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Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package node.v1;
option go_package = "proto/node/v1;nodev1";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
// NodePrivileged exposes an administrative API. It runs on a UNIX socket and is authenticated
// using Linux filesystem permissions.
service NodePrivileged {
// SubmitGuardianSetVAA injects a guardian set change VAA into the guardian node.
// The node will inject the VAA into the aggregator and sign/broadcast the VAA signature.
// A consensus majority of nodes on the network will have to inject the VAA within the
// VAA timeout window for it to reach consensus.
rpc SubmitGuardianSetVAA (SubmitGuardianSetVAARequest) returns (SubmitGuardianSetVAAResponse);
// GuardianSet represents a new guardian set to be submitted to and signed by the node.
// During the genesis procedure, this data structure will be assembled using off-chain collaborative tooling
// like GitHub using a human-readable encoding, so readability is a concern.
message GuardianSetUpdate {
// Index of the current guardian set to be replaced.
uint32 current_set_index = 1;
// UNIX timestamp (s) of the VAA to be created. The timestamp is informational and will be part
2020-11-27 09:51:03 -08:00
// of the VAA submitted to the chain. It's part of the VAA digest and has to be identical across nodes and
// is critical for replay protection - a given event may only ever be observed with the same timestamp,
// otherwise, it may be possible to execute it multiple times.
// For lockups, the timestamp identifies the block that the lockup belongs to. For guardian set updates,
// we create the VAA manually. Best practice is to pick a timestamp which roughly matches the expected
// genesis ceremony data.
// The actual on-chain guardian set creation timestamp will be set when the VAA is accepted on each chain.
// This is a uint32 to match the on-chain timestamp representation. This becomes a problem in 2106 (sorry).
uint32 timestamp = 2;
// List of guardian set members.
message Guardian {
// Guardian key pubkey. Stored as hex string with 0x prefix for human readability -
// this is the canonical Ethereum representation.
string pubkey = 1;
// Optional descriptive name. Not stored on any chain, purely informational.
string name = 2;
repeated Guardian guardians = 3;
message SubmitGuardianSetVAARequest {
GuardianSetUpdate guardian_set = 1;
message SubmitGuardianSetVAAResponse {
// Canonical digest of the submitted VAA.
bytes digest = 1;
// GuardianKey specifies the on-disk format for a node's guardian key.
message GuardianKey {
// data is the binary representation of the secp256k1 private key.
bytes data = 1;