#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # Run the upgrade simulation (./simulate_upgrade) against each contract twice # against the ethereum mainnet state. Running the upgrade twice ensures that the # contract is still upgradeable after the first upgrade. ANVIL_PID="" function clean_up () { ARG=$? [ -n "$ANVIL_PID" ] && kill "$ANVIL_PID" exit $ARG } trap clean_up SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT echo "🍴 Forking mainnet..." ./anvil_fork ethereum > /dev/null & ANVIL_PID=$! # Sleep for 10 seconds here to give some time for the fork to complete. sleep 10 echo "========================= Updating core contract #1 ============================" ./simulate_upgrade -m bridge -c ethereum -d echo "========================= Updating core contract #2 ============================" ./simulate_upgrade -m bridge -c ethereum -d echo "===================== Updating token bridge contract #1 ========================" ./simulate_upgrade -m token_bridge -c ethereum -d echo "===================== Updating token bridge contract #2 ========================" ./simulate_upgrade -m token_bridge -c ethereum -d echo "====================== Updating NFT bridge contract #1 =========================" ./simulate_upgrade -m nft_bridge -c ethereum -d echo "====================== Updating NFT bridge contract #2 =========================" ./simulate_upgrade -m nft_bridge -c ethereum -d