# python3 -m pip install pycryptodomex uvarint pyteal web3 coincurve from os.path import exists from time import time, sleep from eth_abi import encode_single, encode_abi from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Optional, Union from base64 import b64decode import base64 import random import time import hashlib import uuid import sys import json import uvarint from local_blob import LocalBlob from wormhole_core import getCoreContracts from TmplSig import TmplSig import argparse from gentest import GenTest from algosdk.v2client.algod import AlgodClient from algosdk.kmd import KMDClient from algosdk import account, mnemonic from algosdk.encoding import decode_address, encode_address from algosdk.future import transaction from pyteal import compileTeal, Mode, Expr from pyteal import * from algosdk.logic import get_application_address from vaa_verify import get_vaa_verify from Cryptodome.Hash import keccak from algosdk.future.transaction import LogicSig from token_bridge import get_token_bridge from test_contract import get_test_app from algosdk.v2client import indexer import pprint max_keys = 15 max_bytes_per_key = 127 bits_per_byte = 8 bits_per_key = max_bytes_per_key * bits_per_byte max_bytes = max_bytes_per_key * max_keys max_bits = bits_per_byte * max_bytes class Account: """Represents a private key and address for an Algorand account""" def __init__(self, privateKey: str) -> None: self.sk = privateKey self.addr = account.address_from_private_key(privateKey) print (privateKey) print (" " + self.getMnemonic()) print (" " + self.addr) def getAddress(self) -> str: return self.addr def getPrivateKey(self) -> str: return self.sk def getMnemonic(self) -> str: return mnemonic.from_private_key(self.sk) @classmethod def FromMnemonic(cls, m: str) -> "Account": return cls(mnemonic.to_private_key(m)) class PendingTxnResponse: def __init__(self, response: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.poolError: str = response["pool-error"] self.txn: Dict[str, Any] = response["txn"] self.applicationIndex: Optional[int] = response.get("application-index") self.assetIndex: Optional[int] = response.get("asset-index") self.closeRewards: Optional[int] = response.get("close-rewards") self.closingAmount: Optional[int] = response.get("closing-amount") self.confirmedRound: Optional[int] = response.get("confirmed-round") self.globalStateDelta: Optional[Any] = response.get("global-state-delta") self.localStateDelta: Optional[Any] = response.get("local-state-delta") self.receiverRewards: Optional[int] = response.get("receiver-rewards") self.senderRewards: Optional[int] = response.get("sender-rewards") self.innerTxns: List[Any] = response.get("inner-txns", []) self.logs: List[bytes] = [b64decode(l) for l in response.get("logs", [])] class PortalCore: def __init__(self) -> None: self.gt = None self.foundation = None self.devnet = False self.ALGOD_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:4001" self.ALGOD_TOKEN = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" self.FUNDING_AMOUNT = 100_000_000_000 self.KMD_ADDRESS = "http://localhost:4002" self.KMD_TOKEN = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" self.KMD_WALLET_NAME = "unencrypted-default-wallet" self.KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD = "" self.INDEXER_TOKEN = "a" * 64 self.INDEXER_ADDRESS = 'http://localhost:8980' self.INDEXER_ROUND = 0 self.NOTE_PREFIX = 'publishMessage'.encode() self.myindexer = None self.seed_amt = int(1002000) # The black magic in this number... self.cache = {} self.asset_cache = {} self.kmdAccounts : Optional[List[Account]] = None self.accountList : List[Account] = [] self.zeroPadBytes = "00"*32 self.tsig = TmplSig("sig") def init(self, args) -> None: self.args = args self.ALGOD_ADDRESS = args.algod_address self.ALGOD_TOKEN = args.algod_token self.KMD_ADDRESS = args.kmd_address self.KMD_TOKEN = args.kmd_token self.KMD_WALLET_NAME = args.kmd_name self.KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD = args.kmd_password self.TARGET_ACCOUNT = args.mnemonic self.coreid = args.coreid self.tokenid = args.tokenid if exists(self.args.env): if self.gt == None: self.gt = GenTest(False) with open(self.args.env, encoding = 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: e = line.rstrip('\n').split("=") if "INIT_SIGNERS_CSV" in e[0]: self.gt.guardianKeys = e[1].split(",") if "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV" in e[0]: self.gt.guardianPrivKeys = e[1].split(",") print("guardianPrivKeys=" + str(self.gt.guardianPrivKeys)) def waitForTransaction( self, client: AlgodClient, txID: str, timeout: int = 10 ) -> PendingTxnResponse: lastStatus = client.status() lastRound = lastStatus["last-round"] startRound = lastRound while lastRound < startRound + timeout: pending_txn = client.pending_transaction_info(txID) if pending_txn.get("confirmed-round", 0) > 0: return PendingTxnResponse(pending_txn) if pending_txn["pool-error"]: raise Exception("Pool error: {}".format(pending_txn["pool-error"])) lastStatus = client.status_after_block(lastRound + 1) lastRound += 1 raise Exception( "Transaction {} not confirmed after {} rounds".format(txID, timeout) ) def getKmdClient(self) -> KMDClient: return KMDClient(self.KMD_TOKEN, self.KMD_ADDRESS) def getGenesisAccounts(self) -> List[Account]: if self.kmdAccounts is None: kmd = self.getKmdClient() wallets = kmd.list_wallets() walletID = None for wallet in wallets: if wallet["name"] == self.KMD_WALLET_NAME: walletID = wallet["id"] break if walletID is None: raise Exception("Wallet not found: {}".format(self.KMD_WALLET_NAME)) walletHandle = kmd.init_wallet_handle(walletID, self.KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD) try: addresses = kmd.list_keys(walletHandle) privateKeys = [ kmd.export_key(walletHandle, self.KMD_WALLET_PASSWORD, addr) for addr in addresses ] self.kmdAccounts = [Account(sk) for sk in privateKeys] finally: kmd.release_wallet_handle(walletHandle) return self.kmdAccounts def getTemporaryAccount(self, client: AlgodClient) -> Account: if len(self.accountList) == 0: sks = [account.generate_account()[0] for i in range(3)] self.accountList = [Account(sk) for sk in sks] genesisAccounts = self.getGenesisAccounts() suggestedParams = client.suggested_params() txns: List[transaction.Transaction] = [] for i, a in enumerate(self.accountList): fundingAccount = genesisAccounts[i % len(genesisAccounts)] txns.append( transaction.PaymentTxn( sender=fundingAccount.getAddress(), receiver=a.getAddress(), amt=self.FUNDING_AMOUNT, sp=suggestedParams, ) ) txns = transaction.assign_group_id(txns) signedTxns = [ txn.sign(genesisAccounts[i % len(genesisAccounts)].getPrivateKey()) for i, txn in enumerate(txns) ] client.send_transactions(signedTxns) self.waitForTransaction(client, signedTxns[0].get_txid()) return self.accountList.pop() def getAlgodClient(self) -> AlgodClient: return AlgodClient(self.ALGOD_TOKEN, self.ALGOD_ADDRESS) def getBalances(self, client: AlgodClient, account: str) -> Dict[int, int]: balances: Dict[int, int] = dict() accountInfo = client.account_info(account) # set key 0 to Algo balance balances[0] = accountInfo["amount"] assets: List[Dict[str, Any]] = accountInfo.get("assets", []) for assetHolding in assets: assetID = assetHolding["asset-id"] amount = assetHolding["amount"] balances[assetID] = amount return balances def fullyCompileContract(self, client: AlgodClient, contract: Expr) -> bytes: teal = compileTeal(contract, mode=Mode.Application, version=6) response = client.compile(teal) return response # helper function that formats global state for printing def format_state(self, state): formatted = {} for item in state: key = item['key'] value = item['value'] formatted_key = base64.b64decode(key).decode('utf-8') if value['type'] == 1: # byte string if formatted_key == 'voted': formatted_value = base64.b64decode(value['bytes']).decode('utf-8') else: formatted_value = value['bytes'] formatted[formatted_key] = formatted_value else: # integer formatted[formatted_key] = value['uint'] return formatted # helper function to read app global state def read_global_state(self, client, addr, app_id): results = client.account_info(addr) apps_created = results['created-apps'] for app in apps_created: if app['id'] == app_id and 'global-state' in app['params']: return self.format_state(app['params']['global-state']) return {} def read_state(self, client, addr, app_id): results = client.account_info(addr) apps_created = results['created-apps'] for app in apps_created: if app['id'] == app_id: return app return {} def encoder(self, type, val): if type == 'uint8': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[62:64] if type == 'uint16': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[60:64] if type == 'uint32': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[56:64] if type == 'uint64': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[64-(16):64] if type == 'uint128': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[64-(32):64] if type == 'uint256' or type == 'bytes32': return encode_single(type, val).hex()[64-(64):64] raise Exception("you suck") def devnetUpgradeVAA(self): v = self.genUpgradePayload() print("core payload: " + str(v[0])) print("token payload: " + str(v[1])) if self.gt == None: self.gt = GenTest(False) emitter = bytes.fromhex(self.zeroPadBytes[0:(31*2)] + "04") guardianSet = self.getGovSet() print("guardianSet: " + str(guardianSet)) nonce = int(random.random() * 20000) ret = [ self.gt.createSignedVAA(guardianSet, self.gt.guardianPrivKeys, int(time.time()), nonce, 1, emitter, int(random.random() * 20000), 32, 8, v[0]), self.gt.createSignedVAA(guardianSet, self.gt.guardianPrivKeys, int(time.time()), nonce, 1, emitter, int(random.random() * 20000), 32, 8, v[1]), ] # pprint.pprint(self.parseVAA(bytes.fromhex(ret[0]))) # pprint.pprint(self.parseVAA(bytes.fromhex(ret[1]))) return ret def getMessageFee(self): s = self.client.application_info(self.coreid)["params"]["global-state"] k = base64.b64encode(b"MessageFee").decode('utf-8') for x in s: if x["key"] == k: return x["value"]["uint"] return -1 def getGovSet(self): s = self.client.application_info(self.coreid)["params"]["global-state"] k = base64.b64encode(b"currentGuardianSetIndex").decode('utf-8') for x in s: if x["key"] == k: return x["value"]["uint"] return -1 def genUpgradePayload(self): approval, clear = getCoreContracts(False, self.args.core_approve, self.args.core_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) b = self.zeroPadBytes[0:(28*2)] b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("C")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("o")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("r")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("e")) b += self.encoder("uint8", 1) b += self.encoder("uint16", 8) b += decode_address(approval["hash"]).hex() ret = [b] approval, clear = get_token_bridge(False, self.args.token_approve, self.args.token_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) b = self.zeroPadBytes[0:((32 -11)*2)] b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("T")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("o")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("k")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("e")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("n")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("B")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("r")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("i")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("d")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("g")) b += self.encoder("uint8", ord("e")) b += self.encoder("uint8", 2) # action b += self.encoder("uint16", 8) # target chain b += decode_address(approval["hash"]).hex() print(decode_address(approval["hash"]).hex()) ret.append(b) return ret def createPortalCoreApp( self, client: AlgodClient, sender: Account, ) -> int: approval, clear = getCoreContracts(False, self.args.core_approve, self.args.core_clear, client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) globalSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=8, num_byte_slices=40) localSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=0, num_byte_slices=16) app_args = [ ] txn = transaction.ApplicationCreateTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, approval_program=b64decode(approval["result"]), clear_program=b64decode(clear["result"]), global_schema=globalSchema, local_schema=localSchema, extra_pages = 1, app_args=app_args, sp=client.suggested_params(), ) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) response = self.waitForTransaction(client, signedTxn.get_txid()) assert response.applicationIndex is not None and response.applicationIndex > 0 # Lets give it a bit of money so that it is not a "ghost" account txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = client.suggested_params(), receiver = get_application_address(response.applicationIndex), amt = 100000) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) return response.applicationIndex def createTokenBridgeApp( self, client: AlgodClient, sender: Account, ) -> int: approval, clear = get_token_bridge(False, self.args.token_approve, self.args.token_clear, client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) if len(b64decode(approval["result"])) > 4060: print("token bridge contract is too large... This might prevent updates later") globalSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=4, num_byte_slices=30) localSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=0, num_byte_slices=16) app_args = [self.coreid, decode_address(get_application_address(self.coreid))] txn = transaction.ApplicationCreateTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, approval_program=b64decode(approval["result"]), clear_program=b64decode(clear["result"]), global_schema=globalSchema, local_schema=localSchema, app_args=app_args, extra_pages = 2, sp=client.suggested_params(), ) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) response = self.waitForTransaction(client, signedTxn.get_txid()) #pprint.pprint(response.__dict__) assert response.applicationIndex is not None and response.applicationIndex > 0 # Lets give it a bit of money so that it is not a "ghost" account txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = client.suggested_params(), receiver = get_application_address(response.applicationIndex), amt = 100000) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) return response.applicationIndex def createTestApp( self, client: AlgodClient, sender: Account, ) -> int: approval, clear = get_test_app(client) globalSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=4, num_byte_slices=30) localSchema = transaction.StateSchema(num_uints=0, num_byte_slices=16) txn = transaction.ApplicationCreateTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, approval_program=b64decode(approval["result"]), clear_program=b64decode(clear["result"]), global_schema=globalSchema, local_schema=localSchema, sp=client.suggested_params(), ) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) response = self.waitForTransaction(client, signedTxn.get_txid()) assert response.applicationIndex is not None and response.applicationIndex > 0 # Lets give it a bit of money so that it is not a "ghost" account txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = client.suggested_params(), receiver = get_application_address(response.applicationIndex), amt = 100000) signedTxn = txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) client.send_transaction(signedTxn) return response.applicationIndex def account_exists(self, client, app_id, addr): try: ai = client.account_info(addr) if "apps-local-state" not in ai: return False for app in ai["apps-local-state"]: if app["id"] == app_id: return True except: print("Failed to find account {}".format(addr)) return False def optin(self, client, sender, app_id, idx, emitter, doCreate=True): aa = decode_address(get_application_address(app_id)).hex() lsa = self.tsig.populate( { "TMPL_APP_ID": app_id, "TMPL_APP_ADDRESS": aa, "TMPL_ADDR_IDX": idx, "TMPL_EMITTER_ID": emitter, } ) sig_addr = lsa.address() if sig_addr not in self.cache and not self.account_exists(client, app_id, sig_addr): if doCreate: # pprint.pprint(("Creating", app_id, idx, emitter, sig_addr)) # Create it sp = client.suggested_params() seed_txn = transaction.PaymentTxn(sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = sp, receiver = sig_addr, amt = self.seed_amt) seed_txn.fee = seed_txn.fee * 2 optin_txn = transaction.ApplicationOptInTxn(sig_addr, sp, app_id, rekey_to=get_application_address(app_id)) optin_txn.fee = 0 transaction.assign_group_id([seed_txn, optin_txn]) signed_seed = seed_txn.sign(sender.getPrivateKey()) signed_optin = transaction.LogicSigTransaction(optin_txn, lsa) client.send_transactions([signed_seed, signed_optin]) self.waitForTransaction(client, signed_optin.get_txid()) self.cache[sig_addr] = True return sig_addr def parseSeqFromLog(self, txn): return int.from_bytes(b64decode(txn.innerTxns[0]["logs"][0]), "big") def getCreator(self, client, sender, asset_id): return client.asset_info(asset_id)["params"]["creator"] def sendTxn(self, client, sender, txns, doWait): transaction.assign_group_id(txns) grp = [] pk = sender.getPrivateKey() for t in txns: grp.append(t.sign(pk)) client.send_transactions(grp) if doWait: return self.waitForTransaction(client, grp[-1].get_txid()) else: return grp[-1].get_txid() def bootGuardians(self, vaa, client, sender, coreid): p = self.parseVAA(vaa) if "NewGuardianSetIndex" not in p: raise Exception("invalid guardian VAA") seq_addr = self.optin(client, sender, coreid, int(p["sequence"] / max_bits), p["chainRaw"].hex() + p["emitter"].hex()) guardian_addr = self.optin(client, sender, coreid, p["index"], b"guardian".hex()) newguardian_addr = self.optin(client, sender, coreid, p["NewGuardianSetIndex"], b"guardian".hex()) # wormhole is not a cheap protocol... we need to buy ourselves # some extra CPU cycles by having an early txn do nothing. # This leaves cycles over for later txn's in the same group sp = client.suggested_params() txns = [ transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"nop", b"0"], sp=sp ), transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"nop", b"1"], sp=sp ), transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"init", vaa, decode_address(self.vaa_verify["hash"])], accounts=[seq_addr, guardian_addr, newguardian_addr], sp=sp ), transaction.PaymentTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), receiver=self.vaa_verify["hash"], amt=100000, sp=sp ) ] self.sendTxn(client, sender, txns, True) def decodeLocalState(self, client, sender, appid, addr): app_state = None ai = client.account_info(addr) for app in ai["apps-local-state"]: if app["id"] == appid: app_state = app["key-value"] ret = b'' if None != app_state: vals = {} e = bytes.fromhex("00"*127) for kv in app_state: k = base64.b64decode(kv["key"]) if k == "meta": continue key = int.from_bytes(k, "big") v = base64.b64decode(kv["value"]["bytes"]) if v != e: vals[key] = v for k in sorted(vals.keys()): ret = ret + vals[k] return ret # There is no client side duplicate suppression, error checking, or validity # checking. We need to be able to detect all failure cases in # the contract itself and we want to use this to drive the failure test # cases def simpleVAA(self, vaa, client, sender, appid): p = {"version": int.from_bytes(vaa[0:1], "big"), "index": int.from_bytes(vaa[1:5], "big"), "siglen": int.from_bytes(vaa[5:6], "big")} ret["signatures"] = vaa[6:(ret["siglen"] * 66) + 6] ret["sigs"] = [] for i in range(ret["siglen"]): ret["sigs"].append(vaa[(6 + (i * 66)):(6 + (i * 66)) + 66].hex()) off = (ret["siglen"] * 66) + 6 ret["digest"] = vaa[off:] # This is what is actually signed... ret["timestamp"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 4)], "big") off += 4 ret["nonce"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 4)], "big") off += 4 ret["chainRaw"] = vaa[off:(off + 2)] ret["chain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["emitter"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)] off += 32 ret["sequence"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 8)], "big") off += 8 ret["consistency"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 1)], "big") off += 1 seq_addr = self.optin(client, sender, appid, int(p["sequence"] / max_bits), p["chainRaw"].hex() + p["emitter"].hex()) # And then the signatures to help us verify the vaa_s guardian_addr = self.optin(client, sender, self.coreid, p["index"], b"guardian".hex()) accts = [seq_addr, guardian_addr] keys = self.decodeLocalState(client, sender, self.coreid, guardian_addr) sp = client.suggested_params() txns = [] # Right now there is not really a good way to estimate the fees, # in production, on a conjested network, how much verifying # the signatures is going to cost. # So, what we do instead # is we top off the verifier back up to 2A so effectively we # are paying for the previous persons overrage which on a # unconjested network should be zero pmt = 3000 bal = self.getBalances(client, self.vaa_verify["hash"]) if ((200000 - bal[0]) >= pmt): pmt = 200000 - bal[0] #print("Sending %d algo to cover fees" % (pmt)) txns.append( transaction.PaymentTxn( sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = sp, receiver = self.vaa_verify["hash"], amt = pmt ) ) # How many signatures can we process in a single txn... we can do 9! bsize = (9*66) blocks = int(len(p["signatures"]) / bsize) + 1 # We don't pass the entire payload in but instead just pass it pre digested. This gets around size # limitations with lsigs AND reduces the cost of the entire operation on a conjested network by reducing the # bytes passed into the transaction digest = keccak.new(digest_bits=256).update(keccak.new(digest_bits=256).update(p["digest"]).digest()).digest() for i in range(blocks): # Which signatures will we be verifying in this block sigs = p["signatures"][(i * bsize):] if (len(sigs) > bsize): sigs = sigs[:bsize] # keys kset = b'' # Grab the key associated the signature for q in range(int(len(sigs) / 66)): # Which guardian is this signature associated with g = sigs[q * 66] key = keys[((g * 20) + 1) : (((g + 1) * 20) + 1)] kset = kset + key txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=self.vaa_verify["hash"], index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"verifySigs", sigs, kset, digest], accounts=accts, sp=sp )) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"verifyVAA", vaa], accounts=accts, sp=sp )) return txns def signVAA(self, client, sender, txns): transaction.assign_group_id(txns) grp = [] pk = sender.getPrivateKey() for t in txns: if ("app_args" in t.__dict__ and len(t.app_args) > 0 and t.app_args[0] == b"verifySigs"): grp.append(transaction.LogicSigTransaction(t, self.vaa_verify["lsig"])) else: grp.append(t.sign(pk)) client.send_transactions(grp) ret = [] for x in grp: response = self.waitForTransaction(client, x.get_txid()) if "logs" in response.__dict__ and len(response.__dict__["logs"]) > 0: ret.append(response.__dict__["logs"]) return ret def check_bits_set(self, client, app_id, addr, seq): bits_set = {} app_state = None ai = client.account_info(addr) for app in ai["apps-local-state"]: if app["id"] == app_id: app_state = app["key-value"] if app_state == None: return False start = int(seq / max_bits) * max_bits s = int((seq - start) / bits_per_key) b = int(((seq - start) - (s * bits_per_key)) / 8) k = base64.b64encode(s.to_bytes(1, "big")).decode('utf-8') for kv in app_state: if kv["key"] != k: continue v = base64.b64decode(kv["value"]["bytes"]) bt = 1 << (seq%8) return ((v[b] & bt) != 0) return False def submitVAA(self, vaa, client, sender, appid): # A lot of our logic here depends on parseVAA and knowing what the payload is.. p = self.parseVAA(vaa) #pprint.pprint(p) seq_addr = self.optin(client, sender, appid, int(p["sequence"] / max_bits), p["chainRaw"].hex() + p["emitter"].hex()) assert self.check_bits_set(client, appid, seq_addr, p["sequence"]) == False # And then the signatures to help us verify the vaa_s guardian_addr = self.optin(client, sender, self.coreid, p["index"], b"guardian".hex()) accts = [seq_addr, guardian_addr] # If this happens to be setting up a new guardian set, we probably need it as well... if p["Meta"] == "CoreGovernance" and p["action"] == 2: newguardian_addr = self.optin(client, sender, self.coreid, p["NewGuardianSetIndex"], b"guardian".hex()) accts.append(newguardian_addr) # When we attest for a new token, we need some place to store the info... later we will need to # mirror the other way as well if p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Attest" or p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Transfer" or p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Transfer With Payload": if p["FromChain"] != 8: chain_addr = self.optin(client, sender, self.tokenid, p["FromChain"], p["Contract"]) else: asset_id = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(p["Contract"]), "big") chain_addr = self.optin(client, sender, self.tokenid, asset_id, b"native".hex()) accts.append(chain_addr) keys = self.decodeLocalState(client, sender, self.coreid, guardian_addr) print("keys: " + keys.hex()) sp = client.suggested_params() txns = [] # How many signatures can we process in a single txn... we can do 9! bsize = (9*66) blocks = int(len(p["signatures"]) / bsize) + 1 # We don't pass the entire payload in but instead just pass it pre digested. This gets around size # limitations with lsigs AND reduces the cost of the entire operation on a conjested network by reducing the # bytes passed into the transaction digest = keccak.new(digest_bits=256).update(keccak.new(digest_bits=256).update(p["digest"]).digest()).digest() for i in range(blocks): # Which signatures will we be verifying in this block sigs = p["signatures"][(i * bsize):] if (len(sigs) > bsize): sigs = sigs[:bsize] # keys kset = b'' # Grab the key associated the signature for q in range(int(len(sigs) / 66)): # Which guardian is this signature associated with g = sigs[q * 66] key = keys[((g * 20) + 1) : (((g + 1) * 20) + 1)] kset = kset + key txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=self.vaa_verify["hash"], index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"verifySigs", sigs, kset, digest], accounts=accts, sp=sp )) txns[-1].fee = 0 txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"verifyVAA", vaa], accounts=accts, sp=sp )) txns[-1].fee = txns[-1].fee * (1 + blocks) if p["Meta"] == "CoreGovernance": txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"governance", vaa], accounts=accts, sp=sp )) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.coreid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"nop", 5], sp=sp )) if p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge RegisterChain" or p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge UpgradeContract": txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.tokenid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"governance", vaa], accounts=accts, foreign_apps = [self.coreid], sp=sp )) if p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Attest": # if we DO decode it, we can do a sanity check... of # course, the hacker might NOT decode it so we have to # handle both cases... asset = (self.decodeLocalState(client, sender, self.tokenid, chain_addr)) foreign_assets = [] if (len(asset) > 8): foreign_assets.append(int.from_bytes(asset[0:8], "big")) txns.append( transaction.PaymentTxn( sender = sender.getAddress(), sp = sp, receiver = chain_addr, amt = 100000 ) ) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.tokenid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"nop", 1], sp=sp )) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.tokenid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"nop", 2], sp=sp )) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.tokenid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"receiveAttest", vaa], accounts=accts, foreign_assets = foreign_assets, sp=sp )) txns[-1].fee = txns[-1].fee * 2 if p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Transfer" or p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Transfer With Payload": foreign_assets = [] a = 0 if p["FromChain"] != 8: asset = (self.decodeLocalState(client, sender, self.tokenid, chain_addr)) if (len(asset) > 8): a = int.from_bytes(asset[0:8], "big") else: a = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(p["Contract"]), "big") # The receiver needs to be optin in to receive the coins... Yeah, the relayer pays for this aid = 0 if p["ToChain"] == 8 and p["Type"] == 3: aid = int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(p["ToAddress"]), "big") addr = get_application_address(aid) else: addr = encode_address(bytes.fromhex(p["ToAddress"])) if a != 0: foreign_assets.append(a) self.asset_optin(client, sender, foreign_assets[0], addr) # And this is how the relayer gets paid... if p["Fee"] != self.zeroPadBytes: self.asset_optin(client, sender, foreign_assets[0], sender.getAddress()) accts.append(addr) txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=self.tokenid, on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"completeTransfer", vaa], accounts=accts, foreign_assets = foreign_assets, sp=sp )) if aid != 0: txns[-1].foreign_apps = [aid] # We need to cover the inner transactions if p["Fee"] != self.zeroPadBytes: txns[-1].fee = txns[-1].fee * 3 else: txns[-1].fee = txns[-1].fee * 2 if p["Meta"] == "TokenBridge Transfer With Payload": txns.append(transaction.ApplicationCallTxn( sender=sender.getAddress(), index=int.from_bytes(bytes.fromhex(p["ToAddress"]), "big"), on_complete=transaction.OnComplete.NoOpOC, app_args=[b"completeTransfer", vaa], foreign_assets = foreign_assets, sp=sp )) transaction.assign_group_id(txns) grp = [] pk = sender.getPrivateKey() for t in txns: if ("app_args" in t.__dict__ and len(t.app_args) > 0 and t.app_args[0] == b"verifySigs"): grp.append(transaction.LogicSigTransaction(t, self.vaa_verify["lsig"])) else: grp.append(t.sign(pk)) client.send_transactions(grp) ret = [] for x in grp: response = self.waitForTransaction(client, x.get_txid()) if "logs" in response.__dict__ and len(response.__dict__["logs"]) > 0: ret.append(response.__dict__["logs"]) assert self.check_bits_set(client, appid, seq_addr, p["sequence"]) == True return ret def parseVAA(self, vaa): # print (vaa.hex()) ret = {"version": int.from_bytes(vaa[0:1], "big"), "index": int.from_bytes(vaa[1:5], "big"), "siglen": int.from_bytes(vaa[5:6], "big")} ret["signatures"] = vaa[6:(ret["siglen"] * 66) + 6] ret["sigs"] = [] for i in range(ret["siglen"]): ret["sigs"].append(vaa[(6 + (i * 66)):(6 + (i * 66)) + 66].hex()) off = (ret["siglen"] * 66) + 6 ret["digest"] = vaa[off:] # This is what is actually signed... ret["timestamp"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 4)], "big") off += 4 ret["nonce"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 4)], "big") off += 4 ret["chainRaw"] = vaa[off:(off + 2)] ret["chain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["emitter"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)] off += 32 ret["sequence"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 8)], "big") off += 8 ret["consistency"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 1)], "big") off += 1 ret["Meta"] = "Unknown" if vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() == "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000546f6b656e427269646765": ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge" ret["module"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["action"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 1)], "big") off += 1 if ret["action"] == 1: ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge RegisterChain" ret["targetChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["EmitterChainID"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["targetEmitter"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 if ret["action"] == 2: ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge UpgradeContract" ret["targetChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["newContract"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 pprint.pprint((vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex(), "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f7265")) if vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() == "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000436f7265": ret["Meta"] = "CoreGovernance" ret["module"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["action"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 1)], "big") off += 1 ret["targetChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 if ret["action"] == 2: ret["NewGuardianSetIndex"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 4)], "big") else: ret["Contract"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() if ((len(vaa[off:])) == 100) and int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") == 2: ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge Attest" ret["Type"] = int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") off += 1 ret["Contract"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["FromChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["Decimals"] = int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") off += 1 ret["Symbol"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["Name"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() if ((len(vaa[off:])) == 133) and int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") == 1: ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge Transfer" ret["Type"] = int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") off += 1 ret["Amount"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["Contract"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["FromChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["ToAddress"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["ToChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["Fee"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() if int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") == 3: ret["Meta"] = "TokenBridge Transfer With Payload" ret["Type"] = int.from_bytes((vaa[off:off+1]), "big") off += 1 ret["Amount"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["Contract"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["FromChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["ToAddress"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["ToChain"] = int.from_bytes(vaa[off:(off + 2)], "big") off += 2 ret["Fee"] = vaa[off:(off + 32)].hex() off += 32 ret["Payload"] = vaa[off:].hex() ret["body"] = ret["Payload"] return ret def boot(self): print("") print("Creating the PortalCore app") self.coreid = self.createPortalCoreApp(client=self.client, sender=self.foundation) pprint.pprint({"wormhole core": str(self.coreid), "address": get_application_address(self.coreid), "emitterAddress": decode_address(get_application_address(self.coreid)).hex()}) print("Create the token bridge") self.tokenid = self.createTokenBridgeApp(self.client, self.foundation) pprint.pprint({"token bridge": str(self.tokenid), "address": get_application_address(self.tokenid), "emitterAddress": decode_address(get_application_address(self.tokenid)).hex()}) if self.devnet or self.args.testnet: if self.devnet: print("Create test app") self.testid = self.createTestApp(self.client, self.foundation) pprint.pprint({"testapp": str(self.testid)}) suggestedParams = self.client.suggested_params() fundingAccount = self.getGenesisAccounts()[0] txns: List[transaction.Transaction] = [] wallet = "castle sing ice patrol mixture artist violin someone what access slow wrestle clap hero sausage oyster boost tone receive rapid bike announce pepper absent involve" a = Account.FromMnemonic(wallet) txns.append( transaction.PaymentTxn( sender=fundingAccount.getAddress(), receiver=a.getAddress(), amt=self.FUNDING_AMOUNT, sp=suggestedParams, ) ) txns = transaction.assign_group_id(txns) signedTxns = [ txn.sign(fundingAccount.getPrivateKey()) for i, txn in enumerate(txns) ] self.client.send_transactions(signedTxns) print("Sent some ALGO to: " + wallet) if exists(self.args.env): if self.gt == None: self.gt = GenTest(False) with open(self.args.env, encoding = 'utf-8') as f: for line in f: e = line.rstrip('\n').split("=") print(e) if "TOKEN_BRIDGE" in e[0]: v = bytes.fromhex(e[1]) self.submitVAA(v, self.client, self.foundation, self.tokenid) if "INIT_SIGNERS_CSV" in e[0]: self.gt.guardianKeys = e[1].split(",") if "INIT_SIGNERS_KEYS_CSV" in e[0]: print("bootstrapping the guardian set...") self.gt.guardianPrivKeys = e[1].split(",") seq = int(random.random() * (2**31)) bootVAA = self.gt.genGuardianSetUpgrade(self.gt.guardianPrivKeys, self.args.guardianSet, self.args.guardianSet, seq, seq) self.bootGuardians(bytes.fromhex(bootVAA), self.client, self.foundation, self.coreid) seq = int(random.random() * (2**31)) regChain = self.gt.genRegisterChain(self.gt.guardianPrivKeys, self.args.guardianSet, seq, seq, 8, decode_address(get_application_address(self.tokenid)).hex()) print("ALGO_TOKEN_BRIDGE_VAA=" + regChain) # if self.args.env != ".env": # v = bytes.fromhex(regChain) # self.submitVAA(v, self.client, self.foundation, self.tokenid) # print("We submitted it!") def updateCore(self) -> None: print("Updating the core contracts") approval, clear = getCoreContracts(False, self.args.core_approve, self.args.core_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) # print(decode_address(clear["hash"]).hex()) # sys.exit(0) txn = transaction.ApplicationUpdateTxn( index=self.coreid, sender=self.foundation.getAddress(), approval_program=b64decode(approval["result"]), clear_program=b64decode(clear["result"]), app_args=[ ], sp=self.client.suggested_params(), ) signedTxn = txn.sign(self.foundation.getPrivateKey()) print("sending transaction") self.client.send_transaction(signedTxn) resp = self.waitForTransaction(self.client, signedTxn.get_txid()) for x in resp.__dict__["logs"]: print(x.hex()) print("complete") def updateToken(self) -> None: approval, clear = get_token_bridge(False, self.args.token_approve, self.args.token_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) print("Updating the token contracts: " + str(len(b64decode(approval["result"])))) txn = transaction.ApplicationUpdateTxn( index=self.tokenid, sender=self.foundation.getAddress(), approval_program=b64decode(approval["result"]), clear_program=b64decode(clear["result"]), app_args=[ ], sp=self.client.suggested_params(), ) signedTxn = txn.sign(self.foundation.getPrivateKey()) print("sending transaction") self.client.send_transaction(signedTxn) resp = self.waitForTransaction(self.client, signedTxn.get_txid()) for x in resp.__dict__["logs"]: print(x.hex()) print("complete") def genTeal(self) -> None: print((True, self.args.core_approve, self.args.core_clear, self.client, self.seed_amt, self.tsig, self.devnet or self.args.testnet)) approval, clear = getCoreContracts(True, self.args.core_approve, self.args.core_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) print("Generating the teal for the core contracts") approval, clear = get_token_bridge(True, self.args.token_approve, self.args.token_clear, self.client, seed_amt=self.seed_amt, tmpl_sig=self.tsig, devMode = self.devnet or self.args.testnet) print("Generating the teal for the token contracts: " + str(len(b64decode(approval["result"])))) def testnet(self): self.ALGOD_ADDRESS = self.args.algod_address = "https://testnet-api.algonode.cloud" self.INDEXER_ADDRESS = self.args.algod_address = "https://testnet-idx.algonode.cloud" self.coreid = self.args.coreid self.tokenid = self.args.tokenid def mainnet(self): self.ALGOD_ADDRESS = self.args.algod_address = "https://mainnet-api.algonode.cloud" self.INDEXER_ADDRESS = self.args.algod_address = "https://mainnet-idx.algonode.cloud" self.coreid = self.args.coreid self.tokenid = self.args.tokenid def setup_args(self) -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='algorand setup') parser.add_argument('--algod_address', type=str, help='algod address (default: http://localhost:4001)', default="http://localhost:4001") parser.add_argument('--algod_token', type=str, help='algod access token', default="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") parser.add_argument('--kmd_address', type=str, help='kmd wallet address (default: http://localhost:4002)', default="http://localhost:4002") parser.add_argument('--kmd_token', type=str, help='kmd wallet access token', default="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa") parser.add_argument('--kmd_name', type=str, help='kmd wallet name', default="unencrypted-default-wallet") parser.add_argument('--kmd_password', type=str, help='kmd wallet password', default="") parser.add_argument('--mnemonic', type=str, help='account mnemonic', default="") parser.add_argument('--core_approve', type=str, help='core approve teal', default="teal/core_approve.teal") parser.add_argument('--core_clear', type=str, help='core clear teal', default="teal/core_clear.teal") parser.add_argument('--token_approve', type=str, help='token approve teal', default="teal/token_approve.teal") parser.add_argument('--token_clear', type=str, help='token clear teal', default="teal/token_clear.teal") parser.add_argument('--coreid', type=int, help='core contract', default=4) parser.add_argument('--tokenid', type=int, help='token bridge contract', default=6) parser.add_argument('--devnet', action='store_true', help='setup devnet') parser.add_argument('--boot', action='store_true', help='bootstrap') parser.add_argument('--upgradePayload', action='store_true', help='gen the upgrade payload for the guardians to sign') parser.add_argument('--vaa', type=str, help='Submit the supplied VAA', default="") parser.add_argument('--env', type=str, help='deploying using the supplied .env file', default=".env") parser.add_argument('--guardianSet', type=int, help='What guardianSet should I syntheticly create if needed', default=0) parser.add_argument('--appid', type=str, help='The appid that the vaa submit is applied to', default="") parser.add_argument('--submit', action='store_true', help='submit the synthetic vaas') parser.add_argument('--updateCore', action='store_true', help='update the Core contracts') parser.add_argument('--updateToken', action='store_true', help='update the Token contracts') parser.add_argument('--upgradeVAA', action='store_true', help='generate a upgrade vaa for devnet') parser.add_argument('--print', action='store_true', help='print') parser.add_argument('--genParts', action='store_true', help='Get tssig parts') parser.add_argument('--genTeal', action='store_true', help='Generate all the teal from the pyteal') parser.add_argument('--fund', action='store_true', help='Generate some accounts and fund them') parser.add_argument('--testnet', action='store_true', help='Connect to testnet') parser.add_argument('--mainnet', action='store_true', help='Connect to mainnet') args = parser.parse_args() self.init(args) self.devnet = args.devnet def main(self) -> None: self.setup_args() args = self.args if args.testnet: self.testnet() if args.mainnet: self.mainnet() self.client = self.getAlgodClient() if self.devnet or self.args.testnet: self.vaa_verify = self.client.compile(get_vaa_verify()) else: c = AlgodClient("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "https://testnet-api.algonode.cloud") self.vaa_verify = c.compile(get_vaa_verify()) self.vaa_verify["lsig"] = LogicSig(base64.b64decode(self.vaa_verify["result"])) if args.genTeal or args.boot: self.genTeal() # Generate the upgrade payload we need the guardians to sign if args.upgradePayload: print(self.genUpgradePayload()) sys.exit(0) # This breaks the tsig up into the various parts so that we # can embed it into the Typescript code for reassembly if args.genParts: print("this.ALGO_VERIFY_HASH = \"%s\""%self.vaa_verify["hash"]); print("this.ALGO_VERIFY = new Uint8Array([", end='') for x in b64decode(self.vaa_verify["result"]): print("%d, "%(x), end='') print("])") parts = [ self.tsig.get_bytecode_raw(0).hex(), self.tsig.get_bytecode_raw(1).hex(), self.tsig.get_bytecode_raw(2).hex(), self.tsig.get_bytecode_raw(3).hex(), self.tsig.get_bytecode_raw(4).hex() ] pprint.pprint(parts) sys.exit(0) if args.mnemonic: self.foundation = Account.FromMnemonic(args.mnemonic) if args.devnet and self.foundation == None: print("Generating the foundation account...") self.foundation = self.getTemporaryAccount(self.client) if self.args.fund: sys.exit(0) if self.foundation == None: print("We dont have a account? Here is a random one I just made up...") pk = account.generate_account()[0] print(" pk: " + pk) print(" address: " + account.address_from_private_key(pk)) print(" mnemonic: " + mnemonic.from_private_key(pk)) if args.testnet: print("go to https://bank.testnet.algorand.network/ to fill it up (You will probably want to send at least 2 loads to the wallet)") sys.exit(0) bal = self.getBalances(self.client, self.foundation.addr) print("foundation address " + self.foundation.addr + " (" + str(float(bal[0]) / 1000000.0) + " ALGO)") if bal[0] < 10000000: print("you need at least 10 ALGO to do darn near anything...") sys.exit(0) if args.upgradeVAA: ret = self.devnetUpgradeVAA() pprint.pprint(ret) if (args.submit) : print("submitting vaa to upgrade core") self.submitVAA(bytes.fromhex(ret[0]), self.client, self.foundation, self.coreid) print("submitting vaa to upgrade token") self.submitVAA(bytes.fromhex(ret[1]), self.client, self.foundation, self.tokenid) if args.boot: self.boot() if args.updateCore: self.updateCore() if args.updateToken: self.updateToken() if args.vaa: if self.args.appid == "": raise Exception("You need to specifiy the appid when you are submitting vaas") vaa = bytes.fromhex(args.vaa) pprint.pprint(self.parseVAA(vaa)) self.submitVAA(vaa, self.client, self.foundation, int(self.args.appid)) if __name__ == "__main__": core = PortalCore() core.main()