// contracts/State.sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2 pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "./NFTBridgeStructs.sol"; contract NFTBridgeStorage { struct Provider { uint16 chainId; uint16 governanceChainId; bytes32 governanceContract; } struct Asset { uint16 chainId; bytes32 assetAddress; } struct SPLCache { bytes32 name; bytes32 symbol; } struct State { address payable wormhole; address tokenImplementation; Provider provider; // Mapping of consumed governance actions mapping(bytes32 => bool) consumedGovernanceActions; // Mapping of consumed token transfers mapping(bytes32 => bool) completedTransfers; // Mapping of initialized implementations mapping(address => bool) initializedImplementations; // Mapping of wrapped assets (chainID => nativeAddress => wrappedAddress) mapping(uint16 => mapping(bytes32 => address)) wrappedAssets; // Mapping to safely identify wrapped assets mapping(address => bool) isWrappedAsset; // Mapping of bridge contracts on other chains mapping(uint16 => bytes32) bridgeImplementations; // Mapping of spl token info caches (chainID => nativeAddress => SPLCache) mapping(uint256 => SPLCache) splCache; } } contract NFTBridgeState { NFTBridgeStorage.State _state; }