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# Wormhole CLI
## Installation
make install
This installs two binaries, `worm-fetch-governance` and `worm` on your `$PATH`.
## Usage
### `worm-fetch-governance`
worm-fetch-governance [sequence]
Fetch a governance VAA by sequence number, and print it as hex.
For example
worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020
### `worm`
This is the main CLI tool. To use it, set up `$HOME/.wormhole/.env` with your
private keys, based on `.env.sample` in this folder.
worm [command]
worm generate generate VAAs (devnet and testnet only)
worm parse <vaa> Parse a VAA
worm submit <vaa> Execute a VAA
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Consult the `--help` flag for using subcommands.
Use `generate` to create VAAs for testing. For example, to create an NFT bridge registration VAA:
worm generate registration --module NFTBridge \
--chain-id 2 \
--contract-address 706abc4E45D419950511e474C7B9Ed348A4a716c \
--guardian-secret cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0
Use `parse` to parse a VAA into JSON. For example,
worm parse $(worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020)
will fetch governance VAA `13940208096455381020` and print it as JSON.
# ...signatures elided
timestamp: 1651416474,
nonce: 1570649151,
emitterChain: 1,
emitterAddress: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004',
sequence: 13940208096455381020n,
consistencyLevel: 32,
payload: {
module: 'Core',
type: 'GuardianSetUpgrade',
chain: 0,
newGuardianSetIndex: 2,
newGuardianSetLength: 19,
newGuardianSet: [
Use `submit` to submit a VAA to a chain. It first parses the VAA and figures out
what's the destination chain and module. For example, a contract upgrade contains both the target chain and module, so the only required argument is the network moniker (`mainnet` or `testnet`):
worm submit $(cat my-nft-registration.txt) --network mainnet
For VAAs that don't have a specific target chain (like registrations or guardian
set upgrades), the script will ask you to specify the target chain.
For example, to submit a guardian set upgrade on all chains, simply run:
worm-fetch-governance 13940208096455381020 > guardian-upgrade.txt
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain oasis
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain aurora
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain fantom
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain karura
2022-06-02 09:18:44 -07:00
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain acala
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain klaytn
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain avalanche
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain polygon
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain bsc
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain solana
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain terra
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain ethereum
2022-05-12 09:12:40 -07:00
worm submit $(cat guardian-upgrade.txt) --network mainnet --chain celo
The VAA payload type (guardian set upgrade) specifies that this VAA should go to the core bridge, and the tool directs it there.