Logo generation ================= ## Logo properties * adds a wormhole logo at the bottom right * if symbol has multiple source chains (e.g. USDC), adds a chain logo at the bottom left Examples: CAKE: ![CAKE](../../assets/CAKE_wh.png) USDTpo: ![USDTpo](../../assets/USDTpo_wh.png) ## Instructions ### Base logos Base logos for token `TOK` should be supplied either by adding `TOK.png` to [src/logogen/base/](base/), or by adding a `"logo"` entry to the appropriate block for `TOK` in [src/config/token_data.py](../config/token_data.py). If both are present, we'll use the one in [src/logogen/base/](base/), ### Generating new logos Run: ``` npm run gen-logos ``` This won't write over any existing images in [assets](../../assets]. To overwrite the existing assets: ``` npm run gen-logos-overwrite ``` ### Linking to logos ``` https://raw.githubusercontent.com/certusone/wormhole-token-list/main/assets/CAKE_wh.png ``` ## Styling A few style choices are included (with examples): thick_gray (default): ![CAKE](examples/CAKE_wh_thick_gray.png) ![UST](examples/UST_wh_thick_gray.png) thin_gray: ![CAKE](examples/CAKE_wh_thin_gray.png) ![UST](examples/UST_wh_thin_gray.png) color: ![CAKE](examples/CAKE_wh_color.png) ![UST](examples/UST_wh_color.png) barecolor: ![CAKE](examples/CAKE_wh_barecolor.png) ![UST](examples/UST_wh_barecolor.png) These variants are in [src/logogen/components](components/). To generate all the outputs with a different style from the default, run: ``` python3 gen_logos.py --overwrite --style STYLE ``` To update the default style, copy one of them to [src/logogen/components/wormhole.png](components/wormhole.png).