## Initializing BigTable instance Once you've created a BigTable instance and a Service Account key, these Go scripts can create the table and column families to save event data. Pass your BigTable connection info via args: - the Google Cloud projectID - BigTable instance name - the path to a GCP Service Account with appropriate permissions Invoke the script with the DB config options and `-setupDB` to create the table and column families, if they do not already exist. If they do already exists when the script runs, it will do nothing. ```bash go run . \ -project your-GCP-projectID \ -instance your-BigTable-instance-name \ -keyFilePath ./service-account-key.json \ -setupDB ``` ## Querying BigTable Lookup a row by the `EmitterChain:TxID`: ```bash go run . \ -project wormhole-315720 \ -instance wormhole-dev \ -keyFilePath ./bigtable-admin.json \ -queryRowKey ethereum:0xf15fe0e6dedef169a25696c577bfddf3d35707210ac641108646d7cfe507f174 ``` Lookup all rows with a timestamp >= `queryPreviousMinutes` ago: ```bash go run . \ -project wormhole-315720 \ -instance wormhole-dev \ -keyFilePath ./bigtable-admin.json \ -queryPreviousMinutes 120 ```