, 100, 100);
doBorrow(0, getAsset(1), 5 * 10 ** 16);
function testEncodeDepositPayload() public view {
address sender = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp)))));
address assetAddress = getAssetAddress(0);
uint256 assetAmount = 502;
ActionPayload memory myPayload =
ActionPayload({action: Action.Deposit, sender: sender, assetAddress: assetAddress, assetAmount: assetAmount});
bytes memory serialized = encodeActionPayload(myPayload);
ActionPayload memory encodedAndDecodedMsg = decodeActionPayload(serialized);
require(myPayload.action == encodedAndDecodedMsg.action, "actions do not match");
require(myPayload.sender == encodedAndDecodedMsg.sender, "sender addresses do not match");
require(myPayload.assetAddress == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAddress, "asset addresses do not match ");
require(myPayload.assetAmount == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAmount, "asset amounts do not match ");
function testEncodeWithdrawPayload() public view {
address sender = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp)))));
address assetAddress = getAssetAddress(0);
uint256 assetAmount = 2356;
ActionPayload memory myPayload =
ActionPayload({action: Action.Withdraw, sender: sender, assetAddress: assetAddress, assetAmount: assetAmount});
bytes memory serialized = encodeActionPayload(myPayload);
ActionPayload memory encodedAndDecodedMsg = decodeActionPayload(serialized);
require(myPayload.action == encodedAndDecodedMsg.action, "actions do not match");
require(myPayload.sender == encodedAndDecodedMsg.sender, "sender addresses do not match");
require(myPayload.assetAddress == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAddress, "asset addresses do not match ");
require(myPayload.assetAmount == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAmount, "asset amounts do not match ");
function testEncodeBorrowPayload() public view {
address sender = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp)))));
address assetAddress = getAssetAddress(0);
uint256 assetAmount = 1242;
ActionPayload memory myPayload =
ActionPayload({action: Action.Borrow, sender: sender, assetAddress: assetAddress, assetAmount: assetAmount});
bytes memory serialized = encodeActionPayload(myPayload);
ActionPayload memory encodedAndDecodedMsg = decodeActionPayload(serialized);
require(myPayload.action == encodedAndDecodedMsg.action, "actions do not match");
require(myPayload.sender == encodedAndDecodedMsg.sender, "sender addresses do not match");
require(myPayload.assetAddress == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAddress, "asset addresses do not match ");
require(myPayload.assetAmount == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAmount, "asset amounts do not match ");
function testEncodeRepayPayload() public view {
address sender = address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp)))));
address assetAddress = getAssetAddress(0);
uint256 assetAmount = 4253;
ActionPayload memory myPayload =
ActionPayload({action: Action.Repay, sender: sender, assetAddress: assetAddress, assetAmount: assetAmount});
bytes memory serialized = encodeActionPayload(myPayload);
ActionPayload memory encodedAndDecodedMsg = decodeActionPayload(serialized);
require(myPayload.action == encodedAndDecodedMsg.action, "actions do not match");
require(myPayload.sender == encodedAndDecodedMsg.sender, "sender addresses do not match");
require(myPayload.assetAddress == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAddress, "asset addresses do not match ");
require(myPayload.assetAmount == encodedAndDecodedMsg.assetAmount, "asset amounts do not match ");