Reorder files.

This commit is contained in:
Hernán Di Pietro 2021-11-01 15:50:11 -03:00
parent b0c699a281
commit 4fb463ed38
3 changed files with 0 additions and 105 deletions

View File

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
#pragma version 5
// ================================================================================================
// Load global data in scratch space.
// (c) 2021 Randlabs, Inc.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program allows us to load globals in a VAA-verification and process group transactions
// This must be the first transaction in group
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global state:
// "gsexptime": Guardian set expiration time
// "gssize" : Guardian set size (number of items)
// key N: address of guardian N
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores in scratch:
// SLOT 255: number of guardians in set
// SLOT 0..n: key of guardian i
// ================================================================================================
// Application creation.
int 0
txn ApplicationID
bnz handle_create
// Handle app call: store globals
txn OnCompletion
int NoOp
bnz handle_call
// Handle deletion.
txn OnCompletion
int DeleteApplication
bnz success
// Fail otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Handle creation
// -----------------------------------------------------
b success
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Group size must be at least 2 (this + one VAA verify program)
global GroupSize
int 2
// This must be first transaction in group
txn GroupIndex
int 0
// Store size in slot 255
byte "gssize"
dup // st: size size
int 255 // st: size size 255
swap // st: size 255 size
stores // st: size
// op: slot[255] = size
// Store each in slots 0..N
dup // st: size cindex
dup // st: size size cindex
app_global_get // st: size size key_at_cindex
stores // st: size
// op: slot[size] = key_at_cindex
int 0 // st: size size 0
== // st: size (size == 0)
bnz success
int 1 // st: size 1
- // st: (size-1)
b loop
int 1