#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail if [ -z "${NUM_GUARDIANS}" ]; then echo "Error: NUM_GUARDIANS is unset, cannot create wormchain config." exit 1 fi # Get the hostname hostname=$(hostname) # # for local development/debugging, set the hostname as it would be in a devnet container # if [ ! -z "${INST}" ]; then # hostname="wormchain-$INST" # echo "set hostname with INST value: $hostname" # fi # Check if the hostname starts with "wormchain-" if [[ ! $hostname =~ ^wormchain- ]]; then # If the hostname does not start with "wormchain-", print an error message and exit echo "Error: hostname does not start with 'wormchain-'" exit 1 fi # Split the hostname on "-" instance=$(echo $hostname | cut -d'-' -f2) # get the context of this script call, so it can be prepended to file paths, # so this script will work in the tilt docker container, and when run locally. pwd=$(pwd) # config dir path for the instance, which is passed to wormchaind via --home home_path="$pwd/devnet/$hostname" # copy config from devnet/base cp -r $pwd/devnet/base/* ${home_path}/ # update the moniker sed -i "s/moniker = \"wormchain\"/moniker = \"$hostname\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml # set the external address so wormchain peers can resolve each other sed -i "s/external_address = \"\"/external_address = \"${hostname}:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml if [ $instance -eq 0 ] && [ $NUM_GUARDIANS -ge 2 ]; then echo "$hostname: enabling seed mode in config.toml." sed -i "s/pex = false/pex = true/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml sed -i "s/seed_mode = false/seed_mode = true/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml elif [ $instance -ge 1 ]; then echo "$hostname: adding seed address to config.toml." sed -i "s/seeds = \"\"/seeds = \"90ea40bee73abfda5226a0e8ddb18b0e324d2a29@wormchain-0:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml sed -i "s/persistent_peers = \"\"/persistent_peers = \"90ea40bee73abfda5226a0e8ddb18b0e324d2a29@wormchain-0:26656\"/g" ${home_path}/config/config.toml fi # copy the config to tendermint's default location, ~/.{chain-id} mkdir -p /root/.wormchain && cp -r ${home_path}/* /root/.wormchain/ echo "$hostname: done with create-config.sh, exiting success."