Update testnet example launch instructions

This commit is contained in:
Leo 2021-02-15 21:56:12 +01:00
parent 361cf8fe25
commit 9dd9432e5e
1 changed files with 10 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -47,18 +47,21 @@ Refer to the [operations guide](https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/blob/maste
--bootstrap "/dns4/wormhole-testnet-bootstrap.certus.one/udp/8999/quic/p2p/12D3KooWH3VP44t12yKQXrPfMQVKEqSHnk5GTN3RCSqNoakAkLCq" --bootstrap "/dns4/wormhole-testnet-bootstrap.certus.one/udp/8999/quic/p2p/12D3KooWH3VP44t12yKQXrPfMQVKEqSHnk5GTN3RCSqNoakAkLCq"
--network "/wormhole/testnet/1" \ --network "/wormhole/testnet/1" \
--ethContract "0x251bBCD91E84098509beaeAfF0B9951859af66D3" \ --ethContract "0x251bBCD91E84098509beaeAfF0B9951859af66D3" \
--nodeName "Certus One" \ # <-- your node's name (for network explorer usage) --solanaBridgeAddress 5gQf5AUhAgWYgUCt9ouShm9H7dzzXUsLdssYwe5krKhg \ # <-- Solana Bridge address, same as the agent
--nodeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-node.key \ # <-- auto-generated node key --solanaRPC http://solana-host:8899 \ # <-- Solana RPC URI, same as the agent
--bridgeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-guardian.key \ # <-- your guardian key generated by "guardiand keygen" --solanaWS ws://solana-devnet:8900 \ # <-- Solana websocket URI, same as the agent
--ethRPC wss://ethereum-node.example.com/ws/v3/[...] \ # <-- your ETH full/light node websocket URI --nodeName "Certus One" \ # <-- your node's name (for network explorer usage)
--nodeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-node.key \ # <-- auto-generated node key
--bridgeKey /opt/solana/keys/wormhole-guardian.key \ # <-- your guardian key generated by "guardiand keygen"
--ethRPC wss://ethereum-node.example.com/ws/v3/[...] \ # <-- your ETH full/light node websocket URI
--adminSocket /run/guardiand/admin.socket \ --adminSocket /run/guardiand/admin.socket \
--agentRPC /run/guardiand/agent.socket \ --agentRPC /run/guardiand/agent.socket \
--terra \ --terra \
--terraWS wss://terra-node.example.com:26657/websocket \ # <-- Terra node websocket URI --terraWS wss://terra-node.example.com:26657/websocket \ # <-- Terra node websocket URI
--terraLCD https://terra-lcd.example.com:1317 \ # <-- Terra LCD node HTTP URI --terraLCD https://terra-lcd.example.com:1317 \ # <-- Terra LCD node HTTP URI
--terraChainID "tequila-0004" \ --terraChainID "tequila-0004" \
--terraContract "terra176ckj5gu5vc704033wlm87avrem83pa4vx6c4p" \ --terraContract "terra176ckj5gu5vc704033wlm87avrem83pa4vx6c4p" \
--terraKey /tmp/terra.key # <-- path to mnemonic key for the Terra transaction fee payer --terraKey /tmp/terra.key # <-- path to mnemonic key for the Terra transaction fee payer
``` ```
```bash ```bash