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# Developing the bridge
## Local Devnet
The following dependencies are required for local development:
- [Go](https://golang.org/dl/) >= 1.15.5
- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) / moby-engine >= 19.03
- [Tilt](http://tilt.dev/) >= 0.17.2
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- Any of the local Kubernetes clusters supported by Tilt.
We recommend [minikube](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/learning-environment/minikube/) with the kvm2 driver.
See the [Tilt docs](https://docs.tilt.dev/install.html) docs on how to set up your local cluster -
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it won't take more than a few minutes to set up! Example minikube invocation, adjust limits as needed:
minikube start --cpus=8 --memory=8G --disk-size=50G --driver=kvm2
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npm wants to set up an insane number of inotify watches in the web container which may exceed kernel limits.
The minikube default is too low, adjust it like this:
minikube ssh 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p'
This should work on Linux, MacOS and possibly even Windows.
After installing all dependencies, just run `tilt up --update-mode=exec`.
Whenever you modify a file, the devnet is automatically rebuilt and a rolling update is done.
Specify number of guardians nodes to run (default is five):
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tilt up --update-mode=exec -- --num=1
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If you want to work on non-consensus parts of the code, running with a single guardian is easiest since
you won't have to wait for k8s to restart all pods.
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## Usage
Watch pod status in your cluster:
kubectl get pod -A -w
Get logs for single guardian node:
kubectl logs guardian-0
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Restart a specific pod:
kubectl delete pod guardian-0
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Generate test Ethereum -> Solana transfers once the cluster is up:
Generate test Solana -> Ethereum transfers:
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Adjust number of nodes in running cluster:
tilt args -- --num=2
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(this is only useful if you want to test scenarios where the number
of nodes diverges from the guardian set - otherwise, `tilt down` and restart the cluster)
Once you're done, press Ctrl-C. Run `tilt down` to tear down the devnet.
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## Web UI
The deployment includes a web UI that uses MetaMask to demonstrate token transfers. It's experimental
and meant as **example code on how to interact with Wormhole tokens** - the UI itself is just the bare minimum
to demonstrate how to use the libraries. The Tilt deployment automatically sets up port forwardings on your
local machine so you can access the devnet and the UI.
To access the UI, install the [MetaMask browser extension](https://metamask.io) and add a custom network with
RPC URL `http://localhost:8545` and chain ID `0x539`. Import the hardcoded Ganache seed phrase as account:
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You can now play with the web UI by initiating token transfers in either directions. The devnet comes with a number
of deterministic accounts on both chains that you can use (see below for copy&paste).
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For example, send a bunch of SPL tokens to Ethereum:
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<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/859697/98732005-dcbb4f00-239e-11eb-8ec2-9ecf74f411d6.png" width="66%" />
Note how the transfer is basically instant! You can now see the completed transfer in the Ethereum tab:
You can now add the wrapped token address - `0xf5b1d8fab1054b9cf7db274126972f97f9d42a11` - as a custom token
to MetaMask and you'll see your 1000 brand new wrapped tokens:
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/859697/98733991-a9c68a80-23a1-11eb-926b-ea3742fad7bd.png" width="66%" />
Next, send some of them back to Ethereum:
<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/859697/98734694-a1228400-23a2-11eb-8f39-13000631c839.png" width="66%" />
MetaMask will ask you to confirm the transaction.
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After a few seconds, the SPL token balance shown below will increase as the VAA gets accepted on Solana.
## Devnet addresses
2020-11-13 02:24:59 -08:00
| Account | Description |
| `6sbzC1eH4FTujJXWj51eQe25cYvr4xfXbJ1vAj7j2k5J` | id.json account in the `setup` container [1] |
| `Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o` | Bridge contract |
| `TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA` | SPL token contract |
| `6qRhs8oAuZYLd4zzaNnQHqdRyknrQQWDWQhALEN8UA7M` | Example SPL token |
| `3C3m4tjTy4nSMkkYdqCDSiCWEgpDa6whvprvABdFGBiW` | Account that holds 6qRhs8oA... SPL tokens |
| `85kW19uNvETzH43p3AfpyqPaQS5rWouq4x9rGiKUvihf` | Wrapped token for the 0xCfEB86... ERC20 token |
| `7EFk3VrWeb29SWJPQs5cUyqcY3fQd33S9gELkGybRzeu` | Account that holds 85kW19u... wrapped tokens [2] |
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[1]: The account will eventually run out of funds if you run the lockup sending scripts for a long time. Refill it
using `kubectl exec solana-devnet-0 -c setup cli airdrop solana-devnet:9900` (see [devnet_setup.sh](solana/devnet_setup.sh)).
[2]: This is where tokens sent by `scripts/send-eth-lockups.sh` end up.
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| Account | Description |
| `0x90F8bf6A479f320ead074411a4B0e7944Ea8c9C1` | Ganache main account (w/ the seed phrase above) |
| `0x5b1869D9A4C187F2EAa108f3062412ecf0526b24` | Bridge contract |
| `0xe78A0F7E598Cc8b0Bb87894B0F60dD2a88d6a8Ab` | Wrapped asset contract |
| `0xCfEB869F69431e42cdB54A4F4f105C19C080A601` | Example ERC20 token |
| `0xf5b1d8fab1054b9cf7db274126972f97f9d42a11` | Wrapped asset address for the 6qRhs8oA... SPL token |
| Account | Description |
| `terra1x46rqay4d3cssq8gxxvqz8xt6nwlz4td20k38v` | Main test account |
| `terra18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n896xzem5` | Test token account to send via bridge |
| `terra174kgn5rtw4kf6f938wm7kwh70h2v4vcfd26jlc` | Bridge contract instance |