# Wormhole v2 Testnet This Wormhole testnet connects the following chains: - Solana [Tour de Sol testnet](https://docs.solana.com/clusters#testnet). - Ethereum [Goerli testnet](https://goerli.net). - Terra [Tequila-0004 testnet](https://finder.terra.money/tequila-0004/). - Binance Smart Chain (mainnet, there's no testnet). It runs the [v2.1.1](https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/releases/tag/v2.1.1) guardiand reference implementation. ## Important differences from v2 Wormhole v2 is a **full redesign and not backwards compatible**. When it comes to guardiand operation, the basics stay the same - we observe events from various connected chains, sign them and broadcast the signature to the network. Here's the main operational differences compared to v1: - guardiand now has a **data directory** and is no longer stateless. guardiand will start maintaining local network state like a gossip address book, persisted signed VAAs and a high watermark to catch up on missed blocks. You do not need to back up the data directory, but it's recommended to copy it when migrating between servers - doing so will improve network health. - Terra is no longer optional - you need to connect a **Terra node**. - guardiand no longer sends on-chain transactions. This means that **no wallets or funds are required** anymore 🎉 It also means that the **Rust agent is no longer required**. ## Network parameters Gossip network name: /wormhole/testnet/2 Gossip bootstrap node: /dns4/wormhole-testnet-v2-bootstrap.certus.one/udp/8999/quic/p2p/12D3KooWRzE71KXnZ8NF3N1Za6koiQh9CwzuyFnuisNHg6tB8RKV Connected chain contracts: | Network | Bridge contract addresss | |---------------------------|------------------------------------------------| | Ethereum Goerli (Bridge) | [`0x44F3e7c20850B3B5f3031114726A9240911D912a`](https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x44F3e7c20850B3B5f3031114726A9240911D912a) | | Ethereum Goerli (Impl) | [`0x78563ACB348209743F3b0968b91eC7563f2fB535`](https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x78563ACB348209743F3b0968b91eC7563f2fB535) | | Binance Smart Chain (Bridge) | [`0x47e6ab734c7ed257716bcc177fb1c35738eac6b8`](https://bscscan.com/address/0x47e6ab734c7ed257716bcc177fb1c35738eac6b8) | | Binance Smart Chain (Token) | [`0x5ac333a45646fa91626e0b7d3c449e4e7528a5b9`](https://bscscan.com/address/0x5ac333a45646fa91626e0b7d3c449e4e7528a5b9) | | Solana Tour de Sol | [`H3SjyXYezgWj1ktCrazLkD8ydj9gzmEi4w9zRCXg2G4R`](https://explorer.solana.com/address/H3SjyXYezgWj1ktCrazLkD8ydj9gzmEi4w9zRCXg2G4R?cluster=testnet) | | Terra Tequila-0004 | [`terra1whed88ncakawrnwgq7vyqly5elftw3wvnjjrps`](https://finder.terra.money/tequila-0004/address/terra1whed88ncakawrnwgq7vyqly5elftw3wvnjjrps) | ## Guardian set Current generation: **0**, containing only the Certus One bootstrap node with the address `0x13947Bd48b18E53fdAeEe77F3473391aC727C638`. See [v1.prototext](guardianset/v1.prototxt) for the first guardian set update that will be executed once everyone's node on the network is live. ## Example command line options Refer to the [operations guide](https://github.com/certusone/wormhole/blob/dev.v2/docs/operations.md) on how to set up a node. Example systemd unit file: ``` [Unit] Description=wormhole v2 guardiand Requires=network.target After=network.target [Service] User=wormhole Group=wormhole ExecStart=/opt/wormhole/wormhole/build/bin/guardiand bridge \ --bootstrap "/dns4/wormhole-testnet-v2-bootstrap.certus.one/udp/8999/quic/p2p/12D3KooWRzE71KXnZ8NF3N1Za6koiQh9CwzuyFnuisNHg6tB8RKV" \ --network "/wormhole/testnet/2" \ --ethContract "0x44F3e7c20850B3B5f3031114726A9240911D912a" \ --bscContract "0x47e6ab734c7ed257716bcc177fb1c35738eac6b8" \ --solanaBridgeAddress "H3SjyXYezgWj1ktCrazLkD8ydj9gzmEi4w9zRCXg2G4R" \ --terraContract "terra1whed88ncakawrnwgq7vyqly5elftw3wvnjjrps" \ --adminSocket /run/guardiand/admin.socket \ --dataDir /opt/wormhole/data \ --terraChainID "tequila-4" \ --nodeName "NodeyMcNodeface" \ # <--- your node's name (for network explorer usage) --nodeKey "/opt/wormhole/keys/wormhole-node.key" \ # <-- node key (auto-generated if not present) --bridgeKey "/opt/wormhole/keys/wormhole-guardian.key" \ # <-- your guardian key generated by "guardiand keygen" --ethRPC "wss://your-eth-node" \ # <-- your ETH full/light node websocket URI (ws:// or wss://) --bscRPC "wss://bsc-node.example.com" \ # <-- your BSC full/light node websocket URI --solanaRPC "http://solana-node:8899" \ # <-- Solana RPC URI --solanaWS "ws://solana-node:8900" \ # <-- Solana WS URI (typically RPC +1) --terraWS "ws://terra-node/websocket" \ # <-- Terra node websocket URI --terraLCD "http://terra-node:1317" \ # <-- Terra LCD server HTTP URI --statusAddr=[::]:6060 # <-- exposes Prometheus metrics - firewall recommended RuntimeDirectory=guardiand RuntimeDirectoryMode=700 RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=yes PermissionsStartOnly=yes PrivateTmp=yes PrivateDevices=yes SecureBits=keep-caps AmbientCapabilities=CAP_IPC_LOCK CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_IPC_LOCK NoNewPrivileges=yes Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5s LimitNOFILE=65536 LimitMEMLOCK=infinity [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ```