{ sources ? import nix/sources.nix # Please specify inputs obtained from `sources` as separate params like below , cargo2nix ? sources.cargo2nix , nixpkgs ? sources.nixpkgs , rust-olay ? import sources.rust-overlay }: let tilt-olay = self: super: { tilt184 = self.tilt.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs: { version = "0.18.4"; src = self.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tilt-dev"; repo = oldAttrs.pname; rev = "v0.18.4"; sha256 = null; }; buildFlagsArray = [ "-ldflags=-X main.version=0.18.4" ]; } ); }; scripts-olay = self: super: { whcluster = self.writeShellScriptBin "whcluster" '' set -e default_minikube_args="--cpus=10 --memory=10gb --disk-size=200gb" export MINIKUBE_ARGS=''${MINIKUBE_ARGS:-$default_minikube_args} ${self.minikube}/bin/minikube start $MINIKUBE_ARGS ${self.minikube}/bin/minikube ssh 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p' ${self.whkube}/bin/whkube ''; whkube = self.writeShellScriptBin "whkube" ''${self.kubectl}/bin/kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=wormhole''; whtilt = self.writeShellScriptBin "whtilt" '' echo "Starting Tilt with ''${1:=5} guardians" ${self.tilt184}/bin/tilt up --update-mode exec -- --num=$1 ''; whinotify = self.writeShellScriptBin "whinotify" '' ${self.minikube}/bin/minikube ssh 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p' ''; # stan-work config whsw = self.writeShellScriptBin "whsw" '' ${pkgs.mutagen}/bin/mutagen sync terminate whsw-sync || true ${pkgs.mutagen}/bin/mutagen sync create -n whsw-sync . stan-work:~/wormhole ${pkgs.mutagen}/bin/mutagen sync flush whsw-sync export MINIKUBE_ARGS='--cpus=30 --memory=110g --disk-size=1000gb' ssh stan-work \ ". ~/.zprofile && \ cd wormhole && \ nix-shell --command ' MINIKUBE_ARGS=\"$MINIKUBE_ARGS\" whcluster && \ killall tilt || true'" ssh -L 10350: stan-work \ "cd wormhole && \ source ~/.zprofile && \ nix-shell shell.nix --command 'whtilt $WH_GUARDIAN_COUNT'" ''; }; cargo2nix-olay = import "${cargo2nix}/overlay"; pkgs = import nixpkgs { overlays = [ # cargo2nix-olay rust-olay tilt-olay scripts-olay ]; }; cargo2nix-drv = import cargo2nix { inherit nixpkgs; }; in pkgs.mkShell { nativeBuildInputs = ( with pkgs; [ go gopls hidapi libudev openssl pkgconfig protobuf whcluster whinotify whkube whtilt whsw # ( # rust-bin.stable."1.51.0".default.override { # extensions = [ # "rust-src" # "rust-analysis" # ]; # } # ) # Provided on Fedora: kubectl minikube tilt184 # xargo ] ); DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1; PROTOC = "${pkgs.protobuf}/bin/protoc"; }