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## Addresses
| Label | Network | Address | Note |
| ------------- | :-------------: | -----: | :----- |
| Test Wallet | ETH | 0x90F8bf6A479f320ead074411a4B0e7944Ea8c9C1 | Key: `0x4f3edf983ac636a65a842ce7c78d9aa706d3b113bce9c46f30d7d21715b23b1d` Mnemonic `myth like bonus scare over problem client lizard pioneer submit female collect` |
| Test ERC20 | ETH | 0x2D8BE6BF0baA74e0A907016679CaE9190e80dD0A | Tokens minted to Test Wallet |
| Test NFT | ETH | 0x5b9b42d6e4B2e4Bf8d42Eba32D46918e10899B66 | One minted to Test Wallet
| Test WETH | ETH | 0xDDb64fE46a91D46ee29420539FC25FD07c5FEa3E | Tokens minted to Test Wallet
| Bridge Core | ETH | 0xC89Ce4735882C9F0f0FE26686c53074E09B0D550 | |
| Token Bridge | ETH | 0x0290FB167208Af455bB137780163b7B7a9a10C16 | |
| NFT Bridge | ETH | 0x26b4afb60d6c903165150c6f0aa14f8016be4aec | |
| Test Wallet | SOL | 6sbzC1eH4FTujJXWj51eQe25cYvr4xfXbJ1vAj7j2k5J | Key in `solana/keys/solana-devnet.json` |
| Example Token | SOL | 2WDq7wSs9zYrpx2kbHDA4RUTRch2CCTP6ZWaH4GNfnQQ | Tokens minted to Test Wallet |
| Example NFT | SOL | BVxyYhm498L79r4HMQ9sxZ5bi41DmJmeWZ7SCS7Cyvna | One minted to Test Wallet |
| Example NFT 2 | SOL | nftMANh29jbMboVnbYt1AUAWFP9N4Jnckr9Zeq85WUs | One minted to Test Wallet |
| Bridge Core | SOL | Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o | |
| Token Bridge | SOL | B6RHG3mfcckmrYN1UhmJzyS1XX3fZKbkeUcpJe9Sy3FE | |
| NFT Bridge | SOL | NFTWqJR8YnRVqPDvTJrYuLrQDitTG5AScqbeghi4zSA | |
| Migration Contract | SOL | Ex9bCdVMSfx7EzB3pgSi2R4UHwJAXvTw18rBQm5YQ8gK | |
| Test Wallet | Terra | terra1x46rqay4d3cssq8gxxvqz8xt6nwlz4td20k38v | Mnemonic: `notice oak worry limit wrap speak medal online prefer cluster roof addict wrist behave treat actual wasp year salad speed social layer crew genius` |
| Test CW20 | Terra | terra13nkgqrfymug724h8pprpexqj9h629sa3ncw7sh | Tokens minted to Test Wallet |
2022-03-04 20:30:29 -08:00
| Test CW721 | Terra | terra18dt935pdcn2ka6l0syy5gt20wa48n3mktvdvjj | NFTs minted to Test Wallet |
| Bridge Core | Terra | terra18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n896xzem5 | |
| Token Bridge | Terra | terra10pyejy66429refv3g35g2t7am0was7ya7kz2a4 | |
2022-03-04 20:30:29 -08:00
| NFT Bridge | Terra | terra1plju286nnfj3z54wgcggd4enwaa9fgf5kgrgzl | |
| Governance Emitter | Universal | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004 / 11111111111111111111111111111115 | Emitter Chain: 0x01 |
### Terra
The terra testnet can be used just like a normal localterra network (can be selected in finder and station).
### devnet guardian addresses
see [../scripts/devnet-consts.json](../scripts/devnet-consts.json)