import Wallet from "@project-serum/sol-wallet-adapter"; import { AccountMeta, Connection, PublicKey, SystemProgram, Transaction, TransactionInstruction, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { Token, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token"; import { ethers } from "ethers"; import { arrayify, formatUnits, parseUnits, zeroPad } from "ethers/lib/utils"; import { Bridge__factory, TokenImplementation__factory, } from "../ethers-contracts"; import { ChainId, CHAIN_ID_ETH, CHAIN_ID_SOLANA, ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, SOLANA_HOST, SOL_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, } from "./consts"; // TODO: this should probably be extended from the context somehow so that the signatures match // TODO: allow for / handle cancellation? // TODO: overall better input checking and error handling export function transferFromEth( provider: ethers.providers.Web3Provider | undefined, tokenAddress: string, amount: string, recipientChain: ChainId, recipientAddress: Uint8Array | undefined ) { if (!provider || !recipientAddress) return; const signer = provider.getSigner(); if (!signer) return; //TODO: check if token attestation exists on the target chain //TODO: don't hardcode, fetch decimals / share them with balance, how do we determine recipient chain? //TODO: more catches const amountParsed = parseUnits(amount, 18); signer.getAddress().then((signerAddress) => { console.log("Signer:", signerAddress); console.log("Token:", tokenAddress); const token = TokenImplementation__factory.connect(tokenAddress, signer); token .allowance(signerAddress, ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS) .then((allowance) => { console.log("Allowance", allowance.toString()); //TODO: should we check that this is zero and warn if it isn't? token .approve(ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, amountParsed) .then((transaction) => { console.log(transaction); const fee = 0; // for now, this won't do anything, we may add later const nonceConst = Math.random() * 100000; const nonceBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); nonceBuffer.writeUInt32LE(nonceConst, 0); console.log("Initiating transfer"); console.log("Amount:", formatUnits(amountParsed, 18)); console.log("To chain:", recipientChain); console.log("To address:", recipientAddress); console.log("Fees:", fee); console.log("Nonce:", nonceBuffer); const bridge = Bridge__factory.connect( ETH_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, signer ); bridge .transferTokens( tokenAddress, amountParsed, recipientChain, recipientAddress, fee, nonceBuffer ) .then((v) => console.log("Success:", v)) .catch((r) => console.error(r)); //TODO: integrate toast messages }); }); }); } // TODO: should we share this with client? ooh, should client use the SDK ;) // begin from clients\solana\main.ts function ixFromRust(data: any): TransactionInstruction { let keys: Array =; return new TransactionInstruction({ programId: new PublicKey(data.program_id), data: Buffer.from(, keys: keys, }); } function accountMetaFromRust(meta: any): AccountMeta { return { pubkey: new PublicKey(meta.pubkey), isSigner: meta.is_signer, isWritable: meta.is_writable, }; } // end from clients\solana\main.ts // TODO: need to check transfer native vs transfer wrapped // TODO: switch out targetProvider for generic address (this likely involves getting these in their respective contexts) export function transferFromSolana( wallet: Wallet | undefined, payerAddress: string | undefined, //TODO: we may not need this since we have wallet fromAddress: string | undefined, mintAddress: string, amount: string, decimals: number, targetProvider: ethers.providers.Web3Provider | undefined, targetChain: ChainId ) { if ( !wallet || !wallet.publicKey || !payerAddress || !fromAddress || !targetProvider ) return; const targetSigner = targetProvider.getSigner(); if (!targetSigner) return; (async () => { const targetAddressStr = await targetSigner.getAddress(); const targetAddress = zeroPad(arrayify(targetAddressStr), 32); const nonceConst = Math.random() * 100000; const nonceBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); nonceBuffer.writeUInt32LE(nonceConst, 0); const nonce = nonceBuffer.readUInt32LE(0); const amountParsed = parseUnits(amount, decimals).toBigInt(); const fee = BigInt(0); // for now, this won't do anything, we may add later console.log("program:", SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS); console.log("bridge:", SOL_BRIDGE_ADDRESS); console.log("payer:", payerAddress); console.log("from:", fromAddress); console.log("token:", mintAddress); console.log("nonce:", nonce); console.log("amount:", amountParsed); console.log("fee:", fee); console.log("target:", targetAddressStr, targetAddress); console.log("chain:", targetChain); const bridge = await import("bridge"); const feeAccount = await bridge.fee_collector_address(SOL_BRIDGE_ADDRESS); const bridgeStatePK = new PublicKey( bridge.state_address(SOL_BRIDGE_ADDRESS) ); const connection = new Connection(SOLANA_HOST, "confirmed"); const bridgeStateAccountInfo = await connection.getAccountInfo( bridgeStatePK ); if (bridgeStateAccountInfo?.data === undefined) { throw new Error("bridge state not found"); } const bridgeState = bridge.parse_state( new Uint8Array(bridgeStateAccountInfo?.data) ); const transferIx = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: new PublicKey(payerAddress), toPubkey: new PublicKey(feeAccount), lamports: bridgeState.config.fee, }); // TODO: pass in connection // Add transfer instruction to transaction const { transfer_native_ix, approval_authority_address } = await import( "token-bridge" ); const approvalIx = Token.createApproveInstruction( TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, new PublicKey(fromAddress), new PublicKey(approval_authority_address(SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS)), new PublicKey(payerAddress), [], Number(amountParsed) ); const ix = ixFromRust( transfer_native_ix( SOL_TOKEN_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, SOL_BRIDGE_ADDRESS, payerAddress, fromAddress, mintAddress, nonce, amountParsed, fee, targetAddress, targetChain ) ); console.log(ix); const transaction = new Transaction().add(transferIx, approvalIx, ix); const { blockhash } = await connection.getRecentBlockhash(); transaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash; transaction.feePayer = new PublicKey(payerAddress); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm const signed = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction); console.log("SIGNED", signed); const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signed.serialize()); console.log("SENT", txid); await connection.confirmTransaction(txid); console.log("CONFIRMED"); })(); } const transferFrom = { [CHAIN_ID_ETH]: transferFromEth, [CHAIN_ID_SOLANA]: transferFromSolana, }; export default transferFrom;